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2014暑期夏令營 課程規劃 1.

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Presentation on theme: "2014暑期夏令營 課程規劃 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014暑期夏令營 課程規劃 1

2 2014暑期行事曆

3 2014 暑假行事曆 七月 八月 6/30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9/1 休業式 暑假開始 開學

4 2014 Live暑期美語夏令營

5 2014 世界美食 美語夏令營(1-6年級) 戶外活動 Outing Day Morning Exercise 早餐時間 舒活筋骨
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. 07:30 09:00 Morning Exercise 早餐時間 舒活筋骨 10:30 【閱讀理解】 Reading 戶外活動 Outing 【體適能運動】 冰上滑冰/水中游泳 Sport 10:40 12:10 【英文美食八達通】 Food around the world 【英文美食八達通】 Food around the world 14:00 用餐&小憩 Lunch Time 14:10 15:40 【數學知識八達通】 Math 【DIY立體禮物書】 Art 【國語文作文】 Writing 16:00 享用點心 補充能量 Snack Time 17:30 小一【ㄅㄆㄇ正音】 小二~六【暑假作業】 小二~六【學科預複習】 5

6 夏令營課程介紹

7 Food around the world 英文美食八達通

8 Germany Japan U.S.A Thailand France Mexico Italy Taiwan

9 Books Level CTL B1-6 CTL B7-12 Beginner Advanced Only $250
■ How to define different levels? Books Level CTL B1-6 CTL B7-12 Beginner Advanced Only $250 ■ What are the teaching components? ◆ Teaching PPTs (Beginner and Advanced Levels) ◆ Worksheets (Beginner and Advanced Levels) ◆ Sample lesson plan

10 get to know the country and the culture
■ 8 weeks schedule ( 3 times/week hours/ time ) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 France get to know the country and the culture eat at the country cooking time (easy recipe for kids) Germany Italy U.S.A Mexico Japan Thailand Taiwan Class Country

11 The United States of America

12 Name Activity Class 1 -- Warm Up
Tips: Students must arrange themselves in a line in alphabetical order from A-Z based on their names. They are not allowed to say their own name and can only say another student’s name. They cannot say any other words.

13 America Landmark Statue of Liberty Popular sports MLB NBA NFL Holidays
Halloween Thanksgiving President Obama Language English Capital Washington D.C. Famous cities New York Population ~ Currency USD

14 Worksheet ■ Can you tell which picture is the Statue of Liberty? A B C. ■ What do you think is the landmark of Taiwan? A. C. B.

15 Worksheet ■ Let’s learn the US dollars 5 cents
(penny) 5 cents (nickel) 10 cents (dime) 25 cents (quarter) 10 dollars 100 dollars ■ Look at the menu and answer the following questions. How much is combo 5 in NTD? _____________________________________ 2. How much is combo 8 ? (Show the teacher)

16 Worksheet ■ Do you know what do NFL, NBA, and MLB mean?
Match the names and famous players to the correct pictures NFL NBA MLB

17 Nursery rhymes, folk songs, national songs
■ Beginner: The Muffin Man The Itsy Bitsy Spider Old MacDonald Had a Farm ■ Advanced -- Love story -- Just the way you are

18 Old MacDonald! Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O. With a chick, chick here, And a chick, chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, Everywhere a chick, chick,

19 Love Story We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns See you make your way through the crowd And say hello, little did I know That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles And my daddy said, 'Stay away from Juliet!' And I was crying on the staircase Begging you please don't go And I said, 'Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story, baby, just say yes’ So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keeping quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while 'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter And my daddy said, 'Stay away from Juliet!' But you were everything to me I was begging you please don't go And I said, 'Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story, baby, just say yes 19

20 Class 2 -- Famous and Popular Foods!
Cheeseburgers, Steak, Potatoes, Bacon, Pancakes, Potato Chips, Hot Dogs S’mores

21 Vocabulary Snacks, treats Sandwiches Condiments Burgers and fries

22 Vocabulary B.L.T. – bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich
Salt and pepper Ketchup and mustard mayo – mayonnaise Sauerkraut Hot sauce Skewer S’mores – graham cracker, roasted marshmallow, chocolate

23 Let’s Learn (Beginner)
A: What is this? B: This is a s’more. Do you want one? A: Yes, I do. What is a s’more? B: A s’ more is a small snack. It has graham crackers, roasted marshmallows, and chocolate. A: What is a roasted marshmallow? B: A roasted marshmallow is a cooked marshmallow. It is hot and spicy. A: Oh, I see. How does a s’more taste? B: It tastes sweet and delicious. Try one!

