Chapter’s major concepts

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1 Chapter’s major concepts
Birthday Party I Chapter’s major concepts Ask if someone can go to a special event with you (你能不能來…) Indicate action in progress (我(正)在…) Tell what they will be doing in there (program) (我們先…再…) Describe who will be there (小李和他的女朋友,…還有…,) Discuss what should you bring for gifts and for the party (帶飲料和…, 他喜歡…) Arrange the way/time to meet and to go there. (我離你家近,可以來接你.你在樓下等我, 我們上午九點三刻見.)

2 Birthday Party I Write in Chinese for each Pinyin
tiào xìng gāo biăo píng guŏ guā méi jiē lóu dĕng huò zhĕ căo xiē yĭn liào zhòng zhŏng ài zhù sòng gĕi zhāng yóu duăn

3 Speaking/writing exercise
Birthday Party I Vocabulary Ball/Dance party: Love: Cousin/F.O.: Apple: Cousin/M.O.: Pear: Cousin/F.Y.: Watermelon: Cousin/M.Y.: Live in: Secondary school: Those: Give (as a gift): Heavy: Present/gift: Pick you up: Two books: Up-stairs Beverage: Down-stairs: Fruit: Wait for you: Some: Either…or: Two chairs: A bunch of flower:

4 Speaking/writing exercise
Birthday Party I Vocabulary Ball/Dance party: Love: Cousin/F.O.: Apple: Cousin/M.O.: Pear: Cousin/F.Y.: Watermelon: Cousin/M.Y.: Live in: Secondary school: Those: Give as a gift: Heavy: Present: Pick you up: Two books: Up-stairs Beverage: Down-stairs: Fruit: Wait for you: Some: Either…or: Two chairs: A bunch of flower: 舞會 表姐 蘋果 表哥 梨(子) 表妹 西瓜 表弟 住在 中學 那些 送給 禮物 接你 兩本書 樓上 飲料 樓下 水果 等你 一些 或者 兩張椅子 一把花

5 How do you say it in Chinese?
香蕉 蘋果 桔子 葡萄 梨子 西瓜

6 Fruit – Listening Click on the pinyin for the answer Listen to the Chinese word and select the fruit that matches. 3 4 1 I. Píng guŏ 2 II. Lí zi 3 1 2 4 3 III. Xiāng jiāo 1 4 2 1 IV. Jú zi 4 2 3 V. Xī guā 1 3 4 2

7 Fruit – Reading Click on the Chinese word for the answer Listen to the Chinese word and select the fruit that matches. 3 4 1 I. 蘋果 2 II. 梨子 3 1 2 4 3 III. 香蕉 1 4 2 1 IV. 桔子 4 2 3 V. 葡萄 1 3 4 2

8 Birthday Party I Vocabulary 禮物 一把花 花 飲料 水果 生日 樓上 下樓 蘋果 梨子 上樓 樓下 lĭ wù
Reading & Listening Birthday Party I Vocabulary 禮物 lĭ wù yì bă huā 一把花 huā Yĭn liào 飲料 Shuĭ guŏ 水果 Shēng rì 生日 樓上 Lóu shàng 下樓 xià Lóu píngguŏ 蘋果 梨子 Lí zi Shàng Lóu 上樓 樓下 Lóu xià

9 Speaking exercise Birthday Party I Vocabulary

10 Read and translate Read and translate the word in each box.
Reading Listening 1 2 3 4 5 飲料 蘋果 接你 樓上 或者 上樓 水果 這些 樓下 一把 禮物 梨(子) 下樓 舞會 送給 哪些 住在 西瓜 兩張 椅子 等你 中學 表姐 一些

11 TIC TAC TOE 1 2 3 4 5 飲料 蘋果 接你 樓上 或者 上樓 愛 水果 這些 樓下 一把 花 禮物 下樓 舞會 送給 重
1 2 3 4 5 飲料 蘋果 接你 樓上 或者 上樓 水果 這些 樓下 一把 禮物 梨(子) 下樓 舞會 送給 哪些 住在 西瓜 兩張 椅子 等你 中學 表姐 一些

