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Recommended Medical Textbooks

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Presentation on theme: "Recommended Medical Textbooks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommended Medical Textbooks

2 Table of Contents Anatomy Biochemistry Cell Biology
Clinical Examination Embryology Genetics Histology Immunology Internal Medicine Microbiology Pathology Pharmacology Physiology Surgery Series Textbooks

3 Anatomy

4 Gray’s Anatomy, 39E By Susan Standring, PhD, DSc
自1857年第一版面世以来,百科全书般的“格式解剖学”已经成为最具知名度和最权威的解剖学著作。 特点: 新颖的编排结构——基于身体部分而非器官系统 根据全球最新的研究进展更新了所有内容 近2000幅插图,其中半数以上为全彩色,包括表面解剖、影像解剖和显微解剖等 提供网上全文搜索、实时更新和作者交互的e-dition 20世纪著名英国医学历史学家Poynter 曾形容此书“开始是一本书,现在是一个学院” ISBN GBP 11/2004 1600 pages, 1912 ills Churchill-Livingstone

5 Gray’s Anatomy for Students - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Richard Drake, PhD, Wayne Vogl, PhD and Adam Mitchell, MBBS, FRCS, FRCR 格式解剖学家族的新成员,专门为解剖学课程定制,在学习基础知识的同时各侧重于临床实例 特点: 超过1000幅原创插图和新颖的编排体系便于学生理解和记忆 提供众多联系实际的临床实例 独特的Student Consult访问——提供了丰富的在线课程、全文检索、插图下载、习题交互和自测题库等内容 “易于理解,术语和图表的清晰使用是所有学生梦寐以求的……一部绝好的解剖学教材”——Edinburgh Medics ISBN USD 68.95 10/2004 1150 pages Churchill-Livingstone

6 Atlas of Human Anatomy and Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy Package, 3E
By Frank H. Netter, MD 著名的解剖学图谱——以其精美的手绘图而著称 特点: 鲜明的手绘图便于学习和理解 本书的所有术语均与国际解剖学术语一致 附有交互式学习CD——并提供所有的965幅电子图片 25个相关的实例 250个基于实例的,USMLE(美国执业医师考试)风格的习题 ISBN USD 99.95 2003 640 pages W. B. Saunders

7 Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy
By Kenneth Moses, MD, John C. Banks, PhD, Pedro B. Nava, PhD and Darrell Petersen 为适合当今解剖学发展趋势,专门为医科学生编写 特点 紧凑的章节安排,循序渐进的学习过程 解剖学理论和临床实践相结合 超大尺寸的图片,包括虚拟现实的三维图象和照片 详尽的资料和素材——EVOLVE上提供了所有的图片和标注、解剖的动画演示以及习题库 ISBN GBP 39.99 5/2005 524 pages, 1710 ills Mosby

8 Less clinically relevant
Atlas Text Clinically relevant

9 Back List Abrahams/ McMinns Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, 5E Weir/ Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, 3E Gosling/ Human Anatomy, 4E Logan/ McMinn's Color Atlas of Foot and Ankle Anatomy, 3E Morton, Peterson & Albertine/ Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy Nolte/ The Human Brain, 5E: An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy X Solomon/ Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 2E Thibodeau & Patton/ Anatomy & Physiology, 5E

10 Biochemistry

11 Medical Biochemistry, 2E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By John Baynes, MS, PhD and Marek Dominiczak, MB, PhD, MRCPath 这是生化方面知名教材的最新版。本书精炼简明,在上一版的基础上,经过全方面的修订,体现了最新的遗传学和分子生物学进展,有效地将基础知识和临床医学结合起来。 特点: 基础与实践相结合 按照器官组织内容,而非身体系统 全彩设计,结合病例 除以上主要作者外还有22位撰稿专家 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 36.99 10/2004 712 pages, 1058 ills Mosby

12 Clinical Chemistry, 5E By William J. Marshall, MA, MSc, PhD, MB, BS, FRCPath and Stephen K. Bangert, MA, MSc, MB, BChir, MRCPath 这是极其成功的生化教材的最新版,探究了生物化学的临床应用。本书系统地解释了在受疾病侵袭时身体的化学变化;在不同的临床条件下选择何种实验室检测,以及如何说明效果等 特点: 提供了超过100个真实病例以论证本书内容的临床应用 超过100幅彩色的线条图用以阐明重要的原理 提供自测试题 ISBN GBP 28.99 4/2004 432 pages, 100 ills Mosby

