霍国庆教授 (中国科学院研究生院管理学院)

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Presentation on theme: "霍国庆教授 (中国科学院研究生院管理学院)"— Presentation transcript:

1 霍国庆教授 (中国科学院研究生院管理学院) leohuo@gscas.ac.cn
第三章 机会、威胁与外部环境分析 霍国庆教授 (中国科学院研究生院管理学院)

2 第三章 外部环境分析与战略定位 宏观外部环境分析 行业环境分析 战略集团

3 3.1 外部环境及其分析步骤 外部环境分析的重点是识别和评价超出企业控制能力的外部发展趋势与事件及其对企业的影响。

4 3.1 外部环境及其分析步骤 宏观环境 行业环境 战略集团 企业 企业外部环境的三个层面

5 The External Environment
Socio-cultural General Industry Environment Threat of new entrants Power of suppliers Power of buyers Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry General Demographic Economic Global Competitor Environment Political/Legal Environment Environment Technological General

6 External Environmental Analysis
Analysis of general environment Analysis of industry environment Analysis of competitor environment The External Environment The External Environment Strategic Intent Strategic Mission

7 External Environmental Analysis
A continuous process which includes Scanning: Identifying early signals of environmental changes and trends Monitoring: Detecting meaning through ongoing observations of environmental changes and trends Forecasting: Developing projections of anticipated outcomes based on monitored changes and trends Assessing: Determining the timing and importance of environmental changes and trends for firms’ strategies and their management

8 3.2.1 宏观外部环境分析框架 PEST分析 Political Economic Social Technological

9 企业宏观环境分析 PEST分析 (1). 哪些环境因素正在影响企业 (2). 当前哪些因素的影响最重要?未来几年呢? 政治的/法律的 经济的
政治的/法律的 经济的 垄断法律;环境保护法;税法; 经济周期;GNP趋势;利率; 对外贸易规定;劳动法; 货币供给;通货膨胀;失业率; 政府稳定性可支配收入; 能源适用性;成本 社会文化的 技术的 人口统计;收入分配;社会稳 政府对研究的投入;政府和行业 定;生活方式的变化;对工作、 对技术的重视;新技术的发明和 休闲的态度;教育水平;消费 进展;技术传播的速度;折旧和 报废的速度

10 3.2.1 宏观外部环境分析框架 Environment General General Environment Environment
Socio-cultural General General Demographic Economic Global Political/Legal Environment Environment Technological General

11 3.2.2 宏观外部环境要素分析 Sociocultural segment Women in the workplace
Workforce diversity Attitudes about quality of worklife Concerns about environment Shifts in work and career preferences Shifts in product and service preferences

12 3.2.2 宏观外部环境要素分析 Economic segment Inflation rates Interest rates
Trade deficits or surpluses Budget deficits or surpluses Personal savings rate Business savings rates Gross domestic product

13 3.2.2 宏观外部环境要素分析 Political/Legal Segment Antitrust laws Taxation laws
Deregulation philosophies Labor training laws Educational philosophies and policies

14 3.2.2 宏观外部环境要素分析 Technological Segment Product innovations
Applications of knowledge Focus of private and government-supported R&D expenditures New communication technologies

15 3.2.2 宏观外部环境要素分析 Demographic Segment Population size Age structure
Geographic distribution Ethnic mix Income distribution

16 3.2.2 宏观外部环境要素分析 Global Segment Important political events
Critical global markets Newly industrialize countries Different cultural and institutional attributes

17 3.2.3 全球化环境 全球化 驱动力 全球 战略 市场融合 相似的客户需求 全球客户 市场营销转移 贸易政策 技术标准 东道国政府的政策
规模经济 采购效率 国别成本 政府影响 成本优势 相互依存 全球竞争对手 高额进口/出口 全球竞争

18 3.2.3 全球化环境 外部环境因素在全球化过程中出现整合趋势。主要表现在:

19 3.2.3 全球化环境 全球经营的成本优势首先来自于规模经济,其次来自于在全球范围内的集中采购,再次来自于国别比较优势(如劳动力成本等)。
政府行为和政策也有助于推动全球化。贸易政策鼓励国家间的自由贸易,技术标准的统一有利于全球化合作,东道国政策则在一定程度上决定着外资的投向。 全球竞争加剧。企业在不同国家的业务的相互依赖性,竞争对手在全球范围内调配资源并展开竞争,外包引发的巨额进出口,都加剧了全球范围的竞争。

20 3.3 行业环境分析 3.3.1 行业及行业生命周期 3.3.2 波特五力模型 3.3.3 战略集团

21 3.3.1 行业及行业生命周期 行业泛指由于产品类似而相互竞争以满足同类顾客需要的一组企业。行业是许多同类企业的总和。
狭义的行业是指生产同类产品的一组企业;广义的行业是指生产能够相互替代的产品的一组企业。 行业的概念也可以通过“部门”一词延伸到公共服务领域,如社会服务、医疗保健或教育部门等都可以看作是行业。 一个企业是否具有长期发展潜力,首先同它所处的行业的性质有关,而分析行业性质的一个常用方法就是识别其处于行业生命周期的哪个阶段。

22 3.3.1 行业及行业生命周期 行业生命周期 需 求 Embryonic 导入期 Growth 成长期 Shakeout 动荡期
Mature 成熟期 Decline 衰退期 时 间 行业生命周期

