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The Internet Changes Everything

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1 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 Oracle Corporation Oracle Confidential

2 The Internet Changes Everything
Oracle 電子商務解決方案藍圖 (Complete Version) January 1999 賣端 Sell side 內部 Inside 買端 Buy side 客戶入口網站Customer Portal 策略性企業管理 SEM 供應商入口網站Supplier Portal Oracle exchange 網際網路 Internet 商業智慧系統BI 電子市集 Marketplace 電子商店 iStore 客戶關係管理 CRM 企業資源規劃 ERP 供應鏈管理 APS 無線傳送 Wireless PTG (Portal To Go) eCommerce gateway 電子統購 IP Oracle Portal Oracle : 整合性/延展性 Others : <> 2 ( 不同產品整合) 善用 Oracle 的完整性 IT資訊系統 solution ,貫穿整個價值鏈 , 創造出 和其他企業的 差異性 生產控制管理 OSFM (MES) 訊息交換 Message exchange Oracle9i/Enterprise Manager Oracle Confidential

3 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 ORACLE ERP 全方位解決方案示意圖 料品管理, 產品結構, 生產製程 ,客戶 ,供應商 固定資產管理 要徑產能 模擬 RCCP 請購作業 採購作業 收料作業 應付帳款 立帳 付款作業 銷售預測 FCST 主需求排程 MDS 主生產排程 MPS 物料需求 計劃 MRP 細部產能 模擬 CRP 成本管理 總 帳 系 統 統一發票 管理 票據管理 生產發料 客戶訂單 生產指示 Discrete Repetitive Flow Project Process 供應鍊管理 最佳化排程 APS 生產入庫 生產控制 製程移轉 應收帳款 立帳 收款作業 出貨作業 彈性企業組織架構 - 彈性管理法則- 管理決策支援BI- 工作流程- 開放界面 Oracle Confidential

4 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 彈性管理規則定義 客戶授信額度定義 業務訂單流程 線上簽核 收料流程 供應商控管 可承諾量ATP定義 ABC分析 倉庫設定 ……….. Oracle Confidential

5 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 彈性訂單流程設計範例 Make to Order Create Work Order Order Your Plant EDI Drop Ship This slide is intended to show the flexibility of Oracle’s Order Cycles. You can set up order cycles to fit your business processes - put in approval steps whereever needed, integrate to Manufacturing for Make to Order, to Purchasing for Vendor Direct Ship, or to Inventory for ship from stock. Similarly you can set up Return Cycles. Create PO Standard Order Create Pick Slip Order Supplier Warehouse Return Create RMA Customers Approve? Fulfillment Oracle Confidential

6 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 依規則為基準的採購範例 Purchase Agreement Create Release Your Enterprise Approved Suppliers Create Approved PO Current Pricing When a requisition is created, if a purchase agreement exists, the requisition may be automatically created into an approved release and sent to the supplier. This communication can be done via EDI, web or fax. If there is no purchase agreement, but there is an approved supplier and approved pricing, then the requisition may be automatically created into an approved purchase order and sent to the supplier. This communication can be done via EDI, web or fax. If there is no purchase agreement, but there is an approved supplier, just no approved pricing, then a request for pricing may be sent to the supplier. The response would be an electronic price/sales catalog which could be loaded through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. If there is no purchase agreement and no approved supplier or pricing, the requisition may be created into a request for quotation. The response would be an electronic quote which could be loaded through the Purchasing Documents Open Interface. Requisition No Pricing Request Pricing No Approved Supplier Create RFQ Oracle Confidential

7 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 全球運籌管理 製造工廠 大陸,泰國,... 配銷中心 美國,日本,.... Planning Planning C U S T O M E R S U P L I E R Order Entry Order Entry Purchasing BOM Purchasing WIP/ SFC Inventory Inventory Receiving Shipping Receiving Shipping AR AR AP GL AP GL GL 總公司 Oracle Confidential

8 The Internet Changes Everything
核准層級 (Complete Version) January 1999 CEO Director Manager Requisitioner Approval workflow : 1. By USER 2. By AMOUNT 3.By Job Oracle Confidential

