Topic 2. GIS Resources and Projects in DILA

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1 Topic 2. GIS Resources and Projects in DILA

2 Outline Project1: Visualizing and Querying Chinese Buddhist Biographies (佛教傳記文學的視覺化與搜尋) Project2: Buddhist Temples in Taiwan (台灣佛寺時空平台) Project3: Buddhist Studies Authority Database (佛學規範資料庫)

3 Visualizing and Querying Chinese Buddhist Biographies
(佛教傳記文學的視覺化與搜尋) Search 高僧傳 GIS

4 Visualizing and Querying Chinese Buddhist Biographies
The collections of hagio-bio-graphies of eminent Buddhist monks and nuns in China between c. 200 and 1700 CE. Chu sanzang jiji (Part 5: Biographies) 出三藏記集 (列傳部) by Sengyou 僧祐, completed Biqiuni zhuan 比丘尼傳 by Baochang 寶唱, dated 516 Liang gaoseng zhuan 梁高僧傳 by Huijiao 慧皎, dated 519 Tang gaoseng zhuan 唐高僧傳 by Daoxuan 道宣, dated 665 Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳 by Zanning 贊寧, dated 988 Ming seng zhuan chao 名僧傳抄 , by Sōshō 宗性, 13th cent. Ming gaoseng zhuan 明高僧傳 by Ruxing 如惺, dated 1600 Buxu Gaoseng Zhuan 補續高僧傳 by Minghe 明河, dated 1647 Total About 2900 biographies.

5 Markup Text with TEI 釋玄奘 。本名褘。姓陳氏。漢 太丘 仲弓後也。子孫徙於河南。故又為洛州緱氏人焉。祖康北齊國子博士。父慧早通經術。長八尺明眉目。拜江陵令。解纓而返。即大業末年。識者以為剋終。隱淪之候故也。兄素出家。即長捷法師也。容貌堂堂儀局瓌秀。講釋經義聯班群伍。住東都淨土寺。以奘少罹窮酷。携以將之。日授精理。

6 Indentify person/place/time/event in the text
釋玄奘 。本名褘。姓陳氏。漢 太丘 仲弓後也。子孫徙於河南。故又為洛州緱氏人焉。祖康北齊國子博士。父慧早通經術。長八尺明眉目。拜江陵令。解纓而返。即大業末年。識者以為剋終。隱淪之候故也。兄素出家。即長捷法師也。容貌堂堂儀局瓌秀。講釋經義聯班群伍。住東都淨土寺。以奘少罹窮酷。携以將之。日授精理。 Person 1: Xuan Zhang Person 2: Xuan Zhang’s father Place: 河南 (Longitude, latitude) Time: 大業末年 A Basic Event 2018/11/14

7 Markup of nexus points A Nexus Point
Person(s) x was/were at a certain place p at a certain time or period t. Person 1: Xuan Zhang

8 DILA Authority Database
Detailed information of persons, places, dates are store in DILA Authority Database. ( Most important: DILA Authority Database provides geographical coordinates of historical places mentioned in 高僧傳 corpus.

9 Geographic visualization of Buddhist Biographies
釋玄奘 。本名褘。姓陳氏。漢 太丘 仲弓後也。子孫徙於河南。故又為洛州緱氏人焉。祖康北齊國子博士。父慧早通經術。長八尺明眉目。拜江陵令。解纓而返。即大業末年。識者以為剋終。隱淪之候故也。兄素出家。即長捷法師也。容貌堂堂儀局瓌秀。講釋經義聯班群伍。住東都淨土寺。以奘少罹窮酷。携以將之。日授精理。 URL: 2018/11/14

10 Search using time/person/place condition

11 Unfortunately, Due to the "Google Earth Browser Plugin", the main technique for visualizing Geometric information, has been deprecated from this March. We can not directly see map visualizations on 高僧傳's website. We plan to fix it in summer.

12 So, now we only have a site of 高僧傳 corpus without GIS.
The interface besides displays the content of 高僧傳 text with all date ,person , place entities annotated, it also provides links for downloading KML containing geometric points mentioned in the text.

13 Practices with 高僧傳 GIS Try to download KML from following biographies:
梁高僧傳 > 譯經 > 釋法顯 梁高僧傳 > 譯經 > 鳩摩羅什 唐高僧傳 > 譯經 > 釋玄奘 Try to perform following search: Search for all points in 梁高僧傳 Search for all points related to 唐 dynasty Search for all points related to 菩提達摩

14 Transform KML to PostGis
The best way for us to transform KML to PostGIS Table is through "QGIS" software. The whole procedure: Load KML file as Vector Layer in QGIS Save the new Layer as shape file Import shape file to PostGIS

15 Load KML data into QGIS Simply use "ADD Vector Layer" and point to the KML file. Add Layer Add Vector Layer Location of KML file Open