12 Speaking Exercise Read the word in each box and say it in Chinese
1 2 3 4 5 Ball Heavy Going down stairs Pick up Or 舞會 下樓 還是 Beverage Fruit 住在 樓上 Live in upstairs A bunch of flower Pear 一把花 飲料 水果 梨子 Apple Give as a gift Watermelon Cousin/f.o. Secondary school 送給 西瓜 蘋果 表姊 中學 兩張 椅子 Two chairs Two books 兩本 Cousin/m.y Go up stairs Wait for you 表弟 等你 上樓 Flower Live in Love Cousin/m.o. some 住在 表哥 一些

13 Birthday Party I 些 + N. Make a sentence for each one of the following: 一些:請給我一些零錢 這些:這些書是誰的? 那些:哪些水果是誰買的? 哪些:你買了哪些禮物? 有些:這裏的東西有些是她的,有些是我的.

14 More exercises for “些 + N”
Birthday Party I More exercises for “些 + N” Translate the following: 我想買些水果 你想喝些什麼? 你要點些什麼菜? 我想帶些飲料. 我們得準備些禮物. Make your own sentences using the given words: 買些 喝些 帶些 準備些 點些:

15 My birthday invitation card Size: 11” x 8 1/2 “ (Fold in half)
50%: Creativity (The card itself ) 50%: Information (design) 日期: (your BD & Party D) 時間: 地點: (Address) 電話/郵: : 飲料:食物:活動:… 3D design might not be a bad idea.

16 Action in Progress 在/(正)在
Birthday Party I Action in Progress 在/(正)在 Textbook p.108-9, A Workbook p.74-5, B Use each given word to write a question using 在, and using 正在 to response. EX. What are you doing? Q: “你在做什麼?” A: ”我正在看書.” Look for: Read book: Write: Watch movie: Eat: Drink: Buy: Wait for who: Singing: Learn: Make up 5 sentences using 正在 EX. 外面正在下雨. 老師正在上課.

17 先…再 first…and then…. Ex. 先寫功課再看電視
Birthday Party I 先…再 先…再 first…and then…. Ex. 先寫功課再看電視 說中文…說英文 吃飯…吃水果 上車…買票 買禮物…去他家 去中國城…運動場 買菜…做飯 送他東西…送她去機場 工作…睡覺 來接你…去接他 帶她去…帶你去

18 Arrange a party for your friend’s birthday
Birthday Party I Arrange a party for your friend’s birthday Use the following statements as an example to give two different plans about the things you want to do in a party with the order that make sense. 五點半開始先喝飲料./等大家都來了以後再吃飯./吃完飯,我們再開始唱歌,跳舞.我們準備了中國菜和各種水果.如果你喜歡看電影我們也準備了中國和美國電影.我們還有伴唱機要是您喜歡唱歌.歡迎請你們的朋友來參加…. Plan A: Plan B:

19 Record your plan and submit it to the Google Classroom
Birthday Party I Record your plan and submit it to the Google Classroom Give two different plans about the things you want to do in a friend’s birthday party and in the CHS ceremony with the order that make sense. Plan A: (Birthday party) Plan B: (CHS ceremony) *Make up at least 10 sentences.

20 Birthday Party I Use “的” a Noun needs to be specified
Textbook p.107-8 Translate the following and complete the sentences.: 早上吃的早餐…: 媽媽買的手機…: 姐姐送我的禮物…: 昨天我搭的公車…: 上個星期的考試:… 朋友給我的生日卡…: 我給他打電話的時候…: 昨天上課遲到的同學…: 星期五師傅做的菜…: 上個週末去的那家餐館…:

21 Birthday Party I More exercises for “…adj/v. + 的 + N”
Textbook p.107~108, p.109 B ~ p.110, C Ex. My favorite beverage 我最喜歡的飲料 The birthday gift I bought. I forget to bring the birthday gift I bought. These books I like These books I like to read That clothes he bought That clothes he bought is very expensive. Those flowers cousin (f.o) bought. Those flowers cousin bought are very pretty. That pencil (that) older brother gave me That pencil (that) older brother gave me is black.

