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Teacher Training Workshop on Remedial Teaching

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1 Teacher Training Workshop on Remedial Teaching
國小英語補救教學教材教法 分享者:陳素淩輔導員

2 課程大綱 Outline 三層級補救教學模式 學生學習困難診斷 國小補救教學基本理念 國小補救教學基本原則 國小補救教學基本學習內容
國小補救教學策略 推薦教學資源與網站

3 三層級補救教學模式

4 學生學習困難診斷 英語學習背景如學習年限、不好的學習經驗等 學習資源如家庭環境、家人關心、額外協助等 個人特質如沒信心、被動、不專注等/
個人因素如缺乏學習動機、不知學習方法、 策略等 英語文能力診斷

5 基本理念Rationale 診斷英語學習困難及成因 恢復英語學習的信心 重新建立學習英語的方法與興趣 聽、說、讀、寫四種基本英語文技能的培養

6 國小補救教學基本原則 Principles
以學生為中心 適性化教材 能培養學生自學

7 國小補救教學基本學習內容Contents

8 國小補救教學基本學習內容Contents
三年級: 字母大小寫(Aa~Zz)認讀、聽懂、口說、書寫 四年級: 字母拼讀、24常用字詞、句型、常用語 五年級: 字母拼讀、36常用字詞、句型、常用語 六年級: 字母拼讀、48常用字詞、句型、常用語

9 國小補救教學策略Strategies 設定教學目標 Objective 引發學習動機 Motivation
強化音韻覺識 Phonological Awareness 多重感官 Five Senses 做中學 Learning by doing 應用線上資源 On-line Resources

10 設定教學目標Objectives 教學年級 Grade 教學內容 Contents 教學目標 Objectives
能力指標 Competence indicators 教學資源 Teaching aids 教學(流程) Procedure 評量 Assessment

11 引發學習動機Motivation 善用鼓勵言語 善用獎勵制度 善用學生的專長 善用圖卡、字卡、動畫、圖片、影片 及遊戲

12 引發學習動機 Motivation 示例 Example
教學年級 (Grade): Gr.3 教學內容(Contents): Good morning./ Goodbye./Bye./Hi!/Hello!/Thank you. 教學目標 (Objectives): 1. Students learn the phrases for daily talks. 2. Students are willing to use the phrases for daily talks. 能力指標 (Competence indicators): S-3-3 Be able to apply learned daily talks. (MOE 2-1-8) A-0-1 Willing to participate in all kinds of practice activities in class (MOE 6-1-1) 教學資源 (Teaching aids): 網路圖片、Stamp

13 引發學習動機 Motivation 示例 Example
教學流程 (Procedure): 1. Encourage students to use the phrases for daily talks. 2. Have students collect their stamps on Appendix 2 Worksheet-Daily talks. 3. Clearly state the reward system on the worksheet.

14 引發學習動機 Motivation 示例 Example
評量(Assessment): Evaluation worksheet (Appendix 2) Criteria (Objective): Be able to use the phrases for daily talks.

15 強化音韻覺識 Phonological Awareness
Teaching beginning sound Substitution Rhyming Word Teaching Syllable Segmentation Teaching Sound Isolation Teaching Phonemic Segmentation Idea taken from:

16 強化音韻覺識 Phonological Awareness 示例Example
教學年級 (Grade): Gr.3 教學內容(Contents): Rhyming Words (cat /bat /fat /hat /mat /pat /sat /vat) 教學目標 (Objectives): 1. Students learn the rime 2. Students can identify words that rhyme 能力指標 (Competence indicators): S(II)-3-1 Be able to pronounce the English sounds (MOE 2-1-2) 教學資源 (Teaching aids): Student –made flash cards

17 強化音韻覺識 Phonological Awareness 示例Example
教學流程 (Procedure): 1. Teacher writes the rhyming words, one at the time on a piece of paper 2. Have students do the same things 3. Have students listen and repeat the rhyming words 4. Have students play Heart Attack in pairs (change their partners)