13 Principles of Medical Biochemistry, 2E with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Gerhard Meisenberg, PhD and William H. Simmons, PhD 特点: 本书简明扼要,内容全面,覆盖了现在较热门的血浆蛋白和脂蛋白、分子癌变、实验室诊断性试验以及分子遗传学应用等 包括了临床方面的实例,在书的最后提供一整章的实例学习以阐明生化的实际应用 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 56.95(T) 12/2005 800 pages, 900 ills Mosby

14 Back List Brownie & Kernohan/ Master Medicine: Medical Biochemistry, 2E: A core text with self-assessment Campbell, Smith & Peters/ Biochemistry Illustrated, 5E: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Post-Genomic Era Gaw/ Clinical Biochemistry, 3E: An Illustrated Color Text Pelley & Goljan/ Rapid Review Biochemistry Rang, Dale, Ritter & Moore/ Pharmacology, 5E: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Whikehart/ Biochemistry of the Eye, 2E Blaustein, Kao & Matteson/ Cellular Physiology: Mosby's Physiology Monograph Series

15 Cell Biology

16 Cell Biology, Updated Edition - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Thomas D. Pollard, MD and William C. Earnshaw, PhD, FRSE 这部编排缜密的教材已在北美地区赢得广泛赞誉,它给学习概念抽象的细胞生物学提供了现代而全面的独特方法。 特点: 高度集中于特定的高分子相互作用而造成的细胞结构、功能的变化 以进化论的观点阐述了不同有机体的分子和细胞结构的变化和发展 包括了贯穿整个疾病发展期间所导致的分子变化的临床实例 全彩设计,要点分明 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 78.95 8/2004 768 pages W. B. Saunders

17 Back List X Carlson/ Human Embryology and Developmental Biology Updated Edition, 3E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access x Stipanuk/ Biochemical, Physiological & Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition, 2E Blaustein, Kao & Matteson/ Cellular Physiology: Mosby's Physiology Monograph Series Hemmings & Hopkins/ Foundations of Anesthesia, 2E: Basic Sciences for Clinical Practice Rosenberg etc./ The Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurologic and Psychiatric Disease, 3E

18 Clinical Examination

19 Macleod's Clinical Examination, 11E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Graham Douglas, BSc(Hons), MB, ChB, FRCPE, Fiona Nicol, MB, BS, FRCGP, FRCPE and Colin Robertson, BA(Hons), MB, ChB, FRCPE, FRCS(Ed) 临床检查是医科学生必不可少的一门课程,这本经典的临床检查教材教您如何成为一名合格的医生 特点: 详细阐述了如何理解患者症状,进行系统检查并向患者表述检验结论 针对每个体系引入总结图表 全彩设计 作为Davidson‘s Principles & Practice of Medicine 的姊妹篇,对其作了很好的补充 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 27.99 4/2005 424 pages, 663 ills Churchill-Livingstone

20 Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, History and Examination, Updated Edition, 4E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access By Mark H. Swartz, MD, FACP 这本充满人文主义关怀的教材的新版反映了身体检查的最新标准 特点: 处处体现出病人是遭受疾病困扰的人而不仅仅只是疾病表现的载体 所有章节都经过全新修订,包括200多幅新的照片和图表 附带的CD-Rom提供了所有的(包括男性和女性)身体检查的视频示范 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 79.95 4/2005 826 pages W. B. Saunders

