China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC)

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1 China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC)
《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》 标准的实施与政策措施 Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Implementing this Standard and Related Policies 赵 航 Zhao Hang 中国汽车技术研究中心 China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC)

2 主要内容 Major Contents 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》的重要影响 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》的实施措施 乘用车燃料消耗量公示措施
Major Effects of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Implementation Measures Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Notification Measures Tax Policies Automotive Energy Conservation Standard and Regulatory System Optimization 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》的重要影响 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》的实施措施 乘用车燃料消耗量公示措施 税收政策 完善汽车节能标准法规体

3 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准的重要影响 Important Effects of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits
China’s first mandatory national standard receiving extensive attention from all social circles, including the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao’s comments on the State Council Research Office report of “Urgently Implementing the Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Standard”: “This recommendation is very good. Controlling passenger vehicle fuel consumption is an important measure for energy conservation”. 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准是我国针对汽车节能的第一项强制性国家标准,受到国务院领导在内的社会各界的广泛重视,温家宝总理对国务院研究室“应当抓紧实施《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准”的报告批示:“这个建议很好。控制乘用车燃料消耗量是节约能源的一项重要措施”。

4 国家发展和改革委员会马凯主任也批示“工业司、环资司研究确保顺利实施并根据发挥作用的需要补充完善的措施”。
《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准的重要影响 Important Effects of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits 国家发展和改革委员会马凯主任也批示“工业司、环资司研究确保顺利实施并根据发挥作用的需要补充完善的措施”。 目前相关部委正在研究采用国际上普遍使用的“强制性限值标准+财税政策”的做法来控制乘用车产品增长过快带来的能源消耗,建立汽车节能管理的长效机制。 Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ma Kai: “Research carried out by the Department of Industry and the Department of Environment and Resource Integrated Utilization should ensure smooth implementation, and the required supplementary measures should be issued to achieve optimal effects.” Currently, China is using “mandatory limits + financial/tax policies” to control energy consumption resulting passenger vehicle population growth, and establishing a long-term mechanisms for managing automotive energy conservation.

5 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准的实施措施 Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Implementation Measures
《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》基本情况: 采用与国际不同的按整备质量分组的限值方案 美国-公司平均燃料经济性(CAFE )标准 日本-按重量分组,组内加权平均(小CAFE) 欧洲-CO2排放协议 对新认证车(含进口车),第一阶段实施日期为2005年7月1日,第二阶段为2008年1月1日。在生产车/已通过强制性产品认证的进口车型相应推迟1年 Passenger Vehicle Consumption Limits: Adopts a limits scheme grouped according to complete vehicle kerb mass, which is different from international practices U.S.: Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards Japan: Grouping by mass, weighted average within a group (CAFÉ) Europe: CO2 emission protocols Newly-certified cars (including imported ones): first phase goes into effect 1 July 2005 second phase, 1 January 2008 Vehicles already in production and imported car models with mandatory product certification: limits go into effect one year after initial implementation date

6 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准的实施措施 Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Implementation Measures
政府部门 发改委对申报资料进行规范,要求填报市区、市郊和综合燃料消耗量及CO2排放量 从2005年7月1日至2005年12月30日对在生产车和已通过强制性产品认证的进口车型,进行燃料消耗量的全面清理和核实。 生产企业和进口商 对在生产车型和已通过强制性产品认证的进口车型的燃料消耗量数据进行核实和确认并重新申报; 检测机构 依据《轻型车燃料消耗量试验方法》进行检测试验 依据《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》进行符合性判定并出具燃料消耗量试验报告。 Government National Development and Reform Commission regulate the submission of information, including city/district, suburb, total fuel consumption, and CO2 emission data. From 1 July to 30 December 2005, a comprehensive fuel consumption data will be tabulated and verified. Manufacturers and Importers Must verify, confirm, and re-submit vehicle fuel consumption data Testing Organizations Inspect and test vehicles according to the Light Vehicle Fuel Consumption Testing Methods. Make compliance judgments and issue fuel consumption testing reports according to the Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits

7 乘用车产品燃料消耗量数据的公示措施 Public Disclosure of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Data
国家发展和 改革委员会 National Development & Reform Commission 定构 指机 Designated organizations 受理及汇总 申报资料 检测报告 Handle and Summarize Submitted Information Testing Reports 新认证车 Newly-certified cars 在生产车 Cars in production (含进口车) (including imported cars) 已通过强制性产品 认证的进口车型 Imported cars with mandatory product certification

8 乘用车产品燃料消耗量数据的公示措施 Public Disclosure of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Data
Issue list of car models not complying with fuel consumption limits Under the management of the National Development and Reform Commission Applicable to newly-certified cars starting July 2005 (including imported cars) Applicable to cars already under production and imported car models with mandatory product certification starting January 2006 公布不符合限值标准要求的车型 由国家发展和改革委员会作为一种管理措施公布 2005年7月开始对新认证车(含进口车) 2006年1月开始对在生产车辆和已通过强制性产品认证的进口车型

