Think Tank Cooperates to Promote the Realization of the Post-2015 SDGs

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1 Think Tank Cooperates to Promote the Realization of the Post-2015 SDGs
加强智库合作,促进实现后2015可持续发展目标 Think Tank Cooperates to Promote the Realization of the Post-2015 SDGs 夏光 环保部政研中心 主任,研究员 2015年11月11日 Dr. Xia Guang Director General, Senior Research Fellow Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy,MEP Nov. 11, 2015

2 提纲 Contents 1 2 3 4 引言 Background 国际可持续发展目标与中国生态文明建设目标
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Goals of China’s Ecological Civilization 2 智库合作促进实现国际可持续发展目标 Enhance the Cooperation between Think Tanks to Promote the Realization of SDGs 3 4 对中外环境与发展智库合作的期待 Expectations of Sino-International Think Tank Cooperation on Environment and Development

3 1.引言 Background 2015年后发展议程已在2015年9月举行的联合国发展峰会上讨论并通过,其重要内 容之一是制定一套后2015可持续发展目标 The United Nations held a Summit during its 70th General Assembly this September to review the progress of the MDGs and adopt the Post Development Agenda, the most important content of this Agenda is a set of SDGs. 可持续发展目标包含17个领域的目标清单,具体指标达数百项 A draft of SDGs with 17 goals and 169 indicators has been proposed by the Open Working Group last year. 可持续发展目标的重点在于实施,智库由于其专业特点将起到重要作用 The most important task is to implement the SDGs in the future, think tanks will play a very important role during this process.

4 2.国际可持续发展目标与中国生态文明建设目标
SDGs and Goals of China’s Ecological Civilization 可持续发展的目标领域覆盖了经济、社会和环境的各个方面,突出了对增进多数人特别是 弱势群体福祉的关注,强调了发展方式的可持续性 SDGs covers the aspects of economic, social and environment, highlights the welfare concerns on the human beings especially on vulnerable groups, and emphasize the development of sustainability. Table 1. Open Working Group proposal for Sustainable Development Goals GOAL 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere GOAL 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture GOAL 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages GOAL 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all GOAL 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls GOAL 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all GOAL 7 Ensure access to aordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all GOAL 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all GOAL 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation GOAL 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries GOAL 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable GOAL 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns GOAL 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts GOAL 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development GOAL 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably, manage forests GOAL 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice GOAL 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

5 2.国际可持续发展目标与中国生态文明建设目标
SDGs and Goals of China’s Ecological Civilization 中国政府积极推进生态文明建设,提出了中远期生态文明建设目标 Chinese Government is dedicated to promote sustainable development and ecological civilization, and proposed mid-long term goals of ecological civilization construction. 经济社会发展领域 Economic and social development 资源能源领域 Resources and energy 生态环境保护领域 Environmental protection 体制改革领域 Reform of the ecological civilization system

6 经济社会发展领域 Goals of Economic and Social Development
到2020年 By 2020: 国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,基本实现工业化 GDP and per capita income for urban and rural populations will be doubled compared with 2010, and industrialization will be realized. 城镇人口的比重较大幅度提高,社会保障体系比较健全,家庭财产普遍增加, 人民过上更加富足的生活 The overall urbanization rate will reach 60%, the overall improvement in people’s living standards and shrinkage of the income gap, the achievement of 100% coverage in social insurance and basic medical care service. 形成比较完善的现代国民教育体系、科技和文化创新体系、全民健身和医疗 卫生体系,人民享有接受良好教育的机会 The modernization of education, that is, public education and innovative human resources nurturing will be significantly improved, to make China a strong country in terms of human resource capacity

7 资源能源领域 Goals of Resources and Energy
到2020年 By 2020: 单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度比2005年下降40%-45% CO2 intensity of per unit of GDP will be decreased by 40%-45% compared to 2005 用水总量力争控制在6700亿立方米以内 The total amount of water consumption no more than 670 billion m3 万元工业增加值用水量降低到65立方米以下 Water consumption per Industrial added value will be reduced to 65 m3 农田灌溉水有效利用系数提高到0.55以上 Effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water will be increased to 0.55 非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%左右 Consumption of Non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption will be increased to around 15%