16 Save Layer to Shape file
Right Click a layer in the layer panel Format : ESRI Shape File Filename: for Saving Shape file CRS: ESPG:4326 WGS 84 Encoding: UTF-8 Save As

17 pgShapeLoader Applicaion
User Name: postgres Password: Password of postgres Connecting: host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password='*******' dbname=TaiwanBuddhistTemples Connection succeeded. Database: TaiwanBuddhistTemples

18 -s: specify SRID of shape file.
> shp2pgsql -s g geom -W "UTF-8" -c {path_to_.dbf_file} public.Town | pbcopy -s: specify SRID of shape file. -g: specify the name of the field for storing geometric object -W: text encoding of shape file -c : for creating Table {path_to_.dbf_file} : specify the path to the .dbf file public.Town: the name of the table for storing the data of shape file > shp2pgsql -s g geom -W "UTF-8" -c {path_to_.dbf_file} public.Town | xclip -sel clip In ubuntu, you have to install xclip first.

19 The Song-Dynasty Collection of Biographies of Eminent Monks http://dev

20 Buddhist Temples in Taiwan

21 Buddhist Temples in Taiwan
This project uses geographic information system (GIS) technology to integrate temporal and spatial information about Taiwanese Buddhism, especially the spread and distribution of Buddhist temples and centers of worship. 2018/11/14

22 About The Dataset As data sources we use previous research done by scholars of Taiwanese Buddhist history. In particular we include the work of Prof. Kan Zhengzong 闞正宗 , who has kindly agreed to serve as advisor for this project. Data Source: 資料年代 「 內政部民政司/下載專區/寺廟一覽表 」 Dept. of Civil Affair/Ministry of Interior 更新至 2010 年版 「水月閣/世界佛教通訊」 約 1995 年前後 各寺院專屬網站 2007~2010 年 《重修苗栗縣志:宗教志卷八》 2007年4月

23 Browse Data of Taiwanese Temples
Search with Metadata Browse Temples Data by Map

24 Buddhist Temple in Taiwan - GIS
Collecting temporal and spatial information about Taiwanese Buddhist Temple Using GIS and Timeline for visualizing data 2018/11/14

25 臺灣佛寺資料基本資料 Basic information of Temples GIS Applications
Address, Telphone, 流派(sect?), Date of Creation and termination Brief Description. GIS Applications Show location with Google-map route navigation

26 Using Time Bar to Get the Brief Distribution of Taiwanese Temples in Different Era
Taiwanese Buddhist Temples in year 1911 499 Temples

27 Using Time Bar to Get the Brief Distribution of Taiwanese Temples in Different Era
Taiwanese Buddhist Temples in year 1949 887 Temples

28 Using Time Bar to Get the Brief Distribution of Taiwanese Temples in Different Era
Taiwanese Buddhist Temples in year 2010 4997 Temples

29 Buddhist Temple in Taiwan – Image Database
Collect images of Buddhist Temples in Taiwan Another crowdsourcing example 2018/11/14

30 Download Source Data You can down the source data in download page.
The zip-archive provided here includes the data of the Buddhist Temples in Taiwan database in XML/TEI (P5). It is distributed under a CC (Attribute - Share Alike) Ver.3 license. [1.28mb, :16] The Temples.csv, we used for our last lecture, is generated from this XML file.

31 Buddhist Studies Authority Database

32 佛學規範資料庫 Buddhist Studies Authority Databases
Our authority database wants to collect all authority entities, including persons, places, time and books related to Chinese Buddhism. Give each entity a unique authority id. 東漢 明帝 永平 元年 正月一日( )( ) 鳩摩羅什(Kumārajīva)(A001583),攝摩騰(A000883), 洛陽 白馬寺 (CN410322T01AA) The authority id is the basis for providing accurate and various search functions. 2018/11/14

33 佛學規範資料庫 Buddhist Studies Authority Databases
Data Range: Time Authority Database BCE 221/11/16 (Qin) -- CE 1912/01/12 (Qing) Chinese/Western/Japanese/Korean Calendar Person Authority Database More than persons Place Authority Database More than places 2018/11/14

34 Example of Person Authority Record
Alternative Name Birth and Death Record 2018/11/14

35 Example of Time Authority
Estimated Western Date Parallel dynasties in China Japanese and Korean calendar 2018/11/14

36 Data in Place Authority Database
Current Scope: Chinese cities in 15 dynasties ( from Qin to Qing) Important Buddhist places in Asia More than places Authority id and Names Longitude, Latitude Kml Download Online Google Map Administrative area Dynasty Note(use to indentify this place): Sources

37 Access Source Data Download > Open Content Project
You can down whole databases dump for person, place and calendar databases. The Least update date: May, 2017 Or you can visit our GitHub repository:

38 Access information through Data Service API
Access raw data with URL (ex: person query), data return in JSON format.

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