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Some Facts About Proverbs 关于箴言的一些事实

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1 Some Facts About Proverbs 关于箴言的一些事实
Pro. 1:5-7 “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Pro. 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Pastor Chui 11/14/2018 1

2 Some Facts About Proverbs 关于箴言的一些事实
箴言 1:5-7 “使智慧人聽見、增長學問、使聰明人得著智謀、 使人明白箴言和譬喻、懂得智慧人的言詞和謎語。 敬畏耶和華是知識的開端.愚妄人藐視智慧和訓誨。”  箴言 3:5-6 “你要專心仰賴耶和華、不可倚靠自己的聰明. 在你一切所行的事上、都要認定他、他必指引你的路。” Pastor Chui 11/14/2018 2

3 Keys to Proverbs - 1 箴言的钥匙 - 1
God’s Purpose in View: God’s sovereignty throughout the universe and His rule over all human affairs is absolute and undeniable. Yet equally true is the awesome fact of man’s responsibility in all of his own affairs, and his role in the affairs of the earth. The Proverbs emphasize this decisive role that each human being has in the issues of life. No one can hide from personal responsibility by suggesting that any failure is God’s doing and therefore beyond human accountability. 11/14/2018 3

4 Keys to Proverbs - 1 箴言的钥匙 - 1
看见上帝的目的:祂统治整个宇宙和所有人类事务的主权是绝对的,是不可否认的。然而,同样真实的是所有人的事情是人的责任。箴言强调,每个人都有生活的问题,每个人有决定性的作用。没有人可以隐藏的个人责任, 或提示任何故障是上帝做的, 或超越人类的责任。 11/14/2018 4

5 Keys to Proverbs - 2 箴言的钥匙 - 2
God’s Son Revealed: In 8:23-31, it seems an unmistakable description of Jesus Christ, who was “in the beginning with God” (Jn 1:2), is “the wisdom of God” (I Cor. 1:24), and “became for us wisdom” (I Cor. 1:30). The book satisfies the human appetite for wisdom and understanding, a hunger that can only be fully satisfied in Christ. Proverbs describe an ideal, an aspiration, a longing for perfection. Yet Solomon was not perfectly wise. Only Christ came in full example of all that Proverbs extols, the One “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom” (Col. 2:3). 11/14/2018 5

6 Keys to Proverbs - 2 箴言的钥匙 - 2
透露神的儿子:8:23-31似乎是一个明确的说明耶稣基督,祂是“太初与神同在”(约1:2),是“神的智慧”(林前1:24)和“成为我们的智慧”(林前1:30)。这本书满足了人的智慧和理解的饥饿,只有在基督里可以完全满足。箴言描述一种理想,一种愿望,一个完美的渴望。然而,所罗门是不完全明智的。只有基督能够完成箴言的赞颂 ,“所積蓄的一切智慧知識、都在他裏面藏著。”(西2:3) 11/14/2018 6

7 Keys to Proverbs - 3 箴言的钥匙 - 3
God’s Spirit at Work: The Holy Spirit is not mentioned in Proverbs. But Wisdom refers to her spirit (1:23), which is the Spirit of God. Wisdom apart from God is impossible. Therefore, His Spirit is prominent throughout. Our time is the work of the Holy Spirit; it is the Spirit who helps us mine the riches of Proverbs, rather than Proverbs helping us understand the Spirit. It has been said “The New is in the Old concealed; the Old is in the New revealed.” 11/14/2018 7

8 Keys to Proverbs - 3 箴言的钥匙 - 3
圣灵的工作:箴言没有提到圣灵的。但是智慧是指祂的灵(1:23), 就是说上帝的灵。除了上帝, 智慧是不可能的。因此,祂的灵是出现整个箴言。我们现在是圣灵的工作,有圣灵帮助我们挖掘箴言的财富,而不是箴言帮助我们了解圣灵。曾有人说“新约是在旧约隐藏,旧约是新约显露 。” 11/14/2018 8

9 Some Facts About Proverbs 关于箴言的一些事实
Author and Date 作者和日期 Background 背景 Content 内容 Personal Application 个人应用 Unique Features 独特的特点 Outline 概述 Truths and Actions 真理和行动 11/14/2018 9

10 Author of the Proverbs 箴言的作者
Solomon was the son of David and Bathsheba. He reigned for 40 years ( BC). He was king when he was about 20 years old. He wrote more books than others except Moses. His strengths are in the realm of the mind: meditation, planning, negotiation, and organization. His reputation springs from its practical results in the dispute over a baby, and from direct statements of Scripture. I Kings 4:31 says he is wiser than all men. 11/14/2018 10