22 Birthday Party I More exercises for “…adj/v. + 的 + N”
Translate the following: That girl who is reading a book. That girl who is reading a book is my friend. That boy who is dancing That boy who is dancing is my younger brother. That person who is driving That person who is driving is my teacher. This shirt I bought yesterday This red shirt I bought yesterday is too small. This bunch of flower I brought This bunch of flower I brought is for her birthday (gift).

23 Birthday Party I 或者/是 or 還是 蘋果/梨子 水果/飲料 西瓜/南瓜 咖啡/茶 喝熱的/喝冰的 往東拐/往西拐
或者 used in a statement 還是used in a question Ex.你要飲料還是水果? 飲料或者水果都行/可以. Base on the given words to form sentences using 或者and 還是EX. 她喜歡花還是禮物? 花或者禮物她都喜歡. 蘋果/梨子 水果/飲料 西瓜/南瓜 咖啡/茶 喝熱的/喝冰的 往東拐/往西拐 住樓上/住樓下 開車/走路 吃素/吃肉 南京/北京 (in China) Make up your own:

24 Birthday Party I Words use 開 開門 開車 請幫我開門 開會 開關 你會不會開車? 開舞會 開放 我們幾點開會?
Guess what they mean and make up a sentence for each word: 開門 開車 開會 開關 開舞會 開放 開花 開飯 開學 開店 請幫我開門 你會不會開車? 我們幾點開會? 我找不到教室的開關 晚上在誰家開舞會? 公園什麼時候開放? 你送給她的花都沒有開花. 學校餐廳中午十二點半開飯. 你們學校幾月幾號開學? 你有沒有錢開店?

25 Birthday Party I The use of 開 Translate the following into Chinese:
1. School starts on Sep. 1st this year. 2. It is fine with me either driving or walking to school? 3. Please turn on the light. 4. Do you want me to open or close the door. 5. I just opened a flower shop. 6. I am going to a meeting this afternoon. 7. I throw a party in my house this weekend. 8. When does the park open (to the public)? 9. I can’t find the computer’s switch. 10. Those flowers you gave her are not blossoming.

26 Listening comprehension
Birthday Party I Listening comprehension Write a paragraph about your birthday party including the following information: (You’ve had it or you’d like to have.) 1. At where 2. When 3. what activities & in what order 4. what food 5. With who 6. Gifts from who 下個星期三是小王的生日. 週六下午我在我家開生日舞會. 我們準備晚飯,水果,飲料,和音樂. 我們先吃水果,喝飲料.等大家來的時候再吃飯. 我們吃中國菜. 有酸辣湯,糖醋魚,和辣豆腐. 我們請了小王的中學同學和她的男朋友. 週末時 我們還請小王的爸媽. 我們的朋友小李也來了. 我送給小王兩本中文書,小王的爸媽送給小王新車. 小王的男朋友買了一把花還帶了很多水果飲料. 我們一起送給小王一張生日卡片.

27 Listening comprehension
Birthday Party I Listening comprehension Listen to the audio and answer the following questions in English: When is the person’s birthday? Who is the birthday person? When is the birthday party? Where is the birthday party held? What they’ve prepared to have? What will they do first? What Chinese food they have? Who are the guests they invite? What birthday gifts do you give? What does the parents give? Is the birthday person a girl or a boy? What is the gift we give together? 週末時

28 Write a dialogue: Go to a生日舞會
Birthday Party I Write a dialogue: Go to a生日舞會 Invite a friend to a 生日舞會 including the following: When (time and date)/where/what – the activities and the gifts/who/how to get there and why (at least 15 sentences each)

29 Answer the following questions based on the textbook scenario
Birthday Party I Answer the following questions based on the textbook scenario *Review the structures: Call the friend and ask what he/she is doing. At the end: you will go together. When: Where: what (Activities and food): who: Gifts: how (transportation): Why: …

30 Birthday Party I (Test)
Plan a birthday party for a friend Write a dialogue taking place on a phone with a friend regarding a Birthday Party Plan. 1. At where 2. When 3. what activities & in what order 4. what (food & drink) 5. Who are invited 6. Gifts she/he might like 7. Who to bring what 8. Transportation 9. Why 10. How to meet (no sentences limit)

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