18 強化音韻覺識 Phonological Awareness 示例 Example
評量(Assessment): 1. Students walk around in a big circle taking one step each time a rhyming word is said by the teacher. 2. When the teacher says a word that doesn't rhyme, the students sit down. (cat bat apple fat boy hat mat pat sat dog vat ) 3. Evaluation Checklist Name Criteria (Objective): Can identify words that rhyme John Mary

19 運用多重感官 Five senses 佛那德(Fornald)- VAKT Visual即視覺 Audio即聽覺
Kinesthetic為運動覺 Touch為觸覺 (Smell為嗅覺) Five Senses Story Reading: Building Reading Comprehension

20 運用多重感官 Five senses 示例 Example
教學年級 (Grade): Gr.4 教學內容(Contents): Vocabulary: apple/ banana/ cake/ milk 教學目標 (Objectives): Students are able to recognize, speak, identify , copy and spell the words of “apple, banana, cake and milk” 能力指標 (Competence indicators): L-3-1 Be able to recognize the words learned in class (MOE 1-1-3) S-3-1 Be able to speak the words learned in class (MOE 2-1-3) R-3-1 Be able to identify the words learned in class (MOE 3-1-2) W-3-1 Be able to correctly copy the words learned in class (MOE 4-1-3) W-6-2 Be able to spell out a minimum of 180 basic words (MOE 4-1-5) 教學資源 (Teaching aids): Word Flash Cards, Picture Flash Cards, Small white boards, apples, bananas, milk and cake

21 運用多重感官 Five senses 示例 Example
教學流程 (Procedure): 1. Have students pass the apple and say it aloud. 2. When the teacher says Stop!, whoever has the apple can have that apple and write the word “apple” on the board. Find the words and write on the three lines under the correct pictures. (Appendix 1: Worksheet- Find and write) 4. Have students spend five minutes to memorize these four words. 5. Have students divide into two groups and then take turn one at the time to spell out the words you say. (get a point for their group with correct spelling)

22 運用多重感官 Five senses 示例 Example
評量(Assessment): 1. Have students listen and show you the picture flash cards you say. 2. Show students picture flash cards and have them say the words. 3. Show students word flash cards and have them say the words. 4. Look at their Appendix 1- worksheet- Find and write 5. Have students write the words you say on their small white board. 6. Evaluation Checklist Criteria (Objectives): Be able to recognize, speak, identify , copy and spell the words of “apple, banana, cake and milk” Name 1.Recognize the target words 2.Speak 3.identify 4.correctly copy down the target words 5.spell out John Mary

23 做中學 Learning by doing John Dewey 操作活動 Hands-on activities
角色扮演 Role-play 提供溝通情境 Provide genuinely communicating settings

24 做中學 Learning by doing 示例 Example
教學年級 (Grade): Gr.4 教學內容(Contents): What’s this? / What’s that? / What is it? / It is a(n) _. 教學目標 (Objectives): Students are able to recognize, speak, identify , copy and write the target sentences. 能力指標 (Competence indicators): L-3-1 Be able to recognize the sentences learned in class (MOE 1-1-3) S-3-1 Be able to speak the sentences learned in class (MOE 2-1-3) R-3-1 Be able to identify the sentences learned in class (MOE 3-1-2) W-3-1 Be able to correctly copy the sentences learned in class (MOE 4-1-3) W-5-1 Be able to write simple sentences following the required format (MOE 4-1-7) 教學資源 (Teaching aids): magic wand, cape, real objects

25 做中學 Learning by doing 示例 Example
教學流程 (Procedure): 1. Have students listen and repeat the magic show script after you (Appendix 3) 2. Have students practice the script for a magic show. (Appendix 3) 3. Have students correctly copy the sentences on the lines. (Appendix 3)

26 做中學 Learning by doing 示例 Example
評量(Assessment): 1. Read the sentences from the magic show script to check their listening. 2. Have students do a magic show on stage. 3. Give them 10 minutes to memorize these sentences. 4. Listening and write down the sentences. 5. Evaluation Checklist Criteria (Objectives): Be able to recognize, speak, identify , copy and write the sentences learned in class. Name 1.recognize 2.speak 3.identify 4.correctly copy 5.Write John Mary

