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Why Family Ministries 為何家庭事工 is a Must in the Local Church 必須 在地方教會

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1 Why Family Ministries 為何家庭事工 is a Must in the Local Church 必須 在地方教會

2 Family Ministries in the Local Church--Essential Features
地方教會的家庭事工,其主要特色包括: Promotes understanding of God’s purpose 促進教友瞭解上帝的旨意 Strong families build up kingdom of God 相信穩健的家庭就是地上的小天國 Promotes reconciliation and healing 促進和好與醫治

3 Family Ministries in the Local Church—Elements
在地方教會的家庭事工— 元素 Offers restoration and wholeness to abuse victims 幫助受虐者康復過來 Teaches competence in interpersonal skills 教導人際溝通技巧的能力 Education 教育 Enrichment 充實 Counseling 輔導

4 活動 activity 2至3人一組,想出一些在地方教會做家庭佈道的方法
Work in groups of two’s or three’s and come up with a list of ideas for Family Evangelism in the local church 2至3人一組,想出一些在地方教會做家庭佈道的方法

5 The Family System Requires A Particular Kind of Ministry 家庭需要一種特別的服務事工
Setting for primary relationships 設立基本的關係 encourage relationship building 鼓勵家人建立關係 provide support group for intimate relationship within the family 為家庭提供支援小組 來促進家人 的和諧關係

6 Plan programs that minister to the needs of the family as a whole:
Ministry to families as wholes 為整個家庭服務的事工 Plan programs that minister to the needs of the family as a whole: 計劃一些活動,為整個家庭的需要 服務: * family camps 家庭營 * parenting seminars 親子講座

7 Families Reaching Families
家庭接觸家庭 Family life is for sharing 與他人分享家庭生活心得 The power of social influence 社會感化的能力 Hospitality evangelism 款待客人的佈道方法 The power of the home to evangelize家庭佈道的能力 Family Ministries Curriculum for Local Church Leaders

8 為夫婦服務的事工 Ministry to married couples Married couples need
special nurture and care 夫婦需要特別的培育和照顧 * marriage enrichment美滿婚姻講座 * couples retreat 夫婦退修會 * couples night out 夫婦晚會

9 Families Need Other Families 家家守望相助
Whole families are encouraged, enriched and renewed by fellowship and interaction with other families 藉著與其他家庭建立友誼,家家守望相助,家庭便得到鼓勵、充實和更新 Provide opportunities for families to minister to each other 讓每個家庭有機會互相服侍

10 Organizing Family Ministries in the Local Church 在地方教會組織家庭事工
Define your needs 確定你的需要 Develop objectives 制定目標 Leaders and helpers 招募組長和助手 Material resources 製作資源教材 Place, time, fee 確定活動地點、時間、費用 Advertise your events/seminars宣傳你的活動/講座 Evaluation questionnaires 製作評估問卷 Follow-up 後繼工作

11 Family Ministry--Tangible Evidence of a Caring Church 家庭事工—一個關懷教會的實體
A focused life within the family can assist in revitalizing the church 每個教友家庭都過著有目標的生活,就能使教會恢復生機 The presence of the Spirit of Christ within the family leads us to care about others 每個教友家庭都有基督的靈同在,教友就會關懷他人 We cannot become deeply involved with people without caring for their families 我們既與人有深入的交往,就一定會關懷到他的家人 People are interested in coming to a church that is concerned about them and provides help with basic life issues 一間關心別人需要和幫助人們解決基本生活問題的教會, 才是人人有興趣去的教會。

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