英文文法 分詞 現在分詞(Ving) 過去分詞(pp.) * 本章重點: 分詞的種類 分詞構句 分詞的用法1:限定用法 獨立分詞構句

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Presentation on theme: "英文文法 分詞 現在分詞(Ving) 過去分詞(pp.) * 本章重點: 分詞的種類 分詞構句 分詞的用法1:限定用法 獨立分詞構句"— Presentation transcript:

1 英文文法 分詞 現在分詞(Ving) 過去分詞(pp.) * 本章重點: 分詞的種類 分詞構句 分詞的用法1:限定用法 獨立分詞構句
分詞的用法2:補述用法 情緒動詞 分詞構句 獨立分詞構句 保留連接詞之分詞構句 表示附帶狀況的分詞構句 無人稱獨立分詞片語 複合形容詞形成的方式

2 動詞的變形有哪些: To V (不定詞) Ving (動名詞) Ving (現在分詞) pp. (過去分詞) 英文中剛好長一樣

3 動詞為什麼要變分詞: boiling stolen 水正在滾。 The water is . 2. 他車子被偷了。
英文用動詞字尾變化表示「正在…」 水正在滾。 The water is 2. 他車子被偷了。 His car was 3. 這滾燙的水太燙無法喝。 The water is too hot to drink. 4. 他那輛被偷的車子昨天找到了 。 His car was found yesterday. boiling 英文用動詞字尾變化表示「被…」 stolen boiling stolen

4 V 變身成 分詞 是要當:adj.用 中文造形容詞的方法:   在詞尾加「…的」 英文造形容詞的方法:  在單字尾加「-ing」或「-ed」

5 重點1 分詞的種類 p. 119 分詞 現在分詞(Ving) 過去分詞(pp.) 主動、進行 被動、完成 Practice:
1. 別吵醒沉睡中的嬰兒。 Don’t wake up the ________ baby. 2. 媽媽把破瓶子丟掉。   Mom threw away the ______ bottles. sleeping broken

6 重點2 分詞的用法1: 限定用法 p.120 A. 前位修飾: 分詞 + 名詞 B. 後位修飾: 名詞 + 分詞片語
1. 滾石不生苔.(轉業不聚財) A ______ stone gathers no moss. 2. 錯過的機會永不再來. A ____ opportunity never returns 3. 站在門邊的那個人是校長. The man ________ by the door is the principle. 4. 在那個國家說的語言是英語. The language _______ in that country is English. rolling lost standing spoken 6

7 重點3 分詞的用法2: 敘述用法 p.121 A. S + Vi + SC B. S + Vt + O + OC
來、往、坐、站動詞 感官動詞 1. 那小孩站在那裡大聲哭 The kid stood there ______ loudly. 2. 這小孩出去而沒被他父母發覺. The kid went our ________ by his parents. 3. 我覺得我的心臟跳得很快. I felt my heart _______ very fast. 4. 我覺得我的肩膀被人碰了一下. I felt my shoulder _______ by someone. crying unnoticed beating touched 7

8 重點4 情緒動詞的用法 p.122 A.情緒動詞的Ving, 表「令人覺得…的」 B.情緒動詞的pp., 表「感到…的」
常修飾事物 常修飾人 1. 英文對我來說很有趣,但我對數學不感興趣. English is _________ to me, but I am not ________ in math. 2. 這是個無聊的電視節目,他覺得很無聊. This is a _____ TV program, and he feels _____. interesting interested boring bored 8

9 , S + V. 重點5 分詞構句 p.123 Ving 主動 pp. 被動 1. (如果)向右轉,你就會看到那間教堂.
If you turn to the right, you will see the church. = _________________, you will see the church. 2. 從山上看來,台北晚上很美.   As Taipei is seen from the mountain, it looks beautiful at night. = _____________________, Taipei looks beautiful at night. Turning to the right Seen from the mountain 9

10 Knowing the answer to this question, Josh wrote it down quickly.






16 pp. S1+ , S2 + V. 重點6 獨立分詞構句 p.124 Ving S和主要子句S不同 1. 若天氣好的話,我們明早就去游泳.
If it is fine, we will go swimming tomorrow morning. = __________, we will go swimming tomorrow morning. 2. 因為沒有公車,所以我必須走路回家.   Because there was no bus, I had to walk home. = _________________, I had to walk home. . It being fine There being no bus 16

17 , S + V. 重點7 連接詞保留之分詞構句 p.125 Ving pp. 有意義的conj可保留 Conj.
1. 再過馬路時,我與Mary不期而遇. While I was crossing the street, I ran into Mary. = _____________________, I ran into Mary. 2. 如果受到邀請,我會去參加他的生日舞會.   If I am invited, I will go to his birthday party. = ________, I will go to his birthday party. While crossing the street If invited 17

18 Ving pp.. 重點8 表「附帶狀況」的分詞構句 p.126 S + V, 附帶(或接續)狀況 1. Simon唱著歌,走出房間.
Simon went out of the room, and sang a song. = Simon went out of the room, ____________. 2. Sandy揮者手道別.   Sandy said good-bye and waved her hand. = Sandy said good-bye, _______________. 3. 父親雙手交叉地站在門口. Father stood at the door, ______ his arms. = Father stood at the door, his arms ______. singing a song waving her hand folding folded 18

19 S + V. 重點9 無人稱獨立分詞片語 p.128 A. Frankly speaking, (坦白說) 全都當成片語背
Generally speaking, (一般而言) B. Based on + N., (根據…) C. Considering + N., (以…而論) , D. Concerning + N., (關於…) E. Speaking of + N., (說到…) F. Judging from + N., (由…判斷) G. Seeing that S V, (既然…) S + V. 全都當成片語背 19

20 Frankly speaking, the world is full of nice people.




24 1. 坦白說,我不會相信他的話. _______________, I don’t believe his words. 2. 從他的口音判斷,他似乎來自德州. ____________ his accent, he seems to be from Texas. Frankly speaking Judging from

25 重點10 複合形容詞 p.129 A.常用分詞和名詞、形容詞和副詞搭配 B.有主動意味的,用Ving. 有被動意味的,用pp.
N-Ving: N-pp: adj-Ving: adj-pp: adv-Ving: adv-pp: a time-saving device an electricity-powered car a good-looking girl a green-painted wall my fast-growing hair a well-organized paragraph

26 (1) a country that loves peace
(2) a chair which is made by hand = a ___________ chair (3) coffee that tastes bitter = ____________ coffee (4) a wall which is painted green = a ____________ wall (5) a car that moves fast = a ___________ car (6) a room which is decorated beautifully = a ___________________ room N-Ving. peace-loving N-pp. hand-made bitter-tasting adj-Ving. green-painted adj-pp. fast-moving adv-Ving. beautifully-decorated adv-pp.

27 英文文法 總複習講義(陳賢、陳重宇) 第9章 p119~133
現在分詞(Ving) 過去分詞(pp.) 分詞 * 本章重點: 分詞的種類 分詞的用法1:限定用法 分詞的用法2:補述用法 情緒動詞 分詞構句 獨立分詞構句 保留連接詞之分詞構句 表示附帶狀況的分詞構句 無人稱獨立分詞片語 複合形容詞形成的方式 27

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