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2011年英文教學 工作坊 扶助弱勢低成就學習之主題教學.

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Presentation on theme: "2011年英文教學 工作坊 扶助弱勢低成就學習之主題教學."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011年英文教學 工作坊 扶助弱勢低成就學習之主題教學

2 簡歷 國立台灣師範大學英語學系 國立師大附中英文實習老師 新竹忠信高中英文科教師、導師 新竹光復中學英文科教師、導師

3 學習低成就孩子最顯著的困難 1.學習英文的觀念偏差 2. 學習意願非常低落 3. 學業成績明顯較同儕偏低很多 4. 信心低落
5. 需長期被鼓勵、被提醒

4 主題教學 (一) 國小1000單字的熟悉 Powerpoint 方式呈現英文單字,每週100字以內,反覆不斷讓孩子們跟著老師重複朗讀這些單字,加深印象,並於隔週重新朗誦,重新透過分組活動再重複一遍練習。有些字可教孩子透過聯想去熟記。(適時搭配圖片和動作)

5 a/ an a few a little a lot able about above

6 cake candy   call camera camp

7 can cap cat car card care careful carry

8 主題教學 (二) 團體的互動和協助 1. 孩子分成四組,每組約4至5人。
2. 在1000單字主題教學部分,孩子們互相提醒同伴容易忘記的單字。每組在隔週會得到顏色紙,必須互相合作把所有(上週)學過的單字(中、英文) 寫出來。最高分的組別得到老師的禮物。

9 3. 在拼寫的部分, 尤其強調孩子們之間的互相合作、互相提醒正確的音和音節的組合。
4. 在動詞的部分,每次上課提到的動詞,孩子們互相示範動作,增加記憶。

10 5. 歌曲教唱時,孩子們互相勉勵,並互相分享自創的英文歌詞。
6. 塗鴉說英語:透過組員的默契和畫畫,把老師出的題目畫在黑板上,再讓組員猜單字,最高分獲得老師的禮物。

11 主題教學 (三) 歌曲的教唱和創作 播放 “Proud of you”,並請孩子透過分組討論,把能夠做到的事情都寫在歌詞中,除了學習英文單字, 也讓孩子對自己有信心,認識到自己所能做的事情還很多,也藉此讓組員互相認識。

12 I can fly…. I can run, I am proud that I can run.
I can draw, I am proud that I can draw. He can drive, he is proud that he can drive. They can sing, they are proud that they can sing.

13 Believe me I can____________
I am proud that I can________ Show you the best of mine The heaven in the sky

14 主題教學 (四) 認識 animal sounds
除了認識一些常見動物,透過組員的分享與討論,了解一些動物的聲音。 如: roar

15 roar

16 bark

17 衍生句型 1. My lion, Allen, roars. 2. His dog, Cathy, barks.
3. Our birds, Minnie and Mindy chirp.

18 台灣環境中最常看到的一些英文指標,讓孩子熟悉基本的英文用語,並引導與別人基本的對話
主題教學 (五) 認識基本的方向和指標 台灣環境中最常看到的一些英文指標,讓孩子熟悉基本的英文用語,並引導與別人基本的對話

19 switch off the cell phone

20 Take away

21 主題教學 (六) 日常生活中最常用的英語 1. 招呼用語 2. 道別用語 3. 祝賀用語 4. 聊天起話語 5. 道歉用語

22 1. Happy birthday! 2. Happy New Year. 3. Merry/Happy Christmas.
1. Hi Hello Good morning Nice to meet you. 1. Happy birthday! 2. Happy New Year. 3. Merry/Happy Christmas.

23 Bye-bye.  See you.  See you later/tomorrow/next week. Take care. Have a good time. Have a good holiday.

24 主題教學 (七) Numbers 孩子除了認識 numbers, 也希望可以用英文表達。因此設計數學的四則,同時把學過的基礎單字運用進來。如: 公車上原有乘客74人,上來了11人,又下去了25人,現在車內有乘客幾人?

25 主題教學 (八) Facial Expression
主要是讓孩子認識英文情緒用語,並能用英文表達自己當下的感覺和心情 活動:同伴描述一個設計好的狀況,孩子運用英文說出自己當下的情緒

26 句型 I am angry when you hit me. He is happy when he gets presents.
They are sad when it rains. Mary is excited when she watches the movie. ……………

27 Facial Expression 面部表情

28 happy

29 angry

30 主題教學 (九) Prepositions of Position
In On Along Between Under Next to

31 The angry bird is next to the pumpkin.

32 The dog is in the doghouse.


34 課後活動 孩子注意每天來學校和回家途中會經過的地方,記住幾個地點,再用英文描述 如:
There is a bookstore next to the hospital.

35 主題教學 (十) 文化教學 ~ 世界鬼節 除了介紹 Halloween 相關英文用語及歷史傳說,也讓孩子們知道其他國家的鬼節,並能說出一些相關的英文詞彙 如:

36 Easter bunny

37 Ghost Festival ~ Lantern

38 學習單分享 Word 檔案

39 之後將持續進行的主題教材

40 首先,先欣賞最經典的迪士尼卡通片段
Disney 首先,先欣賞最經典的迪士尼卡通片段

41 全世界最大迪士尼樂園 佛羅里達州迪士尼 Walt Disney World
1971年開幕,入場費:美金$59 (面積最大,迪士尼總部) 面積約30500英畝;4個主題樂園;園內22間迪士尼酒店

42 Aladdin

43 Mickey, Goofy, Pluto

44 Beauty and the Beast

45 Sentence pattern The beauty is pretty.
The ______________ is beautiful. The beast is ugly. The _______________ is ugly.