21 Positioning overview grid
Comprehensive Inexpensive Basic expensive Gray: Intro to Symptoms and Signs of clin Med…(Arnold) An Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Clinical Medicine' has been conceived as the medical companion to Browse's hugely successful 'Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease'. Like Browse, it concentrates on the fundamental techniques of history taking and examination, restricting itself to common conditions likely to be seen in everyday practice. The changes in undergraduate curricula in the UK and overseas medical schools have opened up a niche for a 'hands-on' clinical skills book which takes a symptom-oriented approach. This book, with its emphasis on core topics and common conditions will be an invaluable resource for all medical students. Written in an accessible and concise style, 'An Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Clinical Medicine' includes practical 'stop and think' boxes for the reader. These include revision panels, practical points and symptom checklists. Red 'warning flags' are used to indicate critical situations.. Softcover Bates The newest edition of this superb book is much prettier! Lots of colour both photographic and diagramatic. The fact that it is an American book, makes no difference if you are a UK student and there is sufficient A&P in each section (just in case you haven't read up on it much lately!)to allow you to work without another tome by your side. The notes, in red, in the margin provide either further differential diagnoses or refer you to other areas in the book. Although I rarely work with children the sections on assessment, examination techniques and basic childhood problems is superb. Set out with an initial overview of history taking and a general over view of the patient I found that this both added to my skills as well as helping define the pattern I used in history taking and how I could refine it - I found that worth a straight 'read through'. The other areas I have found excellent to dip in and out of and the written directions for examination are so well written that carrying out examinations in new areas of practice is much easier. Backed with a good evidence base and obviously refined and improved since the last edition it really is a must for any independent practitioner or those working towards nurse practitioner

22 Back List Ford, Hennessey & Japp/ Introduction to Clinical Examination, 8E Talley & O'Connor/ Pocket Clinical Examination, 2E Thomas/ Preparation and Revision for the MRCS and AFRCS Examination, 2E: Or how to pass the exam Jarvis/ Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 4E Gordon/ Crash Course (US): History and Examination: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Hanson & Neuhauser/ The Complete History and Physical Exam Guide Epstein, Perkin, Cookson & de Bono/ Clinical Examination, 3E Epstein/ Medicine for Examinations, 4E

23 Embryology

24 Human Embryology and Developmental Biology Updated 3E,with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Bruce M. Carlson, MD, PhD 本书全面、清晰地阐述了人类胚胎从概念形成到出生的完整发展过程 特点: 使用经典的形态学的方法,细致阐述了在细胞和分子控制条件下的胚胎发展 对于学生来说,此书界面友好,易于学习 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN X USD 64.95 12/2004 512 pages Mosby

25 Back List 0443065837 Larsen/ Human Embryology, 3E
X Moore & Persaud/ Before We Are Born, 6E : Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects Moore & Persaud/ The Developing Human, 7E : Clinically Oriented Embryology Mitchell & Sharma/ Embryology: An Illustrated Colour Text

26 Genetics

27 Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics, 12E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Peter Turnpenny, MD and Sian Ellard, MD 这本备受欢迎的经典医学遗传学教材以其精炼的文笔和“与时俱进”的优点已使这个图书品牌持续了35年。本书特点是遗传学的科学基础和临床应用并重。 特点: 在一些快速变化的领域如分子遗传学、DNA技术和基因道德规范等,新版保证了内容与其保持同步 清晰简练的文字将全面的、面向临床的主题呈现出来 以高质量的图片描述了一系列基于遗传的罕见疾病 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 24.99 12/2004 416 pages, 370 ills Churchill-Livingstone

28 Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, Revised Reprint, 6E
By Robert L. Nussbaum, MD, Roderick R. McInnes, MD, PhD, FRS(C) and Huntington F. Willard, PhD 35年来,Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine 是广为学生喜爱的遗传学教材,这是其第6版的修订版 特点: 继续保留这一品牌的优点:易学易懂 内容包括基因缺陷发展的新消息、综合疾病的遗传学、癌的遗传学、遗传的分子和生物化学基础和人类基因组计划等 全新的29个常见遗传疾病临床实例(彩色图片)便于学生学习和理解如何将遗传学基础和临床疾病紧密结合起来 ISBN USD 51.95 4/2004 540 pages, 291 ills W. B. Saunders

29 Medical Genetics, Updated Edition, 3E with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Lynn B. Jorde, PhD 这是两年一更新的遗传学教材的新版,提供了遗传学发展的最新信息 特点: 详细阐述了药物基因、基因技术的社会意义、人类基因组计划、克隆、基因增益、胚胎干细胞研究、新的癌抑制基因、致癌基因等内容 内容覆盖伦理、法律和社会问题,以及对重要遗传疾病的临床解释 易学易用 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN X USD 54.95 12/2004 384 pages, 230 ills Mosby

