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Come People of the Risen King 凡屬復活主的百姓

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1 Come People of the Risen King 凡屬復活主的百姓

2 1. Come, people of the Risen King,
凡屬復活主的百姓, Who delight to bring Him praise; 都來歡喜讚美 祂; Come all and tune your hearts to sing 敞開我們的心高唱, To the Morning Star of grace. 祂是那恩典晨星。

3 From the shifting shadows of the earth
即使世界不斷的變更, We will lift our eyes to Him, 我們始終仰望 祂, Where steady arms of mercy reach 耶和華以慈愛膀臂, To gather children in. 聚集 祂所愛兒女。

4 Rejoice, Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice!
歡欣!喜樂!萬口都要稱頌! One heart, one voice; O Church of Christ, rejoice! 同心!合一!基督教會歡唱!

5 2. Come, those whose joy is morning sun,
無論以那晨星為樂、 And those weeping through the night; 或暗夜獨自流淚; Come, those who tell of battles won, 無論得勝或試煉中, And those struggling in the fight. 都來尋求 祂的面。

6 For His perfect love will never change,
因 祂的慈愛永遠不變, And His mercies never cease, 祂的恩典不止息, But follow us through all our days 這平安和盼望必定 With the certain hope of peace. 一世伴隨著我們。

7 Rejoice, Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice!
歡欣!喜樂!萬口都要頌揚! One heart, one voice; O Church of Christ, rejoice! 同心!合一!基督教會歡唱!

8 3. Come, young and old from every land –
全地信徒牽手前來, Men and women of the faith; 來到主施恩座前; Come, those with full or empty hands – 富足或貧乏都可來, Find the riches of His grace. 領受 神豐富恩典。

9 Over all the world, His people sing –
全地都要聽見主子民 Shore to shore we hear them call 響徹雲霄的宣告, The Truth that cries through every age: 那亙古不變的真理 ─ “Our God is all in all”! 神 祂是我的滿足!

10 Rejoice, Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice!
歡欣!喜樂!萬口都要頌揚! One heart, one voice; O Church of Christ, rejoice! 同心!合一!基督教會歡唱! Words and Music by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music/ Copyright Control Chinese: CIC CCLI #

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