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全国高校英语专业人才培养与教学发展论坛 · 青岛

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1 全国高校英语专业人才培养与教学发展论坛 · 青岛
全国高校英语专业人才培养与教学发展论坛 · 青岛 英语专业的学科内涵与课程体系构建 孙有中 北京外国语大学英语学院院长 知周中外,道济天下

2 目录 一、英语专业当前的竞争力如何? 二、英语专业路在何方? 三、海外经验,他山之石 四、与时俱进,拓展区域研究 五、多元发展,内涵制胜

3 一、英语专业当前的竞争力如何?

4 人才培养:优势不再的红牌专业 动画、法学、生物技术、生物科技与工程、数学与应用数学、体育教育、生物工程、计算机科学与技术、英语、国际经济与贸易 (MyCOSS蓝皮书:《2010年中国大学生就业报告》)

5 毕业半年后失业人数最多的10个本科专业失业人数为10. 38万人,占本科失业总人数的33

6 学术研究:沉舟侧畔千帆过

7 二、英语专业路在何方?

8 选择一:关门停业 教育部副部长杜玉波指出:“完善本科专业动态调整机制和专业预警、退出机制。”

9 选择二:转向大学公共英语

10 选择三:压缩招生规模

11 选择四:提高竞争力

12 三、海外经验,他山之石

13 1. 牛津大学法语系:语言文学 基础阶段 1)French Grammar, Translation & Summary
2)Unprepared Translation into English 3)Prepared Translation into English from Prescribed Texts

14 * 语言中心的技能强化课程 5)Short Texts (名著选读) 6) French Narrative Fiction
7) Introduction to French Film Studies 8) Introduction to French Literary Theory 9) Key Texts in French Thought * 语言中心的技能强化课程

15 高级阶段(荣誉学士课程) 10) The History of the French Language up to the Mid-Twentieth Century 11) Modern French 12. French Literature to 1530 13) French Literature 1530 to 1800 14) French Literature 1715 to the Present

16 15) Early Texts 16) Modern Authors I 17. Modern Authors II 18) Special Subjects:French Women’s Writing;French Poetry from Surrealism to the Present;European Cinema…

17 2. 香港大学英语系:语言文学 English Studies (ES) includes both the study of literatures in English (English and American literatures; creative writing; women's writing; postcolonial and world literature in English; literary, cultural and film studies; and critical theory) and English language and linguistics (sociolinguistics; World Englishes; language and identity; critical linguistics; discourse analysis; literary linguistics). 课程设置>>>

18 3. 耶鲁大学德语系:语言文学+德国研究 语言文学方向
The major in German languages and literatures is a liberal arts major whose aim is to provide solid training in a humanistic discipline by giving students an awareness of German literature and culture in the context of European civilization, a real competence in the German language, and a general understanding of German-language literature.

19 德国研究方向 The major in German Studies offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the German cultural tradition in history, philosophy, the fine arts, music, film studies, politics, and culture, with a German-language requirement. The major draws on several departments and programs along with core courses in German Studies. It is particularly suited to students wishing to combine interests in German language and culture with intensive work in another discipline.

20 Double-majoring: The German Studies major is particularly suited for students who wish to graduate with a double major; in such cases, the focus of concentration within the German Studies major often reflects and/or augments the student’s other elected major.

21 德语系研究生项目:跨学科德国研究 The department at Yale has long been considered one of the strongest departments of German in the United States. While keeping to a tradition that allows students to emphasize a rigorous study of canonical, and now also non-canonical, texts of German literature, the department also encompasses and encourages within its own framework the intensive study of interdisciplinary fields such as film, critical theory and philosophy, and the practice of contemporary methodological approaches.

22 In our close-knit intellectual community the faculty works with each of its students to develop a course of study that combines those elements of German culture that most reflect the individual's interests. Our goal is to allow as much freedom as possible while assuring the completion of a degree that will have thoroughly prepared the student for a strong entrance into the profession. Our record in placing our graduates has been superb over the years.

23 The Interdisciplinary Context:One of the many strong points of Yale as a graduate institution is the permeability of the walls between departments. In keeping with this, the department has a large number of exceptional affiliated faculty who have their official appointments elsewhere but who are committed to periodically offering courses in the Department and to working actively with our students.

24 In order to enrich their interdisciplinary and theoretical thinking, students are also encouraged to explore any contiguous fields of their choosing at Yale. We have a strong Department of Comparative Literature, a vital Program in Film Studies, and over the years our students have also established rewarding collaborations in such fields as Jewish Studies, History, Political Theory, Music, and Art History. Our own courses draw students from a wide range of other departments.

25 4. 哈佛大学远东语言与文明系:区域研究 For decades one of the world’s great centers for the study of East Asia, EALC is home to an international faculty of nearly 60 professors, preceptors, and instructors offering instruction in the languages, literatures, religions, philosophy, history, art history, and popular culture of China, Japan, Korea, and Inner Asia, from ancient times to the present. 课程设置>>>

26 德国哥廷根大学英语系 You wish to study English only, without having to choose another unrelated subject? That will be difficult - English is offered only in conjunction with another subject at BA level, or one or two other subjects at MA level. But consider combining English with American Studies. Both subjects are offered at the Department, and by combining them you cover all geographic regions (the British Isles, the postcolonial literature regions of New Zealand, South Africa, India or the Caribbean and North America) in which English is spoken as a mother tongue.

27 四、与时俱进,拓展区域研究

28 什么是“区域研究”? Interdisciplinary fields of research and scholarship: social sciences and the humanities Particular geographical, national/federal, or cultural regions Major fields: history, political science, sociology, cultural studies, languages, geography, literature, etc.

29 《新繁荣计划》 “开展全球问题、国际区域和国别问题的长期跟踪研究。”

30 《“走出去”计划》 第一个建设重点: “加强国际问题研究。服务国家外交战略,推进全球问题、国际区域和国别问题研究,提高研究的战略性、前瞻性和针对性。重点假设若干国际问题研究基地,着力打造有重要影响的国际问题研究‘智库’。通过政策引导、项目资助,有计划地支持高校建设一批国际问题研究机构,形成布局合理、覆盖全面的高校国际问题研究机构体系。”

31 北外获批四大国际问题研究培育基地 英国研究 加拿大研究 日本研究 中东欧研究

32 五、多元发展,内涵制胜

33 1. 因校制宜,凝练方向 北外英语专业 语言研究 英语文学 社会与文化 国际政治与经济 跨文化交际与传播 翻译研究


35 2. 强基固本,不变应变 加大英语语言优势 将学科进行到底:知识、理论、方法 突出思辨能力培养 加强跨文化能力培养

36 3. 开门办学,海阔天空 培养跨学科、复合型人才 建立内部跨学科机制:区域研究 建立外部跨学科机制:双学位、辅修 开设英语双学位、辅修

37 参考资料: 孙有中:“CBI和ESP与中国高校英语专业和大学英语教学改革的方向”,《外语研究》,2011/05。
孙有中:“英语专业写作教学与思辨能力培养座谈”,《外语教学与研究》,2011/04。 孙有中:“突出思辨能力培养,将英语专业教学改革引向深入”,《中国外语》,2011/03。 孙有中:“英语专业的专业知识课程设置改革初探”,《外语教学与研究》,2010/04。 孙有中:《英语教育与思辨能力培养论丛》,外研社,2011-。 孙有中:《英语教育与人文通识教育》,外研社,2008。

38 不管风吹浪打, 胜似闲庭信步 不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步

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