30 Back List Rimoin, Conner, Pyeritz, Korf & Emery/ Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, 4E: 3-Volume Set

31 Histology

32 Human Histology, 3E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Alan Stevens, MBBS, FRCPath and James S. Lowe, BMedSci, BMBS, DM, FRCPath 三版以来,这本教材已经被医学院校广泛接受并保持其内容精炼、界面友好、版式美观的优点 特点: 易学易懂 融合了分子生物学和组织学的最新研究成果 超过800幅清晰的图片便于学习和认识各种细微结构 集实验室、临床和高水平的科学素材为一体 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 62.95 11/2004 464 pages, 864 ills Mosby

33 Back List Stevens, Lowe & Young/ Wheater's Basic Histopathology, 4E: A Color Atlas and Text Young & Heath/ Wheater's Functional Histology, 4E: A Text and Colour Atlas Kierszenbaum/ Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology Gartner & Hiatt/ Color Textbook of Histology, 2E

34 Immunology

35 Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Updated Edition, 5E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Abul K. Abbas, MD, MBBS and Andrew H. Lichtman, MD, PhD 深受好评的免疫学教材的最新修订版,继续其时新的、简明的、直截了当的学习方法 特点: 着重阐述了人类疾病的免疫学规律 超过360幅彩色插图着重于重要的过程和概念,使得分子概念得以立体地显现出来 在淋巴器官组织、先天免疫机制、表面抗原细胞和T细胞活化等方面增加了大量新内容 编排方式要点分明 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 67.95 2/2005 562 pages W. B. Saunders

36 Basic Immunology, Updated Edition, 2E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Abul K. Abbas, MD, MBBS and Andrew H. Lichtman, MD, PhD 这本大众教材的第二版着重于介绍基础概念和学生应掌握的人体免疫学原理 特点: 浅显易懂,突出对原理的学习和强化记忆 附有全面的术语表 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 54.95 11/2004 336 pages W. B. Saunders

37 Immunology for Medical Students, Updated Edition - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Roderick Nairn, PhD and Matthew Helbert, MBChB, MRCP, MRCPath, PhD 这本新教材在免疫学基础原理和临床应用找到了一个独特的平衡点,着重于介绍医科学生需要的知识 特点: 浅显易懂 临床部分包括了真实病症以提高学生学习的兴趣,而实验室细节则被压缩到只在帮助学生理解复杂概念时出现 在免疫学交互的主要组成方面:重要分子、特定的免疫响应和补充特殊响应中的先天响应规则和对细菌的免疫等提供了极好的总结 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 23.99 11/2004 344 pages Mosby

38 Back List Edgar/ Master Medicine: Immunology: A core text with self-assessment Gershwin & Naguwa/ Allergy and Immunology Secrets, 2E: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Male/ Immunology, 4E: An Illustrated Outline Rosenthal & Tan/ Rapid Review Microbiology and Immunology Zane/ Immunology: Theoretical and Practical Concepts in Laboratory Medicine Roitt, Brostoff & Male/ Immunology, 6E

39 Internal Medicine

40 Clinical Medicine, 6E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Parveen Kumar, CBE, BSc, MD, FRCP, FRCP (Edin) and Michael Clark, MD, FRCP 内科领域内全面而权威的著作,已被全世界范围内的学生和医生所接受。它集中于阐述对于疾病的管理,基于对科学原理的理解和最新治疗手段的学习 特点: 内容全面,编排美观合理 主要面向准备通过专业考试的医科学生和医生,同时也是实习医生的案头参考 购买者可同时获得22版Cecil Textbook of Medicine的网上内容一年访问权限 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 41.99 10/2005 1528 pages, 703 ills. W. B. Saunders (UK)