9 內部公司往來 Intercompany Order Fulfillment (1)
The Internet Changes Everything (Complete Version) January 1999 D US Customer C A. Customer places order to Taipei “Selling Site” A Customer Service Taipei B B. Order is scheduled to ship in China “Shipping Site” Inventory China E C. Products to Customer Financials Taipei D. Selling Site issues invoice to Customer Financials China E. Shipping Site issues I/C Receivable F F. Selling Site issues I/C Payable Taipei Set of Book (NTD) China Set of Book (RMB) Oracle Confidential

10 內部公司往來 Intercompany Order Fulfillment (2) HUB
The Internet Changes Everything 內部公司往來 Intercompany Order Fulfillment (2) HUB (Complete Version) January 1999 I US Customer H A. Customer places order to Taipei A C Customer Service Taiwan B B. Place Internal Requisition Mfg & Inventory China C. Internal Sales Order By system D & E Hub D & E . Products to Hub F. Issue I/C Receivable For Internal Sales Order Financials G G. Issues I/C Payable For Internal Requisition F Financials H. Products to Customer China I. Issue AR for Customer Taiwan Oracle Confidential

11 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 新產品開發量試-量產作業 BOM ITEM BOM ITEM 研發試作 量產製造 API PDM Transfer Define Item 料品定義 (Engineering) Item 料品 (Manufacturing BOM 產品結構 (Manufacturing) Item Control 料品控制 Define BOM 產品結構 (Engineering) Implement Implement ECN(Eng) Define Item 料品管理 Define Routing 生產製程 (Manufacturing) Define Routing 生產製程 (Engineer) ECN(mfg) Oracle Confidential

12 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 訂單答交 - 允交量 Flexible definition of ATP rules (Available to Promise ) ATP Rules Period ATP Cumulative Period ATP Forward Consumption Backward Consumption Backward - Forward Example: ATP calculation Periods F Opening on hand qty Supply Demand Period ATP Cum ATP Oracle Confidential

13 彈性計價公式 (Advanced Pricing)
The Internet Changes Everything (Complete Version) January 1999 彈性計價公式 (Advanced Pricing) INPUT OUTPUT Qualifiers Select Modifiers Final Price Select Price List Attributes PRICING ENGINE Oracle Confidential

14 The Internet Changes Everything
信用額度檢查-訂單輸入 (Complete Version) January 1999 Credit Check Point : Booking Shipping Credit Check Point Enter Booked Entered Pick Release Back Order Released 信用額度包含 : Credit Check Point Ship Confirm 應收帳款餘額 (Open Receivables Balance) 未開發票訂單 (Uninvoiced Order) 現行保留訂單 (Order Currently On Hold) Backordered Confirmed Inventory Receivables And Partial Partial Interfaced Invoiced Complete Oracle Confidential

15 訂單出貨 (Multiple Fulfillment)
The Internet Changes Everything (Complete Version) January 1999 訂單出貨 (Multiple Fulfillment) Vendor Customer Ship to ASN Purchase Order Purchase Order Ship to Invoice Invoice Company <Enter Optional Heading Here> <Enter body text here.> <Enter bullet 1 text here.> <Enter bullet 2 text here.> <Enter Optional Subheading Here> Times New Roman 11pt, manually Bold text 1. Numbered lists are created manually. 2. Type the number, a period, and then [Tab]. . 10. <Enter Class Management Heading Here> Manually change text to blue <Enter the body of the note here.> Manually change text to blue Work Order Manufacturing Plant Oracle Confidential

16 彙總預測(Aggregate Forecasting)
Training Computer Planning Bill 50% 35% 25% Research Computer Workplace Computer Class room Computer Workplace Computer Model Bill 100% Monitor 70% 40% VGA Monitor EGA Monitor 100% 50% 50% 100% VGA-S VGA-X VGA Manual VGA Stand

