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聖詩目錄 H002 祢真偉大 How Great Thou Art

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1 聖詩目錄 H002 祢真偉大 How Great Thou Art
H005 這是天父是世界 This Is My Father’s World H007 祢的信實廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness H010 清晨歌 Morning Hymn H014 真神之愛 The Love of God H023 我的牧者 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need H024 耶和華是我的牧者 The Lord Is My Shepherd H034 要告訴耶穌 I Must Tell Jesus H037 我靈鎮靜 Be Still My Soul H046 天父必看顧你 God Will Take Care of You H048 每時每刻 Moment by Moment H050 有福的確據 Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine H051 我主耶穌,我依靠祢 I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus H053 主是我牧者,我必不缺乏 The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want H054 信心使我得勝 Faith Is the Victory

2 聖詩目錄 H057 信靠耶穌 Trusting Jesus H058 我以信心仰望祢 My Faith Looks Up to Thee
H059 靠主耶穌得勝 Victory in Jesus H062 倚靠主永遠膀臂 Learning on the Everlasting Arms H063 昨日,今日,到永遠 Yesterday, Today, Forever H064 信靠耶穌真是甜美 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus H065 主是我的盼望 My Hope Is in the Lord H066 我知誰掌管明天 I know Who Holds Tomorrow H067 在十架 At the Cross H069 堅固磐石 The Solid Rock H070 永久磐石 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me H071 我心得滿足 Satisfied H072 在各各他 At Calvary H073 每一天所渡過的每一刻 Day by Day and With Each Passing Moment H075 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace! How Sweet the sound

3 聖詩目錄 H076 比雪更白 Whiter Than Snow
H079 暴風雨中之避難所 A Shelter in the Time of Storm H080 千古保障 O God, Our Help in Ages Past H081 堅固保障 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God H083 面對面 Face to Face H098 求聖靈降臨 Come Holy Spirit H101 充滿我 Fill Me Now H106 以馬內利來臨 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel H107 萬口歡唱 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing H115 聖誕佳音 The First Noel H117 普世歡騰 Joy to the World! H119 聽啊,天使高聲唱 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing H120 馬槽歌 Away in a Manger H123 是何嬰孩 What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest? H131 榮耀天軍 Angels from the Realms of Glory

4 聖詩目錄 H134 夜半歌聲 It Came upon the Midnight Clear
H135 請聽天使在高唱 Angels We Have Heard On High H136 齊來,宗主信徒 O Come, All Ye Faithful H138 平安夜,聖善夜 Silent Night, Holy Night H139 啊!聖善夜 O Holy Night H146 耶穌,愛我靈的主 Jesus, Lover of My Soul H147 普天下之萬族萬民 All People That on Earth Do Dwell H149 我神,祢是何等奇妙 My God, How Wonderful Thou Art H150 若這不是愛 If That Isn’t Love H151 我要歌頌我救贖主 I will Sing of My Redeemer H155 何等奇妙耶穌聖名 There’s Something About That Name H156 耶穌必做萬國君王 Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun H158 進入我心 Into My Heart H159 祂名稱為奇妙 His Name Is Wonderful H163 救主耶穌罪人良友 Jesus Is the Friend of Sinners

5 聖詩目錄 H164 耶穌,每逢想念祢 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
H167 耶穌,罪人奇妙良友 Jesus! What a friend for Sinners H168 哈利路亞,奇妙救主 “Man of Sorrows.” What a Name! H173 羔羊是配得榮耀 Worthy Is The Lamb H174 我曾捨命為你 I Gave My Life H182 怎能如此 And Can It Be That I should Gain? H183 美哉主耶穌 Fairest Lord Jesus H184 耶穌愛我我知道 Jesus Loves Me, This I know H189 有一活泉充滿寶血 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood H192 寶架清影 Beneath the Cross of Jesus H213 因祂活著 Because He Lives H216 救主降臨 Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending H268 感謝神 Thanks to God for My Redeemer H270 數主恩典 Count Your Blessings H320 禱告良辰 Sweet Hour of Prayer

6 聖詩目錄 H331 祂自己 Himself H333 主耶穌我愛祢 My Jesus, I Love Thee

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