41 Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 6E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Thomas E. Andreoli, MD, MACP, Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD, Charles C. J. Carpenter, MD, MACP and Robert C. Griggs, MD 作为世界公认的最好的内科学著作之一的《希氏内科学》的学生版,在超过20年的时间里,它已经赢得了广泛的信赖和尊重 特点: 着重于作为基础的有效诊断和治疗 浓缩了希氏内科学的核心内容 从最新的遗传学和免疫学进展到治疗方法的革新,读者可获得最前沿的概念和技术 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 62.95 12/2003 1216 pages, 460 ills. W. B. Saunders

42 Cecil Review of General Internal Medicine, 8E
By J. Allen D Cooper, Jr., MD and Peter G. Pappas, MD 自第一版以来,本书已帮助一届又一届的人得到了内科医师证书 特点: 面向考试和进修 超过1300道习题——全为内科学领域的权威带头人提供——覆盖了内科领域的方方面面 每题附有详细的解答和原理 ISBN USD 62.95 6/2004 264 pages W. B. Saunders

43 Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 19E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Christopher Haslett, BSc (Hons), FRCPE, FRCP, Edwin R Chilvers, BMedSci, BMBS, PhD, FRCPE, Nicholas A Boon, MA, MD, FRCPE, Nicki Colledge and John A Hunter, OBE, BA, MD, FRCPE 这本世界知名的、最畅销的内科学教材对临床内科的学习提供了合理并容易理解的实践方法。19版的出恰逢其诞生50周年 特点: 自本书初版诞生起,它就是一代又一代医科学生参加考试的必备书 同时也是极有价值的实习医生参考图书 增加了强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 39.99 11/2002 1216 pages, 460 ills. Churchill Livingstone

44 Positioning overview grid
Comprehensive Inexpensive Basic expensive Andreoli – each section starts with description of physiology and bioch of system or field to be discussed followed by comprehensive accounts of the disease of the organ sys or field in question

45 Back List Goldman & Ausiello/ Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 22E: 2-Volume Set Runge & Greganti/ Netter's Internal Medicine with CD-ROM Zollo/ Medical Secrets, 4E: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Paauw, Migeon & Burkholder/ Internal Medicine Clerkship Guide, 2E O'Neill, Dornan & Denning/ Master Medicine: Medicine, 2E: A core text with self-assessment Heffner & Sahn/ Internal Medicine Pearls, 2E

46 Microbiology

47 Medical Microbiology, 5E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Patrick R. Murray, PhD, Michael A. Pfaller, MD and Ken S. Rosenthal, PhD ASM (American Society of Microbiology)称这本Dr. Murray的畅销教材是“医学微生物学中最美观和最生动的图书” 特点: 内容精炼、简洁、权威 清晰地讨论了在人体中微生物致病原因 专业地覆盖以下内容:基本原理、免疫响应、实验室诊断、细菌学、病毒学、真菌学和寄生虫学等 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 69.95 10/2005 976 pages, 599 ills Mosby

48 Medical Microbiology, Updated Edition, 3E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
Mims, Dockrell, Goering, Roitt, Wakelin & Zuckerman 这本全球范围的畅销教材的最新修订版立足于临床微生物学前沿 特点: 以基于系统的方法重点阐述了受微生物影响所造成人体各部位的疾病 超过250幅图表清晰地阐述了复杂难懂的概念,并以众多临床照片论证了这些概念的临床表现 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 64.95 12/2004 648 pages. Mosby

49 Back List Greenwood, Slack & Peutherer/ Medical Microbiology, 16E: A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogensis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control Timbury, McCartney, Thakker & Ward/ Notes on Medical Microbiology Rosenthal & Tan/ Rapid Review Microbiology and Immunology Wilson/ Clinical Microbiology, 8E: An Introduction for Healthcare Professionals

50 Pathology

51 Robbins Basic Pathology Updated Edition, 7E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Vinay Kumar, MBBS, MD, FRCPath, Ramzi S. Cotran, MD and Stanley L. Robbins, MD 全球著名的人体病理学教材之一 特点: 准确和实时地覆盖了人体病理学的各核心内容 面向临床病理,强调了在医疗实践中分子病理学的影响 整合了临床和解剖病理学,并对一些特殊病症的实验室诊断作了深入探讨 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 76.95 12/2004 650 pages W. B. Saunders

