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Five Great Symbols Of the American Culture

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1 Five Great Symbols Of the American Culture

2 《American Gothic》美国哥特式
Five Symbols 《American Gothic》美国哥特式 Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Barbie Uncle Sam The Buffalo Nickel

3 『American Gothic』 is a painting by Grant Wood in1930.
A man looked straight ahead as flat(平的), lips closed, his expression is very serious, meticulous(一丝不苟的[mi‘tikjuləs]) hobble around on the bridge of the nose (在鼻梁上)round glasses. He covered with mud holds a fork.The expression of woman beside the man is also stern(严肃[stə:n]).She stands behind a man and looks to the man,which has a little "only he is listening" meaning. [ 『American Gothic』 is a painting by Grant Wood in1930.

4 This painting reflects the solemn(adj
This painting reflects the solemn(adj.  庄严的, 严肃的, 隆重的)pride in both the United States on behalf of farmers in agriculture-dominated era (农业时代), farmers cultivate the spirit of hard work, but also a symbol of the patriarchal society(父系社会)in the 19th century, the unquestionable authority and power of men. 此画体现了美国农民庄严的自豪 它既代表了在农业占主导地位的年代,农民们勤劳耕作的精神,也象征着在19世纪男权社会中,不容置疑的男性权威和力量。

5 Author Grant • Wood ( ) of the U.S. painter. Wood was born in Anamosa, Iowa. He was in Minneapolis to learn arts and crafts, by doing odd jobs(兼职) to feed themselves years after, he taught Julian in Paris. 1934, he became a professor in the Department of Fine Arts, until his death. 格兰特·伍德( 年)美国画家。伍德出生于爱荷华州的安纳摩萨。他在明尼阿波利斯学习手工艺,靠打零工养活自己。 年,他在巴黎的朱利安学院任教 1934年后,他成为美术系的一名教授,直至去世。

6 Gohic Architecture



9 Goddess Forms The statue of liberty is in the style of the clothes in ancient Greece ,wearing the crown(王冠[kraun]) of rays and seven sharp mans symbolize(象征) the seven continents of the world.Statue of liberty’s waist is 10.6 meters wide, mouth 91 centimeters wide.The right hand exalts torch 12.8 meters the symbol of freedomcan . The edge of it can stand 12 people. The left hand holds a law books and its cover engravs(雕刻[ɪn‘grev]) “on July 4, 1776”,which symbolize the day of the signing of the“ Declaration of independence“.The broken handcuffs, fetters and chains,are the symbols of freedom from the constraints(限制[kən’strent]) of tyranny(暴政专制[‘tɪrənɪ]). Her expression is peaceful and warm nature.

10 自由女神像基石上铭刻的犹太女诗人爱玛·拉扎露丝的十四行诗《新巨人》中的诗句:
The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch whose flame Is imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities . "Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

11 译文 不似希腊伟岸铜塑雕像 拥有征服疆域的臂膀 红霞落波之门你巍然屹立 高举灯盏喷薄光芒 您凝聚流光的名字 —— 放逐者之母 把广袤大地照亮
  拥有征服疆域的臂膀   红霞落波之门你巍然屹立   高举灯盏喷薄光芒   您凝聚流光的名字 ——   放逐者之母   把广袤大地照亮   凝视中宽柔撒满长桥 海港   “扼守你们旷古虚华的土地与功勋吧!”她呼喊   颤栗着缄默双唇:   把你, 那劳瘁贫贱的流民   那向往自由呼吸,又被无情抛弃   那拥挤于彼岸悲惨哀吟   那骤雨暴风中翻覆的惊魂   全都给我!   我高举灯盏伫立金门!

12 In 1865, French historian Edouard de Laboulaye(普利策)proposed the construction of monuments ([‘mɑnjəmənt]纪念碑,纪念塔) , sculptor Bartholdy (巴尔托迪) supportive of him . Then he took 10 years to complete the works of statue. In 1876, French people presented to the United States as 100th anniversary of the independence of present. 法国雕塑家巴尔托迪,与古斯塔夫艾菲尔在巴黎制作,高耸的纪念碑。 在1876年,法国人提交给美国独立100周年的礼物。

13 History 1869 Designed 1874 Started construction 1884 Complete
Donated Built 1984~ Refitted(vt. & vi. 1. 整修;改装)

14 Significance ------Cultural symbol
For more than a century, stands on the island in the freedom of the statue of liberty has become the united nation and a bronze (青铜 [brɑnz )statue of the symbol of friendship, forever expressed the American people fight for democracy(民主 [dɪ‘mɑkrəsɪ]  ) and longing for freedom lofty(崇高的) ideal. On the ships of the passengers going into New York harbor(海港)can see the statue of liberty stand up holding torch. For thousands of caming to the United States immigrants, the statue of liberty was to get rid poverty and oppression(压迫,压制 [ə’prɛʃən]) of the old world .Statue of liberty has become America's symbol. 一个多世纪以来,耸立在自由岛上的自由女神铜像已成为美利坚民族和美法人民友谊的象征,永远表达着美国人民争取民主、向往自由的崇高理想。 进入纽约港的船只上的乘客可以看见屹立的自由女神高举自由火炬。对成千上万个来美国的移民来说,自由女神是摆脱旧世界的贫困和压迫的保证,自由女神像成了美国的象征。




18 The statue of liberty's copy

19 法国阿尔萨斯的自由女神像(Liberté éclairant le monde)

20 法国巴黎的自由女神像(Liberté éclairant le monde)
地理坐标:48.85°N,2.28°E。 ,

21 美国拉斯维加斯自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)
地理坐标: 36.10°N,115.17°W

22 美国关岛的自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)

23 日本东京的自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)

24 中国北京的自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)

25 中国深圳的自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty)

26 Barbie say hello to you Barbie say hello to you

27 history To most people, impression of Barbie comes from the United States. So, they will think creators of Barbie dolls are American. In fact, Barbie's predecessor is Germany's Bild Lilli. During a trip to Europe in 1956 with her children Barbara and Kenneth, Ruth Handler came across a German toy doll called Bild Lilli. The adult-figured (成人形象) doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them.