24 Let’s Learn (Advanced)
A: What are these? B: These are s’mores! Do you want one? A: Sure, but I don’t know what s’mores are. I’ve never eaten them before. What’s in them? B: They’re like small and sweet little treats. They have two graham crackers as the bread and a roasted marshmallow with a piece of chocolate inside. A: They sound delicious, but what’s a roasted marshmallow? B: It’s a marshmallow cooked over a fire. The outside is crispy and the inside is melted A: Won’t the marshmallow burn? B: Sometimes it does, but you can blow out the fire. It doesn’t taste weird. It gets really gooey, too! A: Oh, I see. When do people usually eat these? B: They eat s’mores when they go camping. It’s fun to roast the marshmallows over a campfire and it’s easy to have all the ingredients available. A: That sounds like a lot of fun! Let’s go camping this weekend. Bring these s’mores too! B: Alright! Can’t wait!

25 Worksheet (Beginner) Information gap: Dialogue A A: What is this?
A: Yes, I do. What is a s’more? A: What is a roasted marshmallow? A: How does a s’more taste? A: Thank you!

26 Worksheet (Beginner) Information gap: Dialogue B
B: This is a s’more. Do you want one? B: A s’more is a small snack. It has graham crackers, roasted marshmallows, and chocolate. B: A roasted marshmallow is a cooked marshmallow. It is hot and spicy. A : _____________________________________________________________ B: It tastes sweet and delicious. Try one!

27 Worksheet (Advanced) Read the following paragraph and match the food with the appropriate activity or location. Americans like eating food and doing things. In the US, most people think of a food and a place or activity together. For example, at baseball games in America, people often eat hot dogs. They like having different condiments on their hot dogs while watching a game. Barbecues are famous for having all kinds hamburgers and cheeseburgers. When people go to the movie theater to watch movies, there is always popcorn available. At the dinner table, Americans like to have steak and other vegetables, too. Finally, while out camping, people from the US like eating quick and easy desserts like s’mores. These are only a few things that Americans love to eat and do!

28 popcorn hot dogs s’mores steak cheeseburger

29 Class 3 -- S’mores! Ingredients: Necessary utensils: Marshmallows
Bar chocolate Graham crackers Necessary utensils: skewers open flame napkins/paper towels

30 Steps to make S’mores! Instructions:
1. Break graham crackers and chocolate into appropriate shape and size 2. Place marshmallows on skewer 3. Use skewer to hold marshmallow over open flame 4. Rotate until marshmallow is browning on all sides or until desired crispiness 5. Place chocolate piece on one side of a graham cracker 6. Put roasted marshmallow on top of chocolate 7. Use other graham cracker side to go on top of marshmallow 8. Squeeze sandwich together and pull skewer out

31 Lemonade Ingredients: * Instructions: -- ½ cup sugar
-- 1 cup fresh lemon juice * Instructions: -- In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and ½ water. -- Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is dissolved; let cool. -- In a pitcher, combine the syrup with the lemon juice and 2½ to 3 cups water. -- Serve with ice.