52 General and Systematic Pathology, 4E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By James C.E. Underwood, MD, FRCPath 深受好评的教材——专门为医科和相关专业学生编写 特点: 以对普通病理学原理和疾病机制的总结入手,展开对相应器官系统的病理实体的深入讨论 接近700幅彩色图片 新版的大幅修订体现了现今细胞与分子病理学的巨大发展 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 41.99 7/2004 856 pages, 1024 ills Churchill-Livingstone

53 Netter's Illustrated Human Pathology
By Maximilian L. Buja, MD and Gerhard R. F. Krueger 这本书帮助学生们认清结构与功能的关系和人类疾病的病理学基础。 特点: 通过对疾病的功能表现和临床表现、以及其底层的原因和机制的相关解剖学变化,使各种常见疾病的产生可以清晰并简洁地体现出来 经典的超过380幅“Netter”插图(精致的手绘彩图)和超过450个图表 包含以12个器官区分的章节 本书是对病理学教材的更为全面的补充 ISBN USD 49.95 10/2005 556 pages W. B. Saunders

54 Back List Klatt & Kumar/ Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 2E Reid & Roberts/ Pathology Illustrated, 6E Fishback/ Crash Course (US): Pathology: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Damjanov/ Pathology Secrets, 2E: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Bass & Carr/ Master Medicine: Pathology, 2E: A core text of basic pathological process with self-assessment Bass, Burroughs & Way/ Master Medicine: Systematic Pathology: A clinically-orientated core text with self assessment

55 Pharmacology

56 Brody‘s Human Pharmacology, 4E - Molecular to Clinical with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Kenneth P. Minneman, PhD, Lynn Wecker, PhD 本书对药理学的各重要方面的内容进行了归纳和总结。主要集中于重要的概念、治疗学进展和可利用的药物等 特点: 强调了药物的实际应用 众多的参考图片、问题和解答,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握药理学的核心内容 本书还是重要的临床参考资源 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 68.95 7/2005 1032 pages, 450 ills Mosby

57 Integrated Pharmacology, Updated Edition, 4E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Clive Page, MD; Michael Curtis, PhD; Michael Walker, PhD; and Brian Hoffman, MD,CM 本书对药理学提出了独特的见解——药物在身体的各个层面的作用 特点: 清晰地分别阐述了在分子、细胞、组织和器官各层次的药物作用原理和方式 通过针对各种不同疾病使用的各种药物对身体各器官系统的影响,药理学的潜在原理被揭示出来 彩图的使用便于概念的理解和掌握 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP39.99 11/2004 688 pages Mosby

58 Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Derek G. Waller, BSc, DM, MBBS, FRCP, Andrew G. Renwick, OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc and Keith Hillier, BSc, PhD, DSc 本书内容覆盖了药理学的方方面面,从基础理论和病理生理学,到临床药理学和治疗方法 特点: 整合了基础病理学、临床病理学和治疗方法,并回顾了各主要疾病的病理生理学 实例学习和多样的问题/解答 图标列举了几乎所有的常见药 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP38.99 7/2005 788 pages, 74 ills W. B. Saunders

59 Pharmacology, 5E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By H P Rang, MB, BS, MA, Dphil, FRS, Maureen M Dale, MB, BCh, PhD, James M Ritter, BM, BCh, MA, Dphil, FRCP and Philip Moore 全球范围内深受好评的畅销教材,以其对在分子和细胞层面上的药物作用机制及相关的全面的药理学影响和临床应用的重点阐述广被接受 特点: 讨论了药物作用机制对生理和生化过程的影响 不仅研究药物的作用,还研究其如何作用,特别是在分子和细胞的层面 界面友好,要点分明 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP41.99 3/2003 816 pages Churchill-Livingstone

60 Back List Edmunds/ Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 5E Asperheim Favaro/ Introduction to Pharmacology, 10E Raffa, Rawls & Beyzarov/ Netter's Illustrated Pharmacology Kee, Hayes & McCuistion/ Pharmacology, 5E: A Nursing Process Approach Winstanley & Walley/ Master Medicine: Medical Pharmacology, 2E: A clinical core text for integrated curricula with self assessment