8 生态环境保护领域 Goals of Environmental Protection
到2020年 By 2020: 大气环境质量、重点流域和近岸海域水环境质量得到改善 Quality of air, key watersheds and coastal waters will be improved 重要江河湖泊水功能区水质达标率提高到80%以上 Water quality compliance rate of the water function areas of major rivers and lakes will be increased to above 80% 森林覆盖率达到23%以上,草原综合植被覆盖度达到56% The forest coverage and grassland vegetation coverage rates will reach to 23% and 56% respectively 湿地面积不低于8亿亩,50%以上可治理沙化土地得到治理 Wetland area not less than 8 million hectares, more than 50% of the desertified land will be treated 生物多样性丧失速度得到基本控制,全国生态系统稳定性明显增强 Biodiversity loss will be under control, and ecosystem stability will be significantly increased

9 体制改革领域 Goals of Reform of the Ecological Civilization System
到2020年 By 2020: 基本形成源头预防、过程控制、损害赔偿、责任追究的生态文明制度体系, 自然资源资产产权和用途管制、生态保护红线、生态保护补偿、生态环境保 护管理体制等关键制度建设取得决定性成果 A “source prevention, process control, damage compensation and accountability” system of ecological civilization will be formed. Critical outcomes in reform in major areas are to be achieved, such as natural resource assets property and use control, ecological red-line, ecological compensation, environment protection and management administrative system. etc..

10 2.国际可持续发展目标与中国生态文明建设目标
SDGs and Goals of China’s Ecological Civilization 中国生态文明建设目标与国际可持续发展目标都注重发展目标与环境目标的平衡 性和融合性 Ecological civilization and SDGs both emphasize the balance and integration of development and environmental targets. 生态文明建设把经济社会的绿色转型作为实现生态环境目标的途径,更加重视政 治发展和制度建设对可持续发展的作用 Ecological civilization takes green transition of economy and society as the approach to achieve environmental goals, and pays more attention on the role of political development and institutional construction for sustainable development. 生态文明是可持续发展的中国化和升级版,“五位一体”(经济、政治、文化、 社会、生态文明建设共同推进)是对“三大支柱”(经济、社会、环境)的发展 Ecological civilization is the Chinese and updated vision of sustainable development, the “five-in-one” layout (comprehensive promotion of economic, political, culture, social and ecological construction) is the development of the “three pillars” (economy, society and environment) in China.

11 3.加强智库合作,促进实现国际可持续发展目标
Enhance the Cooperation between Think Tanks to Realize SDGs 中国生态文明建设目标与国际可持续发展目标都注重发展目标与环境目标的平衡 性和融合性 Ecological civilization and SDGs both emphasize the balance and integration of development and environmental targets. 对实施可持续发展的路径进行清晰的设计 Design a clear path of implementing SDGs. 交流各国可持续发展的模式和经验 Exchange different sustainable development patterns and experience among countries. 对全球可持续发展进程进行跟踪评价 Track and evaluate the progress of global sustainable development. 加快国际可持续发展磋商谈判进程 Accelerate the international negotiation and consultation process of sustainable development.

12 4.对中外环境与发展智库合作的期待 Expectations of Sino-International Think Tank Cooperation on Environment and Development 如何评估可持续发展目标的实现程度?智库如何帮助发展中国家提高可持续发展 评估能力? How to assess the progress of SDGs? How the think tanks to help developing countries improving the capacity for sustainable development assessment?

13 4.对中外环境与发展智库合作的期待 Expectations of Sino-International Think Tank Cooperation on Environment and Development 中国在建设生态文明中怎样吸取发达国家发展历程中的经验教训?通过向国外转 移产能来减轻环境压力是必然的选择吗? How China to learn the lessons and experience from developed countries during the process of constructing ecological civilization? Is it a inevitable choice that to transfer productive capacity abroad for reducing domestic environmental pressure? 中国环境治理体系应如何改革?怎样提高中国环境与发展领域智库的能力? How to reform China’s environmental governance system? How to improve the capacity of Chinese think tanks in the field of environment and development?

14 Thank You ! Xia Guang, Director General
Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy Ministry of Environmental Protection No1 Yuhuinan Road, Chaoyang District Beijing P.R.China

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