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Religion in China title © Howard R. Spendelow Georgetown University

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1 Religion in China title © Howard R. Spendelow Georgetown University
draft as of 02 Nov 2006 title

2 Daoist Immortal (仙人) / Song period
Daoist Immortal (仙人) / Song period

3 One of 18 luohan statues, Summer Palace (頤和園), Beijing
One of 18 luohan statues, Summer Palace (頤和園), Beijing

4 ”sancai” 三彩 Luohan (Ming)
Large Sancai figure of a Luohan, Ming Dynasty  (c ) ”sancai” 三彩 Luohan (Ming)

5 http://www. columbia. edu/itc/ealac/moerman/images/v2002/bodhisattva
Image of a bodhisattva

6 Guanyin 觀音@ 千佛山 , Ji’nan, Shandong, 1999
Guanyin 千佛山 , Ji’nan, Shandong, 1999

7 Guanyin (20 m) @ Putuoshan普陀山, SE of Shanghai
Guanyin (20 Putuoshan普陀山, SE of Shanghai

8 (Tang) Empress Wu as a Bodhisattva / Luoyang
[photo from YUN Wenjie? – get details…] (Tang) Empress Wu as a Bodhisattva / Luoyang

9 9th Station: Xi An (西安) Tablet of Nestorian Christianity in China (大秦景教流行中國碑), made in the 2nd Year of Jian Zhong Reign (781AD), Tang Dynasty 此碑于唐建中二年(781年)由一個名叫景淨的波斯傳教士撰刻樹立,呂秀岩書並題額,立於大秦寺的院中。碑高279釐米,寬99釐米,正面寫著“大秦景教流行中國碑並頌”,上有楷書三十二行,行書六十二字,共1780個漢字和數十個敘利亞文。隨著景教的沒落,大秦寺的院落為佛教所用,此碑不知何時失落。 明天啟三年(1623年)出土,當時許多西方各國有不少的傳教士得知後,爭相拓片,把碑文拓片譯成拉丁文寄往歐洲本國。當地人怕此碑被他們盜走,秘密地把碑抬到附近的金勝寺內,豎起來交寺僧保管。清光緒年間一個叫荷爾姆遂熊熊的荷蘭人在金勝寺遊覽時看到此碑,為了得到它,他按原樣刻制了一座新碑欲換得古碑,遭到寺主持和民眾們的嚴厲拒絕,連官府的人也嚴保此碑,沒有讓他得逞。1907年入藏西安碑林(現西安碑林博物館)安置。 YUN Wenjie, reflected in the the 西安碑林博物館

10 Sianfu tablet 西安府碑 - ICC first floor
HRS photo / Sianfu tablet 西安府碑 - ICC first floor

11 Nestorian tablet (close-up)
HRS photo / Nestorian tablet (close-up)

12 終 (the end)

13 title

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