11 Author of the Proverbs 箴言的作者
所罗门是大卫与拔示巴的儿子。他在位40年( BC)。他是国王时,约20岁。除了摩西,他写了比别人更多的书。他的强项是思想:沉思,规划,谈判,组织的境界。他的名声来自实际成果,在婴儿的争议,还有圣经的直接陈述。列王纪上4:31说,他比所有的人更聪明。 11/14/2018 11

12 Date of the Proverbs 箴言的日期
Probably around 950 BC. Chapters 25 to 29 are identified as copied by “the men of Hezekiah,” which places the copying at about 720 BC, though the material itself was by Solomon, perhaps in a separate document found in Hezekiah’s time. 大概是公元前950年。第25章至第29章被认定为“希西家的人,”这复制在公元前720年左右,但材料本身是由所罗门,也许在希西家的时候发现这个单独文件的复制。 11/14/2018 12

13 Background of the Proverbs 箴言的背景
Solomon means Peaceful. And peace, with wisdom, brought unprecedented prosperity to the nation, which became a cause of wonder and admiration to the queen of Sheba and to other rulers of his time. Wise sayings, like music or other art forms, tend to blossom in such a time, then endure through succeeding generations. 所罗门表示和平。和平,用智慧,带来了空前的国家繁荣,示巴女王和其他统治者都惊奇和钦佩。静思语,音乐或其他艺术,往往在这样的时候开花,然后通过后代承受。 11/14/2018 13

14 Content of the Book of Proverbs 箴言的内容
Its unifying theme is “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, appearing in another form as, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Six truths are evident: 1. Wisdom is the most valuable asset. 2. Wisdom is available to anyone, but the price is high. 3. Wisdom originates in God, not self, and comes by attention to instruction. 4. Wisdom and righteousness go together. It is good to be wise, and it is wise to be good. 5. Evil men suffer the consequences of their evil deeds. 6. The simple, the fool, the lazy, the ignorant, the proud, the profligate, and the sinful are never to be admired. 11/14/2018 14

15 Content of the Book of Proverbs 箴言的内容
统一的主题是:“敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端,”另一种形式是,”敬畏耶和华是知识的开端。” 六项真理是显而易见的: 1。智慧是最宝贵的资产。 2。智慧是提供给任何人,但价格也高。 3。智慧起源于上帝,而不是自我, 要注意教导 。 4。智慧与公义一起。明智是好的,聪明也是好的。 5。邪恶的人得的后果是邪恶的。 6。简单的,愚蠢的,懒惰的,无知的,骄傲的,挥霍的,罪恶的,是永远不值得钦佩的。 11/14/2018 15

16 Proverbs’ Powerful Contrasts 箴言的强大对比
Wisdom vs Folly; Righteousness vs Wickedness; Good vs Evil; Life vs Death; Prosperity vs Poverty; Honor vs Dishonor; Permanence vs Transience; Truth vs Falsehood; Industry vs Indolence; Friend vs Enemy; Prudence vs Rashness; Fidelity vs Adultery; Peace vs Violence; Goodwill vs Anger; God vs Humanity 智慧与愚蠢,正义与邪恶,好与邪恶,生命与死亡, 兴旺与贫困;荣誉与荣辱;持久性与瞬时性,真理与谎言, 勤劳与懒惰 ,朋友与敌人,谨慎与鲁莽, 忠实与通奸,和平与暴力, 商誉与愤怒,上帝与人类 11/14/2018 16

17 Proverbs Personal Application 箴言的个人应用
Proverbs tell how to order one’s values, which leads to character, wholeness, and satisfaction. It warns pitfalls of life and declares the folly of not developing the fear of the Lord. 箴言告诉我们如何指导个人的价值观,性格,整体性和满意度。警告 生命的缺陷,并宣布不敬畏耶和华是愚蠢的。 11/14/2018 17

18 Proverbs Unique Features 箴言的独特的特点
1. Proverbs give clear internal evidence of multiple authorship. 2. It shows clear internal evidence of having been put together over a span of 250 years, since Hezekiah (25:1) lived long after King Solomon. 1。箴言的内部证据是多作者的。 2。它显示的内部证据历时250年放在一起,因为希西家(25:1) 活在所罗门250年后。 11/14/2018 18

19 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
1. Introduction 1:1-7 - To acquire a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and fair. 2. A Father’s warnings and wisdom’s admonitions 1:8-8:36 - A father’s warnings, part 1 (1:8-19) - Wisdom’s admonitions, part 1 (1:20-33) – dangers of rejecting wisdom. This wisdom will prolong his life and win a good name with God and man. Trust God in life’s choices. Follow His ways and He will make our paths straight. 11/14/2018 19