46 Heaven and Hell

47 Sentence pattern The heaven is happy. The _____________ is joyful.
The hell is scary. The ________________is terrible.

48 Angel and devil

49 Sentence pattern The angel is cute. The ____________ is nice.
The devil is bad. The ______________ is evil.

50 Day and night

51 Sentence pattern The day is bright. The _____________ is bright.
The night is dark. The _____________is dark.

52 The rich and the poor

53 Household Cleaning and Laundry 居家清洗及洗衣用具

54 Mary: Hi, Tony. You look great. How
was your weekend? Tony: Busy but happy. Mary: What did you do last weekend? Tony: A lot of housework. I cleaned the rooms, mopped the floors, washed the clothes, and took out the garbage.

55 1. broom 2. dustpan

56 3. mop

57 I sweep the floor.

58 My mother mops the floor.

59 My father puts the clothes into the washing machine.

60 My sister irons the clothes.

61 Family Menu

62 Words Breakfast Bruch Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner Supper Snacks

63 Can we have _______ for __________?
How about having_______ for __________?

64 Would you like __________ for __________?
I’d like _______ for __________.

65 Family Menu Breakfast ________________________
Lunch_____________________________ Dinner____________________________ Dessert___________________________

66 各國美食代表作

67 墨西哥國菜:玉米宴 Mexican food - corn masa

68 烏干達國菜:蕉飯 Uganda – banana rice

69 巴西國菜:烤牛肉 Brazil – Beef

70 丹麥國菜:魔鬼太陽 Danish food – sun devil


72 印度 Indian Curry 最突出的食物是咖哩。一般不喝酒、忌吃牛肉和豬肉,用右手抓飯吃。



75 德國 Germany pig leg 只對早、午餐重視。習慣喝啤酒,不大愛吃魚,喜歡酸甜,不喜歡辣。代表性名菜有豬腳、香腸。北甜南鹹。



78 吃飯習慣在6、7分熟時就吃,喜歡米麵製品,麵條尤為著名。
義大利 Italy – Spaghetti 吃飯習慣在6、7分熟時就吃,喜歡米麵製品,麵條尤為著名。


80 法國 French wine 法國菜的可口和葡萄酒是密不可分的。生蠔很受歡迎

81 Stinky tofu coffin

82 Frog eggs Oyster omelet

83 Tenpura Salty rice pudding

84 Spring roll Rice tube pudding

85 Pyramid dumplings Taiwanese meatball

86 A Day in My Life

87 6 a.m. (in the morning) I get up at 6 a.m. .

88 6:10 a.m. I wear my school uniforms

89 6:10 a.m. I wear my school uniforms

90 12:30 pm. (noon) I take a nap after eating lunch.

91 6:00 p.m. (evening) I play in the park with my friends in the evening.

92 簡易文法一點通

93 名詞 人名 doctor (醫生), teacher (老師), John (約翰), Mary (瑪莉) 動物名
cat (貓), dog (狗), horse (馬)

94 植物名 apple (蘋果), grass (草), flower (花), tree (樹) 地名 London (倫敦), Taiwan (台灣)

95 事名 dance (舞蹈), music (音樂), sport (運動 物名 box (盒子), car (汽車), stamp (郵票) 抽象觀念 beauty (美), happiness (幸福), love (愛

96 Group activities 分組討論,找自己有興趣的主題,想出名詞 (英文),越多越好

97 Spend 的用法

98 The three sexy ladies spent 50 minutes shopping.
Sexy ladies / 50 minutes The three sexy ladies spent 50 minutes shopping.

99 Peter spent two hours watching the movie.
Peter / two hours Peter spent two hours watching the movie.

100 Mr. Li spent one hour taking a bath.
Mr. Li / one hour Mr. Li spent one hour taking a bath.

101 Mark spent all morning decorating the Christmas tree.
Mark / all morning Mark spent all morning decorating the Christmas tree.

102 Possessive

103 her book→ his book It’s not her book. It’s his.

104 They are not John’s pencils.
John’s pencils→ Mary’s pencils They are not John’s pencils. They are Mary’s.

105 It’s not your basketball.
your basketball→ his basketball It’s not your basketball. It’s his.

106 Group activities Possesive

107 每位孩子帶一樣東西,組元之間互相練習句型
He has a doll. It is his doll . It is his. It is not mine.

108 You have a phone. It is your phone. It is yours. It is not hers.

109 Slogan SKB-原子筆 Love makes the world go round. 鑽石 A diamond is forever.
NIKE Just do it.

110 純喫茶 Try it. 保利達B- 蠻牛 Are you tired? 遠傳電信 Just call me, be happy.

111 麥斯威爾 The coffee is good to the last drop. 快譯通 Learning is easy. Kodak Share moments. Share life. Watsons Your personal store.

112 Group activities 每一組集思廣益,幫市面上的產品想一些廣告語(英文),儘量有創意,並加入各種圖案。

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