32 2014點讀海報 功能介紹 遊戲入口 點讀入口 背景故事 遊戲結束 錄音功能鍵 32

33 生命教育閱讀課程 低年級 《105狗力銀行》主題書是延伸自動物星球頻道「與狗共舞」影片中,狗是人類最忠實的朋友,其中還有幫助我們人類生活的工作犬,牠們在許多生命現場,創造生命的希望與契機,服務著需要幫助的人,救助著面臨困難的人。這些狗兒們樂在其中的貢獻牠們的天賦,這堂課讓我們帶著孩子透過工作犬無私奉獻的精神,與擬人化的精采故事,一起體會與認識生命教育的內涵。 低年級 生態教育閱讀課程 從人類的活動和發展來認識為何今日的地球暖化現象與人類世界息息相關,其中,對各種能源的運用與選擇更是關鍵。環境和生物之間彼 此環環相扣,當環境出現問題時,居於其中的生物也會遭受影響。當溫度上升,病源體會擴散,全體人類健康將面臨考驗;更有甚者,眾多因素影響著全球糧食作物 的供應,持續的暖化現象將使這個考驗更為嚴苛。 中年級 適合年齡: 國小低年級~中年級 此課程提供: (1)課程規劃表24堂 (2)教案 (3)學習單 (4)師訓 33 33

34 105狗力銀行.12堂課課程規劃表 8.大愛與小愛 1.認識工作犬 9.閱讀理解課 2.關懷與無私奉獻 10.服務學習 3.閱讀理解課
34 105狗力銀行.12堂課課程規劃表 8.大愛與小愛 9.閱讀理解課 10.服務學習 11.愛心大放送 12.閱讀理解課 1.認識工作犬 2.關懷與無私奉獻 3.閱讀理解課 4.信任善解人意 5.鼓勵自我與他人 6.閱讀理解課 7.認識火災

35 丁丁學蓋屋.12堂課課程規劃表 1.尋找動物的家 2.認識動物住的地方 3.閱讀理解課 4.讀、說《小河狸學蓋屋》的故事
35 丁丁學蓋屋.12堂課課程規劃表 1.尋找動物的家 2.認識動物住的地方 3.閱讀理解課 4.讀、說《小河狸學蓋屋》的故事 5.認識《廢物利用的建築》 6.閱讀理解課 7.認識《安全又舒適的建築材料》 8.認識《動物有趣的建築方法》 9.閱讀理解課 10.認識《動物建築高手的建築優點》 11.認識並建構自己的《幸福家園》 12.閱讀理解課

36 面對暖化的人類世界.24堂課課程規劃表 1.全球暖化下的生物圈 2.超級比一比 3.搶救地球小勇士 4.碳足跡是甚麼? 5.碳足跡統計
36 面對暖化的人類世界.24堂課課程規劃表 1.全球暖化下的生物圈 2.超級比一比 3.搶救地球小勇士 4.碳足跡是甚麼? 5.碳足跡統計 6.減少碳足跡 7.農業與環境 8.杯盤中發現全世界 9.雨林調查追追追 10.糧食的危機 11.你的食物會旅行 12.你的食物會旅行 13.世界遺產的危機 14.地球資源撿紅點 15.人類中心主義撿紅點 16.能源的運用 17.「假如沒有人類」戲劇活動 18.「假如沒有人類」戲劇活動 19.水資源之戰 20.你敢喝野外的水嗎? 21.省水大作戰 22.面對全球暖化 23.認識碳酸 24.海水為什麼變酸 36

37 37 購買十套即贈教學使用同意書 37

38 閱讀理解課程 適合年齡: 國小高年級~國中 此課程提供: 1.學生本 2.教師手冊 3.師訓 38 38

39 閱讀理解 24堂課程規劃表 39 課程內容 教學目標 第1堂 形成性評量:PISA 了解學生起點能力 閱讀理解介紹
介紹PISA、閱讀歷程、理解層次、PISA題型 第2堂 閱讀評量:〈熬夜讀書〉 練習連續文本 第3堂 閱讀評量:〈熊行者〉 練習非連續文本 第4堂 閱讀評量:〈上課請踴躍發言〉 第5堂 閱讀評量:〈馬丁.尼莫拉〉 第6堂 閱讀評量:〈不要建在我家後院〉 第7堂 閱讀評量:〈沉默的細胞〉 第8堂 閱讀評量:〈聊齋誌異之選讀〉 第9堂 閱讀評量:〈生物大滅絕〉 第10堂 閱讀評量:〈臺灣漫畫家〉 第11堂 閱讀評量:〈捷運〉 第12堂 閱讀評量:〈我們的國家最幸福——北韓〉 39