27 應用線上資源On-line Resources
個別設計 重複練習 能培養學生自學 線上學習教材 線上學習遊戲 線上檢測

28 應用線上資源On-line Resources 示例 Example
教學年級 (Grade): Gr.3 教學內容(Contents): Aa~Zz 教學目標 (Objectives): Students are able to recognize, speak, identify , copy and write Aa~Zz. 能力指標 (Competence indicators): L-3-1 Be able to recognize the alphabet letters (MOE 1-1-1) S-3-1 Be able to speak the 26 letters of alphabet (MOE 2-1-1) R-3-1 Be able to identify the letters in print style (MOE 3-1-1) W-3-1 Be able to write the letters in print style (MOE 4-1-1) W-6-2 Be able to correctly identify, say, and write the letters (MOE 5-1-1) 教學資源 (Teaching aids): computers e4 kids 新竹縣英語教學資源網站線上資源

29 應用線上資源On-line Resources 示例 Example
教學流程 (Procedure): Have students practice : e4kids Aa~Ff Have students play Aa~Ff (1 &15) Have students do the same things with Gg~Ll / Mm~ Rr / Ss~ Zz Have students record the scores and time using Worksheet-Aa~Zz Listening and Reading Have students practice first and then tick the box using Worksheet-Aa~Zz Speaking Have students make their Alphabet book using Worksheet- My ABC Book Have students listen and write down the letters they hear. Worksheet-Aa~Zz Writing Test

30 應用線上資源On-line Resources 示例 Example
評量(Assessment): 1.Evaluation Checklist Criteria (Objectives): Be able to recognize, speak, identify , copy and write Aa~Zz Name 1.Recognize Aa~Zz 2.Speak 3.identify 4.correctly copy 5.Write John Mary

31 推薦資料 500 Activities for Primary Classroom
Macmillan Books for Teachers 敦煌書局代理 提供500個國小英語教學練習活動,包含聽說讀寫、文法、故事、戲劇等。 Simple Speaking Activities Oxford 敦煌書局代理 包含簡單的30個不同主題的口語教學活動,活動步驟說明清楚,並 提示發音教學重點。 Goldsworthy, Candace L. (1998). Phonological Awareness Activities. Thomson Learning. Goldsworthy, Candace L. (2001). Phonological Awareness Activities II. Thomson Learning.

32 推薦網站 1. 97年英語課程綱要 2. 教育部攜手計畫課後扶助入口網績優案例分享 3. 字母書-----ABC加油站 4. EngTRESS 字型 下載點1:EngTRESS國中小英語教學資源網 下載點2: 資源分享英語其他

33 推薦網站 5. 教育部攜手計畫課後扶助入口網 縣市資源分享 6. 新竹縣英語教學資源中心 7. e4kids 8.南投縣國小英語輔導團補救教學補充教材 提供「字母加油站」、「Sight Words加油站」等補充教材,含錄音檔。

34 推薦網站 9. Starfall 提供不同學習階段的學習活動,寓教於樂,包括有趣的 字母學習動畫、後續的評量活動、字母拼讀練習、字母 讀本、進階讀本等。可愛生動的動畫設計,以及清晰的 音效,非常受學生喜愛。 10. Kizclub 提供豐富的字母和字母拼讀學習單,童謠和故事,以及實用的教具設計,不但是很好的課堂教學資源,也可以作為學生在家延伸學習的教材。 11. LearnEnglishKids 網站內容豐富,動畫活潑可愛,包括字母、字彙、句型、 故事、歌謠韻文、遊戲活動、教學資源等,能提供各種語言程度學生的學習。

35 推薦網站 12. English Follow Me 由台北市英語輔導團主講。 13.SpellingCity 教師可自行設計字彙表,自動產生線上遊戲。能拼唸出單字,教師可修改系統例句以適用學生程度。 14. Quizlet 客製化 Flashcard, 學生線上學習、玩遊戲及評量。

36 結語 樂在學習

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