17 生產排程與物料需求計劃 客戶訂單 SO Consumed 銷售預測 FCST 需求計劃比較表 Comparison 資源表 Bill of
resource 主需求計劃 MDS MDS Relief 訂單出貨確認Order Ship Confirmed 瓶頸產能規劃 RCPP 主生產排程 MPS MPS Relief 主生產排程比較表 Comparison 需求模擬 Simulation 詳細產能計劃 CRP 物料需求計劃 MRP 需求建議與例外表 Execption 半成品 / 成品 工單 Job order 原料 途程 Routing 淨變式物料需求計劃 Net Change MRP 核准廠商名錄 請購單 PR 採購分配規則 採購單 PO

18 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 Oracle 请购至付款 - 基本资料管理 集成商业智慧 Spend Analysis Procurement Productivity Supplier Performance 供应商协同合作 Portal Messaging: XML / EDI Orders Changes Ship Notices Invoices EFT/Check Statement 供应商 Banks 核准厂商 名录 合约/ 电子目录 Sourcing 询价 (RFQ) 招标 (Auction) 报价(Quotes) 竞标 (Bids) 请购单 收货 付款 Demand 基本资料管理 供应商管理 料品管理 员工主档 核准厂商名录 /采购分配规则 签核 签核管理 Self Service Design & Engineering Maintenance Requests Planning & Scheduling Oracle Confidential

19 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 生產發料控管 Miscellaneous Issue 雜項發料 Floor Stock Account 在製科目 Vendor 供應商 Raw & Subassembly Inventory 原料倉 半成品倉 Vendor 外包商代購料 Bulk Work In Process 生產線 Jobs 工單 Finished Goods Inventory 成品倉 完工入庫 Schedules 排程 Push Issue 工單領料 (批量品) Operation Pull 作業回溯扣帳 Assembly Pull 工單回溯扣帳 Floor Stock Inventory 生產線邊倉 Backflush Replenish 庫存補充 Oracle Confidential

20 缺料警示- Material Shortage Message
The Internet Changes Everything 缺料警示- Material Shortage Message (Complete Version) January 1999 缺料警示 ! 收料入待驗暫存區庫 待驗暫存區 採購單收料 直接收料 生產線 缺料工單 結合Workflow可提供下列通知方式 : - 螢幕即時顯現 - 查看工作通知 - 電子郵件傳遞 - 傳呼器 Here is an example of one of the many material shortage message business process flows: Material is received on the receiving dock Receiver starts the PO receipt Receiver is alerted that there is a shortage for this item Receiver views that there is a shortage in WIP for the item Receiver receives PO line into RIP sub, instead of the usual stock locator in Stores Inventory This example assumes direct delivery of purchase order lines Oracle Confidential

21 外包管理(Outside processing)
將半成品及原料 送到外包加工廠商 半成品回廠檢驗 或單據回廠過帳 外包加工商 Ship Assemblies Receive Assemblies 外包驗收 採購單 收料作業 由請購單 轉採購單 實物流程 系統流程 圖示說明 請購單 半成品自動移轉到 作業30 Queue 系統自動產生 已核准請購單 作業10 開工及備料 作業20 (外包) 鑄造/壓鑄/翻砂 作業30 (外包) 機械加工 作業50 組合 半成品由10站移轉到 作業20 Queue

22 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 全面品管系統整合 自定的各階段品質檢驗計劃 供應商 生產 出貨 客戶 Purchasing Receipts Returns Adjustments WIP / Inventory Moves Resource charges Material transactions Completion transactions Order Entry Shipments (final inspection) Order Entry RMA's Receive returns The most effective quality management system is one where the people in each of these functional areas are empowered to define the critical quality data to collect, to take responsibility for collecting this information and to get meaningful information back out of the system in order to track their progress towards their quality goals. Oracle Quality lets you control when and where to collect data in your supply chain. You can collect quality information independently or in association with other Oracle applications. This graphic illustrates the key integration between Oracle Quality and Purchasing, Work in Process, Order Entry and Inventory. Oracle Quality integrates data collection activities in each of these products, letting you enter quality results as you transact. By making quality data collection a part of your standard workflow, you can distribute quality assurance responsibilities throughout your enterprise. You can also independently enter collection results for any quality collection plan. Your company benefits from more efficient quality data collection since it is collected once - in a single system and at the point of the actual transaction. Integrated Enterprise Wide Quality Data Repository Oracle Confidential

