你的信实广大 Great is thy faithfulness

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Presentation on theme: "你的信实广大 Great is thy faithfulness"— Presentation transcript:

1 你的信实广大 Great is thy faithfulness

2 你的信实广大,我神我天父 Great is thy fiathfulness O God my Father 在你永远没有转动影儿 There is no shadow o f turning with Thee 永不改变,父神每天施怜悯 Thou changest not, Thy compassions they Fail not 无始无终上主,施恩不尽 As thou hast been Thou forever wilt be

3 你的信实广大,你的信实广大 Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy Faithfulness! 清晨复清晨,更经历新恩 Morning by morning, new mercies I see 我所需用你恩手丰富预备 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided 你的信实广大,显在我身 Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me

4 春夏秋冬四季,有栽种收成 Summer and winter, and spring and harvest 日月星辰时刻运转不停 Sun,moon, and stars in their courses above 宇宙万物都见证造物主宰 Join with all nature in manifold witness 述说天父丰盛,信实,慈爱 To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love

5 你的信实广大,你的信实广大 Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy Faithfulness! 清晨复清晨,更经历新恩 Morning by morning, new mercies I see 我所需用你恩手丰富预备 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided 你的信实广大,显在我身 Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me

6 你赦免我罪过,赐永远安宁 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth 你常与我同在,安慰引领 Thy own dear presence to cheer and to Guide 求赐今天力量,明天的盼望 Strength for today and bright hope for Tomorrow 从天降下恩典,福乐无穷 Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside

7 你的信实广大,你的信实广大 Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy Faithfulness! 清晨复清晨,更经历新恩 Morning by morning, new mercies I see 我所需用你恩手丰富预备 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided 你的信实广大,显在我身 Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me

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