40 閱讀理解 24堂課程規劃表 40 第13堂 閱讀評量:〈廢除死刑〉 練習連續文本 第14堂 閱讀評量:〈鳥巢〉、〈你相信星座嗎?〉 第15堂
閱讀評量:〈展覽〉 練習非連續文本 第16堂 閱讀評量:〈食常要小心〉 練習連續文本+圖表 第17堂 閱讀評量:〈智慧型手機進入校園〉 第18堂 閱讀評量:〈橄欖油〉 第19堂 閱讀評量:〈名偵探福爾摩斯〉 第20堂 閱讀評量:〈銅葉綠素〉 第21堂 閱讀評量:〈平溪天燈節〉 第22堂 閱讀評量:〈糧食的深思〉 第23堂 閱讀評量:〈基因改造作物之利弊〉 第24堂 閱讀評量:〈劇本——仲夏夜之夢〉 40

41 北區 中區 南區 動物星球(銳迅)閱讀課程 師訓時間 閱讀理解課程 師訓時間 13:30~16:30 區域 師訓時間 師訓日期
動物星球(銳迅)閱讀課程 師訓時間 區域 師訓時間 師訓日期 北區 閱讀理解師訓課程 (參加人員需購買一套教材以方便操作) 103年5月13日(二) 09:00~12:00 中區 103年5月18日(日) 13:30~16:30 南區 103年6月08日(日) 09:00~12:00 閱讀理解課程 師訓時間 13:30~16:30 103年5月18日(日) 103年5月04日(日) 103年5月25日(日) 41 41

42 體適能運動 冰上滑冰 水中游泳 ●在實體冰上學習溜冰,讓初學者不再拒怕在冰上滑冰,讓 已學會溜冰者,學會花式、變化式的溜冰方法。
●在游泳池中學習游泳,從踢水、水母漂開始練習,進而學 會蛙式、自由式,目的性的利用暑假學會游泳這門課。

43 數學知識八達通 一本循序漸進由淺入深導入的數學觀念教材,讓學習者可以清楚明瞭數學的觀念及起源,並集結所有數學課程中的重點精華涵蓋其中。
即使讀到孩子還沒有學習過的內容,也可以如同讀故事書一般,深深地被數學故事及意涵所吸引。 本書除數學重點觀念外,還有附加延伸觀念,把所有相關單元融合一起,讓學習者充份體會到學習數學的樂趣。 出版社:和平國際文化

44 DIY立體禮物書 《我的第一本DIY立體禮物書》是一本適合大小朋友設計的手工立體書入門
「動手做做看」讓孩子輕鬆學會六個最基本的立體書技巧。「動手寫寫看」引導孩子寫出六個溫馨的小祝福,帶你展開想像力的翅膀,創作獨一無二的立體書。 老師帶著小朋友一起做,不會畫畫也能完成美美的立體書,或是對手作有興趣卻不敢嘗試的小朋友,只要準備好剪刀和白膠,都可以輕鬆上手,完全排除挫折,輕鬆完成一本可愛童趣的立體手工書。 出版社:親子天下

45 國語文作文 大家都知道:寫日記是練習作文最好的方法;問題是,小朋友寫日記並不如成人想像中那麼容易,因為日記是「隨意作文」;換句話說,就是「自由命題作文」。既然日記跟作文沒有什麼分別,所以指導小朋友寫日記,就是指導小朋友作文。   本書是專為指導小朋友寫日記和作文而編寫的。當小朋友寫日記不知道如何下筆時,不妨先看一看本書中的各類日記寫作指導。   「羅馬不是一天造成的。」同樣道理,熟練的寫作技巧,是靠努力的累積換來的。小朋友想作文進步,必須天天寫好日記,這是永遠不變的道理。 出版社:光田

46 ㄅㄆㄇ正音 開學前先行開跑學習ㄅㄆㄇ,讓孩子在進入校園前提早起跑,才不致開學後不僅要適應學校生活,又要適應安親班生活,導致環境適應不良,而成績一落千丈,因此自信心受挫。 出版社:雨果 出版社:康軒

47 Outing建議

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