Double Ninth Festival 九九重阳节.

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Presentation on theme: "Double Ninth Festival 九九重阳节."— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Ninth Festival 九九重阳节

2 Origin 起源 Chong Yang. Yang means masculine and positive;
The number nine is regarded as yang The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day So ,the lunar calendar on September 9, is the traditional Double Ninth Festival

3 The Double Ninth Festival began as early as the Warring States time
The Double Ninth Festival began as early as the Warring States time. In the Tang Dynasty, The Double Ninth Festival has been decided as officially folk holiday.hereafter ,and it follows until now.

4 采桑子 •重阳 毛泽东 人生易老天难老,岁岁重阳, 今又重阳,战地黄花分外香。 一年一度秋风劲,不似春光, 胜似春光,寥廓江天万里霜。

5 老人节 Number nine is the largest number, with the meaning of longevity. The Double Ninth Festival is called as “Old People Festival “in 1989.

6 The chrysanthemum has the meaning of the longevity, and enjoying the chrysanthemum is an important part of Double Ninth Festival, therefore, Double Ninth Festival is called as “Chrysanthemum Festival”.

7 Climbing mountains One of most important custom on Double Ninth Festival is climbing. Therefore the Double Ninth Festival calls “the climb up festival”.

8 登高 杜甫 风急天高猿啸哀, 渚清沙白鸟飞回。 无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来。 万里悲秋常作客, 百年多病独登台。 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,

9 Certainly, people climbing mountain is not only climbing, but also watching the red leaves and the wild flowers, drinking wine and eating the meat. This makes hiking and picnic together. 当然人们登高也不单是攀登而已,还要观赏山上的红叶野花,并饮酒吃肉,享受一番,使登高与野宴结合起来,更有吸引力

10 吃重阳糕 The featured food on The Double Ninth Festival is the double-ninth cake. In the north, it is more popular than the south. 重阳的饮食之风,除前所述的饮茱萸、菊花酒,吃菊花食品之外,还有好些,其中最有名的就是吃糕。在北方,吃重阳糕之风尤盛。


12 The featured drink on The Double Ninth Festival is chrysanthemum wine
The featured drink on The Double Ninth Festival is chrysanthemum wine. The chrysanthemum wine is regarded as necessary drink in the ancient times at the festival. It is said ,it can dispel the disaster. 饮菊酒 菊花,是我国名花,也是长寿名花。在“霜降之时,唯此草盛茂”,由于菊的独特品性,菊成为生命力的象征, 重阳佳节,我国有饮菊花酒的传统习俗。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”。



15 茱萸节 The double ninth festival has the custom of wearing zhuyu, therefore it is called “the zhuyu festival”. The zhuyu is the important symbol of double ninth festival. People thought inserting the zhuyu in double ninth festival is able to ward off disaster ,like the chrysanthemum wine.

16 插茱萸 On double ninth festival people also like to wear the chrysanthemum. 重阳节有佩茱萸的风俗,因此又被称为“茱萸节”。茱萸是重阳节的重要标志。重阳节时人们还喜欢佩戴菊花。茱萸雅号“辟邪翁”,菊花又名“延寿客”。


18 The double ninth festival has wears zhuyu's custom, therefore is called “the zhuyu festival”. The zhuyu is double ninth festival's important symbol. The people thought that inserts the zhuyu in double ninth festival this day to be possible to seek asylum the disappearing disaster 重阳节有佩茱萸zhūyú 的风俗,因此又被称为“茱萸节”。茱萸是重阳节的重要标志。人们认为在重阳节这一天插茱萸可以避难消灾。

19 Enjoy the beauty of chrysanthemum
The Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. China boasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them since ancient times. So enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum also becomes a key activity on this festival.



22 Thank you !!!

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