23 即時的品質分析圖表 品質分析報表 支援批號及序號Test/Failure分析 帕列托分析圖表 (80/20分析)
依部門別, 產品別, 工程別, 廠商別, . . . 趨勢圖 控制圖提供品質資料轉出功能

24 即時的品質分析圖表-轉出資料 PC Statistical Analysis 即時轉出資料到外部如 EXCEL

25 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 成本結構 (Subelements) Cost elements Material Material overhead Resource Resource overhead OSP Plastics Receipt Direct labor Benefits OSP Cost sub elements Metal Issue Quality Maint. All other Move Equip. deprec. Subelements For each cost element, define as many subelements as necessary to satisfy your business needs. Subelements are a smaller classification of the cost elements. Decide how to analyze and track costs and to what detail. For the five cost elements, you may have an unlimited number of subelements. Multiple subelements give you greater item cost visibility and flexibility. Define an unlimited number of cost subelements. The system supports an unlimited number of user-defined cost subelements to capture costs at a level of granularity that you want. Delineate cost subelements so that you can analyze performance in terms of labor, overhead, material, or other direct costs. Oracle Confidential

26 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 彈性的畫面欄位擴充能力 Flex field Allows you to add any number of fields to any screen Reason Code Tolerance Inspector Acct. Code Failure Analysis Disposition Cross Validation on fields attribute and relationship Maximum number of segments: 30 Powerful descriptive flexfields lets users add their own unique data to Oracle's Applications. Users can add up to 15 unique fields in each screen, so that the application truly reflects the way they do business. Users can even set up their own validation for each field -- all without programming. Maximum width is 25 characters You define each field's name Oracle Confidential

27 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 Work Flow Notify Approver Requisition Approval Process User define the process then can link to the system function Oracle Confidential

28 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 多媒體技術支援 Enabling the Paperless Office Sound O/S Files Documents Images Electronic Mail Video Create a paperless office using integrated multimedia Using our media server technology, Oracle is the first applications vendor to let you place online all business information in any format, including text, spreadsheet, image, audio, and even networked video Use these multimedia attachments to provide purchase order justifications using Excel spreadsheets, train shop floor workers using networked videos, or provide easy reference by keeping scanned invoice images online Graphic: place all business information online in any format, including text, image, audio, and even networked video. For example, keep an engineering drawing and a purchase contract online for easy access. Then route this information with automated workflows 可以由PC上載到系統附上任何的檔案 :文字/圖檔/影像/聲音/URL... Oracle Confidential

29 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 PC 應用軟體整合 Oracle Applications Standard (Fixed Format) Standard (Variable Format) Financial Statements (FSGs) export Request Center import Excel Discoverer Webpage Text Oracle Confidential

30 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 開放的應用系統架構(API) Open Integration Technology Other Vertical Markets Plant Maintenance Field Service Process Manufacturing Logistics Cooperative Applications Providers API API API API API Human Resources Project Control Financials Manufacturing Distribution Oracle Cooperative Applications Cooperative Development Environment Oracle8i Database Networking Gateways Oracle Confidential

31 The Internet Changes Everything
(Complete Version) January 1999 全面整合的開放介面程式作業(35 API) Projected Gross Requirements Projected Supply Order Import Requisition Import Requisition Reschedule Receiving Transactions WIP Move Transactions WIP Resource Transactions WIP Material Transactions WIP Jobs and Schedules Journal Import Budget Upload Lockbox Customers Payable Invoices Tax Rates Receivable Invoices Reconciliation Information Mass Asset Additions Capital Budgets Asset Units of Production Configured Items Inventory Transactions Demand Returned Material (RMA's) On-Hand Balances Engineering Information Manufacturing Calendar Item Cost Manufacturing Cost Reporting Forecasts Master Schedules Master Schedule Relief Forecast Relief Planned Orders Oracle Confidential

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