9 乘用车产品燃料消耗量数据的公示措施 Public Disclosure Measures for Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Data
Car manufacturers/importers must display fuel consumption data Display on a label attached to vehicle. Data must be displayed when the car is shown for the purpose of sale. The fuel consumption data published must be obtained according to testing methods established by the Light Vehicle Fuel Consumption Testing Methods. 制造商/进口经销商的数据公示 张贴标识 适用于所有以销售为目的的展示 公示的燃料消耗量数据必须依据《轻型车燃料消耗量试验方法》进行测试

10 相关税收政策 Applicable Tax Policies
对不符合《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》标准的乘用车加征消费税或购置税,完税后允许生产、进口和销售。 新认证车(含进口车):从2005年7月1日开始 在生产车和已通过强制性产品认证的进口乘用车: 2006年7月1日开始 Vehicles not complying with Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits are subject to extra consumption tax or purchase tax; production, importation and sales are permitted after tax is levied. Effective from 1 July 2005 for newly-certified cars (including imported cars) Effective from July 1, 2006 for cars currently in production and imported passenger cars with mandatory product certification 生产 进口 销售 Production Import Sales 不达标车型 Substandard models 加征消费税 (或购置税) Levy extra consumption tax (or purchase tax)

11 相关税收政策 Applicable Tax Policies
加征消费税(或购置税)的相关政策正在由国家财政部、国家税务总局会同国家发展和改革委员会等相关部门共同研究制定。 国家发改委指定的受理机构定期将申报资料汇总,报国家发改委核准;并由国家发改委定期送国家财政部和国家税务总局,作为加征消费税或购置税的依据。 Policies for levying the extra consumption and purchase taxes were formulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in consultation with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). NDRC-designated organizations will summarize data and submit it to NDRC, which in turn forwards it to the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation as a basis for levying extra consumption or purchase taxes.

12 相关税收政策 Applicable Tax Policies
申报单位须严格按照标准的要求进行申报,并对申报资料的真实性负责 检测机构要对试验报告的真实性负责 Reporting entities must report according to the requirements in the standard, and are responsible for the authenticity of the reported information. Testing organizations are responsible for the authenticity of testing reports.

13 相关税收政策 Applicable Tax Policies
生产企业和进口商要对产品的生产一致性负责,如果 “公告”产品或已通过强制性产品认证的进口车型的生产一致性不符合要求,将被取消“公告”和进口许可证。 Carmakers and importers are responsible for production conformity, and are subject to removal from “bulletins” and suspension of import license if the “published ” products or imported car models with mandatory product certification fail to meet the requirements for production conformity.

14 完善汽车标准法规体系 Automotive Standard and Regulatory System Optimization
《 轻型商用车燃料消耗量限值》和《 轻型汽车燃料消耗量标识 》标准的制定完成和申报与公示措施的出台将形成一个完整的汽车节能标准法规及管理体系 轻型汽车燃料消耗量试验方法(已实施) 乘用车燃料消耗量限值(已实施) 轻型商用车燃料消耗量限值(制定中) 轻型汽车燃料消耗量标识(制定中) 申报和公示制度(准备中) With Light Commercial Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits and Light Car Fuel Consumption Labels formulated and the reporting and notification systems in place, China is on the way to establishing comprehensive regulations for automotive energy conservation. Light Car Fuel Consumption Testing Methods(implemented) Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits (implemented) Light Commercial Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits (in progress) Light Vehicle Fuel Consumption Labels (in progress) Reporting and Notification Systems (in preparation)

15 完善汽车标准法规体系 Automotive Standard and Regulatory System Optimization
《 轻型商用车燃料消耗量限值》标准制定情况 2005年7月成立工作组 完成了轻型商用车燃料消耗量数据普查 正在进行技术经济分析 确定了限值标准的框架方案 Formulation of Light Commercial Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Taskforce formed in July 2005 Completed general survey of light commercial vehicle fuel consumption data Technical and economic analysis underway Decided the limit’s basic framework

16 完善汽车标准法规体系 Automotive Standard and Regulatory System Optimization
Light Commercial Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits basic framework To be implemented in 2 phases: phase 1 to go into effect 1 January 2008 (applicable to newly-certified cars) To set limits for both gasoline and diesel cars To adopt different limit schemes For N1 vehicles with a total mass under 3.5 tons, the basic grouping parameter should be “maximal design mass + engine capacity” For M2 vehicles with a total mass under 3.5 tons, the basic grouping parameter should be “complete vehicle kerb mass + engine capacity” 《轻型商用车燃料消耗量限值》标准框架方案 分两阶段实施,第一阶段的实施日期为2008年1月1日对新认证车开始执行 对汽油车和柴油车分别设定限值要求 采用不同的限值方案 总质量在3.5吨以下的N1类车辆采用“最大设计总质量+发动机排量”作为分组的基本参数 总质量在3.5吨以下的M2类车辆采用“整车整备质量+发动机排量”作为分组的基本参数

17 完善汽车标准法规体系 Automotive Standard and Regulatory System Optimization
Formulation of Light Commercial Vehicle Fuel Consumption Limits Basic plan research virtually completed Standard formulation seminar held in July 2005 National standard plan under examination Workgroup to be formed soon 《轻型汽车燃料消耗量标识》标准制定情况 基本完成方案研究 2005年7月召开标准制定研讨会 国标计划正在审批中 近期成立工作组

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