28 Upon her return to the United States, Handler reworked the design of the doll (with help from engineer Jack Ryan) and the doll was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler‘s daughter Barbara. The doll made its debut([dɪ’bju] 首次露面;初次登台)at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, This date is also used as Barbie's official birthday.

29 In 1961, in an advertisement which was launched(将
In 1961, in an advertisement which was launched(将...投放市场)by Mattel, Barbie met with Ken, who is very personable. Since then, the two dolls were like peas and carrots, “barbie and Ken(Ken is the name of Ruth and Elliot Handler’s son, who is Barbara’s younger brother.)” almost became a classic love pronoun(代名词).

30 a symbol of the United States
why did Barbie become a symbol of the United States

31 Since 1958, Barbie’s Mother of Ruth Handler created a Barbie brand, the original intention(意图)was to design a doll, the image of an adult female, into the lives of American girls, as girlsour good friend, confidant, and even life idols.The concept of such a doll, at the time of the United States than ever before.

32 Ruth bold attempt, and finally explore the market in two years after the victory. Preconceived notion(先入为主的观念)that Barbie doll exalted as the chief spokesperson of the United States,the majority of her inspiration comes from women in American society, showing their identity, occupation, accompanied by their young age grew up with.

33 In recent years, Mattel has sold a wide range of Barbie dolls aimed specifically at collectors, including porcelain(瓷)versions, vintage(年代) reproductions, and depictions(描述) of Barbie as a range of characters from film and television series such as The Munsters and Star Trek.There are also collector‘s edition dolls depicting Barbie dolls with a range of different ethnic(种族的)identities.

34 movie

35 Symbol of power Elizabethan Queen Victorian Queen Egyptian Queen

36 Princess of the Korean Court India Barbie Oriental(东方的)

37 French Lady Grecian Goddess
Chinese Empress

38 Hollywood Movie Star Collection
Maria in The Sound of Music Scarlett O‘hara Elizabeth Taylor in Father of the Bride


40 Character White hair Goatee beard
a top hat with red and white stripes and white stars on a blue band red and white striped trousers.

41 History of Uncle Sam When Sam Wilson was 14 years old he ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, he started a meat-packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard-working.

42 During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces, working with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels of meat supplied to the army were stamped "EA-US", identifying the company (EA) and the country of origin (US).

43 According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him "US" was short for "Uncle Sam”

44 “山姆大叔”与“约翰牛” Uncle Sam是美国政府拟人化的称呼,汉译作“山姆大叔”。漫画里他总是以一个老人出现,身体瘦长,身穿燕尾服,头戴花旗高帽,下巴长着灰胡子。画家最喜欢用他来讽刺美国的对外政策。 Uncle Sam这个绰号的起源,有以下几个说法。 1812年左右,在纽约州特洛伊地区,军队的供应品上,都打上U.S.(United States缩略)字样,人们将这缩略附会为Uncle Sam 。Uncle Sam一词,就流行起来,这是说法之一。

45 也有人说,当时真的有一个名叫Sam Wilson的肉商,负责向军队提供物资,所
以 美军肉桶上印有U.S. 字样,就是的Uncle Sam简称。 另有一说,Uncle Sam来自United States的写法。究竟孰真孰假,已无从查考了。 山姆叔叔代表美国,代表英国的则是John Bull ,另一个更通俗传神的译名是《约翰牛》。“牛”在这里并不代表粗鲁,而是暗喻生命力强。 1712年,英国作家John Arbuthnot 出版了他的“约翰牛传”(The History Of John Bull ),书中将英国拟人化,主角约翰牛,性格顽强刚毅 ,代表英国民族。从此,英国人就有了“约翰牛”这个绰号,不过有人也据此描画出英国人 固执强硬的另一面。

46 The Buffalo Nickel

47 The Buffalo Nickel was emitted and used during 1913 and 1938
The Buffalo Nickel was emitted and used during 1913 and 1938.It was designed by James Earle Fraser to commemorate the Buffalo and the Indians--the victims of the Westwood Movement. The Buffalo and the Indians on the nickel were all from the archetype. 牛镍币在1913年至1938年发行,由著名的艺术家James Earle Fraser对美国西部开发的牺牲品——野牛和印第安人的纪念。镍币上的野牛和印第安人都以真实的原型进行创作

48 野牛镍币是由75%的铜和25%的镍制作而成,直径大约21毫米。
The Buffalo Nickel is made of 75% copper and 25% nickel and the coin is about 21 mm in diameter. 野牛镍币是由75%的铜和25%的镍制作而成,直径大约21毫米。

49 The buffalo Nickel From 1913 to 1938 Designed by Famed artist James Earle Fraser In order to honor a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier — the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.

50 Thanks for Your Watching!
—The End —

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