20 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
1。简介1:1-7 - 获得有纪律和审慎的生活,要做正确和公平的事 。 2。一位父亲的警告和智慧的忠告1:8-8:36 - 一位父亲的警告,第1部分(1:8-19) - 智慧的告诫,第1部分(1:20-33) - 拒绝智慧的危险。这样的智慧,将延长他的生命,赢得了良好的名称在神和人面 前 。在生活的选择相信上帝。按照祂的方式,祂会让我们的路正直 。 11/14/2018 20

21 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
2. A Father’s warnings and wisdom’s admonitions 1:8-8:36 (continued) - A father’s warnings, part 2 (2:1-7:27) - Solomon warns against adultery and other folly (5:1-7:27); the danger of lust is treated extensively; the danger of laziness (6:6-11) and the characteristics of a villain (6:12-19). - Wisdom’s admonition, Part 2 (8:1-36) Solomon praises wisdom, which contrasts Logos in John. Logos is another name for Christ. 11/14/2018 21

22 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
2。一位父亲的警告和智慧的忠告1:8-8:36(续) - 一位父亲的警告,第2部分(2:1-7:27) - 所罗门警告,反对通奸和其他愚蠢(5:1-7:27); 情欲的危险, 懒惰的危险(6:6-11)和 恶棍的特点(6:12-19) 。 - 智慧的告诫,第2部分(8:1-36)所罗门赞美智慧,对比约翰福音的道。道是基督的另一个名字。 11/14/2018 22

23 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
3. The way of wisdom versus the way of folly 9:1-18. The two ways of life are contrasted, with both wisdom and folly personified as women. 4. Solomon’s proverbs and sayings of the wise 10:1-29:27. I Kings 4:32 says Solomon wrote 3000 proverbs. The sayings are couplets, using the literary device of contrast. These proverbs range many topics, without special organization. - Solomon’s proverbs—1st collection (10:1-22:16) - Sayings of the wise—1st collection (22:17-24:22). These are longer sayings than preceding ones. Synonymous parallelism is used. Like Solomon’s short sayings, these describe wise and foolish conduct. 11/14/2018 23

24 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
3。智慧与愚蠢的比较9:1-18。这两种生活方式的对比,智慧和愚蠢用女人人格化。 4。所罗门的箴言和俗语的明智10:1-29:27。列王纪上4:32说所罗门写了3000箴言。这些箴言是对联,文艺设备的对比。这些箴言的范围很多话题,没有专门结构 。 - 所罗门的箴言 - 第1集(10:1-22:16) - 熟语的智者 - 第1集(22:17-24:22)。这是比前面的较长的说法。使用同义并行。像所罗门的短的说法,形容聪明的和愚蠢的行为。 11/14/2018 24

25 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
4. Solomon’s proverbs and sayings of the wise 10:1-29:27. (continued) - Sayings of the wise – 2nd collection (24:23-24). - Solomon’s proverbs—2nd collection (by Hezekiah’s men) (25:1-29:27)His scribes worked from sources that contained many of Solomon’s sayings. The scribes edited them and included in an addition to the Old Testament scroll. These proverbs are couplets, like Solomon’s first collection (Proverbs 10-22). They tend to teach by synonym rather than contrast. 11/14/2018 25

26 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
4。所罗门的箴言和俗语的明智10:1-29:27。(续) - 熟语明智的 - 第二个收集(24:23-24)。 - 所罗门的箴言第二个收集(25:1-29:27希西家的文士编辑)他的抄写员的工作包括许多所罗门的箴言。文士编辑, 附加旧约的古卷 。这些谚语是对联,像所罗门的第一个收集(箴言10-22)。他们往往使用代名词,而不是相反词。 11/14/2018 26

27 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
5. Agur’s proverbs 30:1-33. - The life of God-fearing moderation (30:1-14). Agur and the others in v 1 are unknown. The first section is personal, sharing the writer’s awe of God and his own sense of inadequacy. - The observed wonders of life on earth (30:15-31). The rest of Proverbs 30 contains wise sayings that focus on nature rather than moral instruction. - The foolishness of pride and anger (30:32-33). 11/14/2018 27

28 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
5。亚古珥的箴言30:1-33。 - 敬畏上帝生命的节制(30:1-14)。第1节的雅基和其他人历史不明 。第一部分是个人的, 分享作者敬畏上帝和他自己感觉不足之处。 - 观察地球上生命的奇迹(30:15-31)。其余的箴言30章静思,专注于自然,而不是道德教育。 - 骄傲和愤怒的愚蠢(30:32-33)。 11/14/2018 28