23 3.3.1 行业及行业生命周期 时期 特 征 顾客不熟悉行业的产品;由于无法实现规模生产,产品价格高昂;分销渠道不完善;关键的技术知识是主要的进入障碍;竞争主要集中在培育顾客、建立分销渠道和完善产品设计等方面 首次消费顾客大量增加;顾客开始熟悉产品;由于经验曲线效应和规模生产,价格下降很快;分销渠道已建立起来;技术知识不再是一种主要的进入壁垒;新的进入者大量涌入,来自潜在竞争者的威胁很大;是唯一供不应求的时期 增长速度开始减缓;需求接近饱和;首次消费顾客所剩无几;顾客的选择性增加;竞争日趋激烈;生产能力过剩;价格战一触即发。

24 3.3.1 行业及行业生命周期 时期 特 征 市场完全饱和;市场增长趋缓或停滞;顾客以重复购买为主;价格持续下降;企业极力避免价格战;企业开始追求效率最大化、成本最小化和品牌忠诚度;获取市场份额极为困难;部分企业开始考虑撤出行业 退 顾客使用率下降;技术替代品开始出现;社会需求和人口结构发生变化;国际竞争加剧;现存企业之间的竞争加剧;生产能力大幅过剩;价格战硝烟再起;退出壁垒缓解或加剧竞争;一些竞争者开始退出行业

25 3.3.2 波特五力模型 Threat of new entrants Power of suppliers Power of buyers
Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry

26 3.3.2 波特五力模型 Identify current and potential competitors and determine which firms serve them. Conduct competitive analysis. Recognize that suppliers and buyers can become competitors. Recognize that producers of potential substitutes may become competitors.

27 3.3.2 波特五力模型 Five Forces of Competition Rivalry Among Competing Firms
Threat of New Entrants Threat of Substitute Products Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining Power of Buyers

28 Threat of New Entrants Barriers to entry Economies of scale
Product differentiation Capital requirements Switching costs Access to distribution channels Cost disadvantages independent of scale Government policy Expected retaliation

29 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
A supplier group is powerful when: it is dominated by a few large companies satisfactory substitute products are not available to industry firms industry firms are not a significant customer for the supplier group suppliers’ goods are critical to buyers’ marketplace success effectiveness of suppliers’ products has created high switching costs suppliers are a credible threat to integrate forward into the buyers’ industry

30 Bargaining Power of Buyers
Buyers (customers) are powerful when: they purchase a large portion of an industry’s total output the sales of the product being purchased account for a significant portion of the seller’s annual revenues they could easily switch to another product the industry’s products are undifferentiated or standardized, and buyers pose a credible threat if they were to integrate backward into the seller’s industry They can get access to more information

31 Threat of Substitute Products
Product substitutes are strong threat when: customers face few switching costs substitute product’s price is lower substitute product’s quality and performance capabilities are equal to or greater than those of the competing product

32 Intensity of Rivalry Intensity of rivalry is stronger when competitors: are numerous or equally balanced experience slow industry growth have high fixed costs or high storage costs lack differentiation or low switching costs experience high strategic stakes have high exit barriers

33 High Exit Barriers Common exit barriers include:
specialized assets (assets with values linked to a particular business or location) fixed costs of exit such as labor agreements strategic interrelationships (relationships of mutual dependence between one business and other parts of a company’s operation, such as shared facilities and access to financial markets) emotional barriers (career concerns, loyalty to employees, etc.) government and social restrictions

34 3.3.2 波特五力模型 与波特五力模型相关的问题: 竞争环境中起关键作用的因素是什么? 决定竞争要素的宏观环境因素有哪些?
这些要素会发生变化吗?如何发生变化? 特定竞争对手如何受这些要素影响? 管理者能够对影响事业部的竞争要素施加什么影响?能否建立进入壁垒?能否提高供应商或顾客的影响力?能否找到战胜竞争对手的方法? 一些行业是否比其它行业更具吸引力?

35 3.3.3 战略集团 Strategic group: a group of firms in an industry following the same or similar strategy along the same strategic dimensions. --Hitt 战略集团是一个行业内部具有相似的战略特点、遵循类似发展战略或者在相似基础上进行竞争的一组企业。 --Scholes

36 3.3.3 战略集团 用以识别战略集团的特征 · 产品或服务多样化程度 · 地理覆盖范围 · 服务的细分市场数量 · 使用的分销渠道数量
· 建立的品牌优势 · 营销措施 · 纵向整合的程度 · 产品或服务的质量 · 技术领先程度 · 组织规模 · 与政府、金融机构等势 力集团的关系

37 3.3.3 战略集团 战略集团概念有助于理解以下问题:
对任何一个特定的组织而言,谁是最直接的竞争对手?在每个战略集团内部,竞争最有可能在什么基础上展开?各个战略集团之间在竞争基础上有什么区别? 特定组织从一个战略集团转到另一个战略集团的可能性有多大?不同战略集团之间的流动性大小取决于集团间相互进入壁垒的高低。 识别组织潜在的机会与威胁。

38 Strategic Groups in the Pharmaceutical industry in USA
high Proprietary Group · Merck · Pfizer · Eli Lilly Price Charged Generic Group · Forest Labs · Carter Wallace · ICN low low high R&D Spending

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