61 Physiology

62 Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Arthur C. Guyton, MD and John E. Hall, PhD 生理学经典教材的最新版,本书不仅覆盖了人体的所有主要系统,同时还强调了各系统间相互作用、自我平衡和病理生理学等内容 特点: 延续本书的优秀传统——简单易学 提供众多的临床插图,便于读者将概念和实际联系起来,同时便于理解和掌握 提供了对临床医学各个部分的病理生理学探讨 重点突出的全彩版式设计 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 99.00 7/2005 1104 pages, 1099 ills W. B. Saunders

63 Physiology, Updated Edition, 5E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Robert M. Berne, MD, Matthew N. Levy, MD, Bruce M. Koeppen, MD, PhD, and Bruce A. Stanton, PhD 市场上最好的生理学教材之一。本书全面、权威、更新及时,以对其主题的直接的科学的探讨而知名。 特点: 深受尊重的作者用基于器官系统的方式清晰地阐述了所有控制和管理身体功能的控制机制 最新版增加并强调了分子生物学和遗传疾病等方面内容 为反映最新的医学教育现状,神经系统部分被全新组织改写 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 93.95 11/2004 1024 pages, 550 ills Mosby

64 Medical Physiology, Updated Edition - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Walter F. Boron, MD, PhD and Emile L. Boulpaep, MD 专门为现代医科学生编写的教材,内容全面而权威 特点: 由该领域内顶尖专家编写 基于分子和细胞学研究进展 全彩设计,超过800幅的图片 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 99.00 10/2004 1344 pages W. B. Saunders

65 Physiology, Updated Edition, 2E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Linda S. Costanzo, PhD 这本教材着重于介绍在器官系统和分子层面的生理学重要概念 特点: 本书详细阐述了细胞生理学的潜在原理、自主神经系统、神经生理学和呼吸、循环等各器官系统等方面内容 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN USD 44.95 9/2004 464 pages W. B. Saunders

66 Higher Level Complete Coverage Concise Coverage Lower Level
Boron Berne: Physiology Berne: P of Physiology Ganong Guyton Rhoades Complete Coverage Concise Coverage Fox Costanzo Lower Level

67 Back List 072168307X Hall/ Guyton and Hall Physiology Review
Hall/ Guyton and Hall Pocket Companion to Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11E Damjanov/ Pathology Secrets, 2E: with STUDENT CONSULT Access McGeown/ Master Medicine: Physiology, 2E: A core text of human physiology with self-assessment

68 Surgery

69 Clinical Surgery, 2E - with STUDENT CONSULT Access
By Michael M. Henry, MB, FRCS and Jeremy N. Thompson, MA, MB, MChir, FRCS 这本全面而吸引人的外科教材不仅面向医科学生,同时也适用于实习医生和外科技师 特点: 内容几乎涵盖了所有关于外科方面的内容 可以被认为是Kumar & Clark: Clinical Medicine的“外科伴侣”,用于补足其外科方面的内容 专家作者队伍来自所有的英国医学院校 强大的Student Consult支持 ISBN GBP 39.99 12/2004 824 pages, 580 ills W. B. Saunders

70 Back List Becker/ Essentials of Surgery: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Burkitt & Quick/ Essential Surgery, 3E: Problems, Diagnosis and Management Garden, Bradbury & Forsythe/ Principles and Practice of Surgery, 4E Adamas-Rappaport/ Crash Course (US): Surgery: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Harken & Moore/ Abernathy's Surgical Secrets, Updated Edition, 5E: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Lavelle-Jones/ Master Medicine: Surgery 1, 2E: Self-assessed core text covering urology, general, cardiothoracic, vascular , plastic and neurosurgery X Dent/ Master Medicine: Surgery 2, 2E: A core text with self-assessment covering orthopaedics, ear, nose andthroat surgery and ophthalmology

71 Series Textbooks

72 Crash Course (New edition) – A Mosby Series
简明扼要,内容覆盖适中 双色设计,便于理解掌握 Student Consult 支持

73 Secret – A Mosby Series 精炼简明,独特的“100个首要秘诀” 同时也是“口袋”版的速查参考图书
Student Consult 支持

74 Master Medicine – A Churchill Livingstone Series
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75 Illustrated Colour Text – A Churchill Livingstone Series
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