29 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
6. King Lemuel’s proverbs 31:1-31. - A mother’s standards for a noble son (31:1-9). Like Agur, Lemuel cannot be identified. The first section (1-9) contains his mother’s advice to him, warning against strong drink. - An acrostic poem on the perfect wife (31:10-31). Each verse begins with a different Hebrew letter. This famous poem contains the Old Testament’s description of a wife who earns praise for her noble character. 11/14/2018 29

30 Outline of Proverbs 箴言的概述
6。利慕伊勒王的箴言31:1-31。 - 母亲对一个的高贵儿子的标准(31:1-9)。像亚古珥,利慕伊勒不能确定历史。第一部分(1-9)包含他的母亲给他的忠告,警告喝烈性酒。 - 离合诗最完美的妻子(31:10-31)。每句诗一开始就用不同的希伯来字母。这首著名的诗包含旧约圣经的描述,一个妻子赢得赞扬她的高尚品格。 11/14/2018 30

31 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Truth 1. Attaining wisdom and gaining understanding. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding” exhorts Solomon (4:7). Wisdom is knowing truth and how to apply it to any given situation: understanding is knowledge seasoned and modified by wisdom and insight. The words “wisdom” or “wise” and “understanding” occur over 140 times in Proverbs. 11/14/2018 31

32 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
真理1。获得智慧和理解。 “智慧為首.所以要得智慧.在你一切所得之內、必得聰明。”所罗门告诫 (4:7)。智慧是知道真相,以及如何将它应用到任何的情况下; 理解是知识丰富的和修改智慧和洞察力。 在箴言之內“智慧”或“智者”与“理解”发生超过140次。 11/14/2018 32

33 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Action 1. 4:5-9 Prioritize wisdom. Seek after and cherish understanding. Accept that knowledge without wisdom and understanding is futile. 9:10 Pursue the fear of the Lord, reproofs, instruction, advice and humility. Know that from these come wisdom and understanding. 2:1-6 Apply your heart, pay attention and turn your ear to wisdom and understanding. Understand that you must embrace them both, not just know about them. 3:13-18, 21-26; 8:12-21 Embrace wisdom and follow after understanding. Know that patience, discernment, favor, prosperity, safety, and other benefits will result. 11/14/2018 33

34 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
行动1。 4:5-9 优先顺序智慧。寻求和珍惜理解。接受知识,没有智慧与理解是徒劳的。 9:10 追求尊敬主,责备,指导,咨询和谦卑的追求。要知道,这些来自智慧和理解。 2:1-6 用你的心,要注意把你的耳朵听智慧和理解的声音 。了解,你必须接受他们,而不仅仅了解它们。 3:13-18, 21-26;8:12-21 拥抱智慧和了解。知道耐心,明辨,赞成,繁荣,安全,及其他福利将于 会来 。 11/14/2018 34

35 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Truth 2. Acquiring Knowledge. The knowledge of Proverbs consists of more than information, facts, and sense data. It is knowledge that begins with the fear of the Lord and is therefore godly knowledge that always includes Him as the primary factor. Because of its divine source, it comes with understanding implicit in it. Action 2. 2:4-6; 24:13, 14 Seek out knowledge. Cherish it as a valued possession when you have found it. 3:5, 6; 22:17-21 Study God’s Word and listen to the Holy Spirit. Believe God’s prophets. Understand that these are the true sources of godly knowledge. 14:3; 15:23; 20:15 Be prudent in how you give out knowledge. Do not stray from the words of knowledge. Share your knowledge with restraint, and do not let it become a source of pride. 11/14/2018 35

36 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
真理2。获取知识。箴言的知识超过信息,事实和检测数据。 这些知识是从敬畏耶和华开始,因此是虔诚的知识,包括祂在内是主要因素。由于其神圣的来源, 必隐含了解。 行动2。 2:4-6; 24:13,14 求知。珍惜它作为一个有价值的资产。 3:5,6; 22:17-21 学习神的话语,听从圣灵。相信神的先知。了解,这是真正的敬虔的知识来源。 14:3;15:23;20:15 审慎态度,给你知识。不要偏离知识的言语。分享你的知识与克制,不要让它成为骄傲的源泉。 11/14/2018 36

37 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Truth 3. Loving instruction and heeding reproof. Discipline involves both instruction and exercise designed to train in proper conduct or action. Punishment may also be inflicted as a means of correction. Action 3. 9:7-9; 17:10 Embrace the discipline of instruction and heed reproofs gladly. Realize that man is inclined to turn away from both. 10:8; 13:18 Follow instruction diligently. Accept the correction of reproof. Value their lessons. Seek after both instruction and reproof. 11/14/2018 37

