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Choate Rosemary Hall Language Department

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1 Choate Rosemary Hall Language Department
2018 NYSAIS Global Language and Culture Conference

2 Food for Thought: A Cross-cultural Path to Student and Faculty Collaboration Portrait by Giuseppe Arcimboldo Diana Beste – Katharine Jewett – Carol Chen Lin – Eera Sharma – Georges Chahwan

3 Why food as a common theme?
How did it all start? Why food as a common theme?

4 100 level: You are what you eat; How does food shape identity?
قل لي ماذا تأكل، أقل لك من أنت. كيف يحدّد الطّعام الّذي تتناوله هويّتك؟ Es-tu ce que tu manges? Quelle est la relation entre nourriture et identité? 200 level: How does food (its taste, smell, texture, etc.) evoke feelings, emotions and memories (people, places, etc.)? كيف يساعد الغذاء بطعمه ورائحته باستحضار المشاعر والعواطف والذّكريات؟ En quoi la nourriture que vous mangez (le goût, l’odeur, la texture, etc.) évoque en vous des sentiments, des émotions, et des souvenirs (de gens, d’espaces, etc.)? Quo modo sensus memoriaeque gustatibus cibi excitantur?

5 300 level: what is the relationship between the food you eat and your community?
食物与社区之间的关系是什么? ¿Cómo es la relación entre la comida y la sociedad? ¿Es un comercio responsible? 400 level: How is cultural heritage and history reflected in food? ¿Cómo se ven reflejadas la historia y la herencia cultural en la comida? 500 level: How do representations of food in art and literature reflect the cultural values in a given historical context? Le rappresentazioni del cibo nell’arte e nella letteratura come riflettono i valori culturali in un certo contesto storico?

6 FRENCH 100 level: You are what you eat; How does food shape identity?
Qu'est-ce que tu manges? Quelle est la relation entre nourriture et identité? 200 level: How does food (its taste, smell, texture, etc.) evoke feelings, emotions and memories (people, places, etc.)? En quoi la nourriture que vous mangez (le goût, l’odeur, la texture, etc.) évoque en vous des sentiments, des émotions, et des souvenirs (de gens, d’espaces, etc.)?

7 The Role of Food in Building A Classroom Community
ARE you what you eat? Quel est votre bon petit plat préféré?


9 .


11 With food as launching pad, a learning community ready to learn has been created!

12 CHINESE 300 level: what is the relationship between the food you eat and your community? 食物与社区之间的关系是什么?

13 Redefining American Fast Food in China 高科技让你吃的更有滋味
How does technology enhance your dining experience in America fast food chains in China? 高科技让你的快餐更有滋味 Touch Screen Menu Kiosk 触屏点餐机 Mobile Payment 移动支付 Face Recognition 刷脸支付 Bringing food to the table 送餐到桌 美国快餐怎么样迎合中国市场 How do fast food chains adjust to the China’s market? Localized menus Offering healthy options

14 Learning Scenario 教学活动
Interpretive Mode: Students look up online materials on American fast food chain in China. Guide students with keywords to search for articles, photos or videos 提供学生关键词来搜索 Interpersonal Mode: students divide into groups for discussion, students come up with questions and use Google Doc or Padlet to monitor progress; students are also encouraged to interview Chinese speakers in or beyond the school community

15 Presentational Mode Students use PPT, oral presentation and video (interview and discussion) to share their findings with the class. 学生用口头报告, PPT或视频等方式分享他们的报告 Follow Up Activities Imagine that you were going to be the manager of KFC in Suzhou. What would you do to attract customers menu, service, promotion, partnership with Baidu-take out ( China’s Uber Eat)?

16 Follow Up Activities Imagine you were in the administration team of Yum In China (mother company of KFC), choose three cities in which to start a new KFC and justify your decision. Subway sells spicy Szechuan chicken wrap; Pizza Hut sells durian pizza; Starbucks makes mooncakes, a traditional Chinese dessert, for the annual Moon Festival. Now it is your turn to emulate their success by creating two localized flavors ( one food item, one beverage. Please explain your reasons. 

17 麦当劳 未来2.0 McDonald Future2.0 Mobile Payment-Cashless 移动支付
Order with Touch Screen 触屏点餐 Serve to your Table! 送餐到桌

18 触屏点餐 Touch Screen Order Advantages: 触屏点餐的好处 不用收银员 方便 准确 菜单 可视化,不懂中文 也会点 环保

19 Face Recognition 刷脸支付 Advantages-no need to bring your cell phone 刷连支付 更方便,手机都不用带 掌握大数据 AI 新方向

20 快餐文化 中国的快餐文化--生活节奏, 健康饮食,走向智能化, 美国快餐怎么样迎合中国市场?
1中式快餐 : 有哪些? 有什么特色? 跟西式快餐有什么不一样?怎么样反映现代人生活的节奏? 2快餐智能化-麦当劳(金拱门)未来2.0 用移动支付 ,刷脸支付 3快餐与健康  外卖的挑战  怎么样让菜单更健康?杭州绿色肯德基模式能成功吗?

根据/按照…. 来 … 调整… 根据/按照…. 来/作出 调整 根据学生的兴趣来调整课程。(你跟辅导老师谈选课) 根据学生的能力来调整进度。( 老师计划课程) 按照你的需要来调整时间表。 (怎么样安排时间) 饭馆根据顾客的意见来调整菜单。(饭馆怎么样吸引顾客) 根据实际情况来调整行程。(我们怎么样决定行程) 按照中国人的习惯作出(来)调整。

22 (Student work)

23 (Student work)

24 SPANISH 300 level: What is the relationship between the food you eat and your community? ¿Cómo es la relación entre la comida y la sociedad? ¿Es un comercio responsable?

25 Un comercio responsable tiene...

26 History of Chocolate



29 Circumrodo quod devorandum est.
LATIN AND GREEK How do representations of food in art and literature reflect the cultural values in a given historical context? Circumrodo quod devorandum est. -Cicero Hesiod’s Theogony, 8th c. B.C.

30 ΞENIA Philemon and Baucis
Jean-Bernard Restout - Philemon and Baucis

31 The Odyssey


33 Let’s give it a try… Go to
Pair up with a colleague next to you and brainstorm a list of topics or themes that would work for your students/school (3 minutes) Within one of the topics suggested above, draft one or two questions that you would like to explore (3 minutes) Full group share

34 THANK YOU Merci Gracias 谢谢 Ἐπαινουμεν Gratias شكرا

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