國立台北大學合經所碩士班課程 授課教師:方珍玲副教授

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1 國立台北大學合經所碩士班課程 授課教師:方珍玲副教授
2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程 非營利行銷 國立台北大學合經所碩士班課程 授課教師:方珍玲副教授

2 教學目標 將非營利行銷概念介紹給對非營利事業已稍有瞭解的學生 了解非營利事業行銷之用途及應用
撰寫行銷方案計畫—利用觀念性工具,發展新產品及服務 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

3 教學方式及時程安排 上課時間:星期五上午9點至12點 上課地點: 上課期間: 原則在三峽校區商學院801教室上課
有特殊情形則改在台北校區合經所研討室上課 上課期間: 93年9月16日至93年12月31日 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

4 教學方式及時程安排(續) 上課方式:面授、報告、討論、參與研討會、校外參訪等 測驗方式及時間: 上課期間: 期中考(11月20日)
期末報告1月7日繳交 上課期間: 93年9月16日至93年12月31日 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

5 教學方式及時程安排(續) 評量方式: 平時成績40% 期中考30% 期末報告30% 出缺席次數 參與討論內容及次數 課堂口頭報告之準備程度
2018/11/13 評量方式: 平時成績40% 出缺席次數 參與討論內容及次數 課堂口頭報告之準備程度 期中考30% 期末報告30% 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

6 教科書及參考文獻 1、Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, 3rd, 4th, 6th eds. Alan R. Andreasen, Philip Kotler, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1991, 1996, 2003 2、Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations, Adrian Sargeant, Oxford, 1999 3、Marketing in the Not-for-Profit Sector, Margaret Kinnell, Jennifer MacDougall, 1997 4、Other Journal Papers 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

7 教學大綱及進度 Section 1 (9/24-10/8) Developing a Customer Orientation
The Growth and Development of Nonprofit Marketing Developing a Customer-Centered Mindset 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

8 教學大綱及進度 Section 2 (10/15-11/5) Strategic Planning and Organization
The Strategic Marketing Planning Process Understanding Consumer(Target Audience) Behavior Developing a Core Marketing Strategy: Segmentation, Positioning, Branding 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

9 教學大綱及進度 Section 3 (11/12-11/26) Developing and Organizing Resources
Generating Funds Attracting Human Resources:Staff, Volunteers, and Boards Working with Private Sectors 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

10 教學大綱及進度 Section 4 (12/3-12/17) Designing the Marketing Mix
Social Marketing Managing Perceived Costs Facilitating Marketing Behaviors Managing Communications:Channel, Advertising and Personal Persuasion 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

11 Mnemonic & Description
NPO- Non-Profit Organization NFP-- Not-For-Profit Organization NFGO-- Not-For-Gain Organization PVO-- Private Voluntary Organization NGO--Non Government Organization 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

12 Mnemonic & Description
NGO subgroups GONGO-- Government Organized Non Government Organization QUANGOs -- Quasi Autonomous Non Governmental Organization BONGOs-- Business Organized Non Governmental Organization FONGOs-- Funder Organized Non Government Organization PONGOs– Political Organized Non Government Organization 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

13 A Classification of Nonprofits
12 Groups National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities(NTEE) Assign 4 digit-code to each distinct category of nonprofit First digit- the purpose of the organization Second and third digit-the major focus of the organization’s programs Fourth digit- the Nature of the primary beneficiary group 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

14 A Classification of Non-profits
Group1 : Culture and Recreation Organization and activities in general and specialized fields of culture and recreation 1100 Culture Media and Communications Visual Arts, Architecture, Ceramic Art Performing Arts Historical, Literary and Humanistic Societies Museums Zoos and Aquaria 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

15 A Classification of Nonprofits
Group1 : Culture and Recreation 1200 recreation Sports Clubs Recreation and Social Clubs 1300 Service Clubs See R.2 Chapter1 Introduction PP.4-6 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

16 A Classification of Nonprofits
Group2 : Education and Research Organizations and activities administering, providing, promoting, conducting, supporting and serving education and research 2100 Primary and Secondary Education Elementary, Primary and Secondary Education 2200 Higher Education fundraising Organizations Higher Education 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

17 A Classification of Nonprofits
Group2 : Education and Research 2300 Other Education Vocational/Technical Schools Adult/Continuing Education 2400 Research Medical Research Science and Technology Social Sciences, Policy Studies 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

18 Five sets of important factors explaining the scope & scale of NPO
Heterogeneity-more diverse population, larger profit sector. Scope of the Welfare State-fill the most important gaps left by the state Level of Development-middle class base helps the country transiting from developing to developed Legal Framework-common law systems are more conducive Historical Traditions-each society thus evolves its own pattern of social supports. 2018/11/13 非營利行銷課程

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