38 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
真理3。喜爱教导和留心责备。纪律包括教导和培养适当的行为。处罚也可能成为校正的一种手段。 行动3。 9:7-9;17:10 拥抱教导,并很乐意听从责备。人是倾向距离开这些 。 10:8;13:18 努力服从教导。接受修正的责备。重视他们的教训。寻求教导和责备。 11/14/2018 38

39 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Truth 4. The wise versus the fool. Proverbs presents two categories of people: the wise or prudent and the fool, scoffer, or mocker. The former seeks wisdom and loves instruction; the latter neglects discipline and spurns reproof. Also, each can be characterized by his response to parental and other authority, the former bringing joy and delight, the latter bringing shame, disgrace, and sadness. Proverbs exhorts its reader to become wise and despise the foolish and his folly. 11/14/2018 39

40 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
真理4。聪明人与傻瓜。箴言分两类人:聪明谨慎的人或傻瓜亵慢人。前者有智慧和爱教导; 后者忽视纪律和摒弃责备。此外,每人都可以从他对父母和其他权威的反应 ,前者带来欢乐和喜悦,后者带来的耻辱和悲伤。箴言告诫读者,喜悦智慧和鄙视愚蠢。 11/14/2018 40

41 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Action 4. 10:14; 16:24; 17:27, 28 Be careful in what you say. Measure every word. Do not speak unless it is important that you do so. Speak only in order to build up and strengthen. Be diligent in all your work. 6:6-11 Avoid any form of laziness. Serve those to whom your lot assigns you with gladness. Seek to please those under or for whom you work. 3:9, 27, 28; 10:4,5; 17:18; 23:1-3, 19-21, Be frugal in your handling of money. Practice good stewardship. Avoid being either a spendthrift or a miser. Learn the proper investment of time and substance. Do not consume unnecessarily. Use, do not abuse the things God gives you. Avoid drunkenness, excessiveness, and immoral sexual conduct. 11/14/2018 41

42 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
行动4。 10:14,16:24,17:27,28 请小心你说的话。测量每一个字。说重要的话。说建立和加强其他人的话。所有的工作要勤奋。 6:6-11 避免任何形式的懒惰。欢乐地服务他人。在你的工作中, 求上下高兴 。 3:9,27-28;10:4-5;17:18;23:1-3,19-21,26-35 节俭处理钱。养成良好的管理。避免花钱大手大脚,或守财奴。学习适当的时间和资源投资。不消耗不必要的。要使用,不要滥用上帝给你的东西。避免酗酒,过度花钱,和不道德的性行为。 11/14/2018 42

43 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
Truth 5. The proper discipline of children. Perhaps biblical wisdom most significantly challenges our modern philosophies and practices of childrearing. Action 5. 22:6 Train children to honor authority, obey, and follow instruction. Discourage rebellion, stubbornness, and disobedience. 13:24; 19:18 Practice consistent discipline and corporal correction in rearing children. Recognize that children are trained to obedience by these. 11/14/2018 43

44 Truths and Actions in Proverbs 箴言的真理和行动
真理5。适当的培养孩子。圣经的智慧也许最显着的挑战,我们的现代理念和实践的儿童抚养。 行动5。 22:6 教养子女尊重权威,服从,并按照教导。劝阻叛乱,固执和不服从。 13:24;19:18 实践一致的培养,在养育孩子体罚修正。认识这些孩子们进行培训,以服从。 11/14/2018 44

45 More Truths in Proverbs 更多箴言的真理
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30 The righteous are as trees of life that bear fruit. Their fruit includes their reverence and love for God, their godly example to others, their mentoring of young believers in the ways of the Lord, and their prayerfulness. God wants us to be wise soul winners, knowing how to deal with the unconverted so that we might bring them to Christ. 11/14/2018 45

46 More Truths in Proverbs 更多箴言的真理
“義人所結的果子、就是生命樹.有智慧的必能得人。” 箴言11:30 义人的生活是生命樹, 结出果实的。他们的果,包括崇敬和对上帝的爱,他们的敬虔的榜样给其他人,他们指导年轻的信徒在主的道上,和他们的祷告。上帝要我们成为明智的灵魂的渔夫 ,知道如何处理未信的,因此,我们引领他们归向基督。 11/14/2018 46

47 References: 参考文献: 1. Several Internet sources.
2. Several versions of the Bible. 3. Hayford’s Bible Handbook, 1995. 1。几个互联网资源。 2。几个版本的圣经。 3。海福德圣经手册,1995年。 11/14/2018 47

48 Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 11/14/2018 48

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