你的信實廣大 Great is Thy faithfulness

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1 你的信實廣大 Great is Thy faithfulness

2 (1)你的信實廣大, 我神我天父, 全無轉動影兒, 藏在祢心; 祢不改變, 你慈愛永不轉移, 無始無終的神施恩不盡. Great is Thy faith-ful-ness, O God my Fa-ther! There is no shad-ow of turn-ing With Thee; Thou chang-est not, Thy com-passions, they fail not: As Thou hast been Thou for-ev-er wilt be.

3 你的信實廣大, (x2) 每早晨賜下新豐富恩惠, 我一切需要祢手豐富預備, 你的信實廣大, 顯在我身!
Great is Thy faith-ful-ness(x2), Morn-ing by morn-ing new mer-cies I see; All I have need-ed Thy hand hath pro-vided, Great is Thy faith-ful-ness, Lord, un-to me!

4 (2) 春夏秋冬四季, 有栽種收成, 日月星辰時刻, 循轉不止; 宇宙萬物, 都為造物主見證, 述說天父莫大信實仁慈. Summer and winter, and spring-time and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their cours-es a-bove, Join with all na-ture in man-i-fold wit-ness To Thy great faith-ful-ness, mer-cy, and love.

5 你的信實廣大, (x2) 每早晨賜下新豐富恩惠, 我一切需要祢手豐富預備, 你的信實廣大, 顯在我身!
Great is Thy faith-ful-ness(x2), Morn-ing by morn-ing new mer-cies I see; All I have need-ed Thy hand hath pro-vided, Great is Thy faith-ful-ness, Lord, un-to me!

6 (3/3) 你赦免我罪愆, 賜我永平安, 你的容光親自, 安慰導引; 日日加力, 更賜我光明盼望, 你所賜的恩愛永無止盡! Par-don for sin an a peace that en-dur-eth, Thine own dear pres-ence to cheer and to guide, Strength for to-day and bright hope for tomorrow. Bless-ings all mine, with ten thou-sand be-side!

7 你的信實廣大, (x2) 每早晨賜下新豐富恩惠, 我一切需要祢手豐富預備, 你的信實廣大, 顯在我身!
Great is Thy faith-ful-ness(x2), Morn-ing by morn-ing new mer-cies I see; All I have need-ed Thy hand hath pro-vided, Great is Thy faith-ful-ness, Lord, un-to me!

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