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Chapter 3 全球貿易環境:區域市場特性與互惠貿易協定

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1 Chapter 3 全球貿易環境:區域市場特性與互惠貿易協定
Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green

2 GATT 關稅暨貿易總協定 在此協定中,會員國的政府同意將致力促進彼此之間的貿易關係 處理貿易紛爭 不具強制力

3 世界貿易組織 提供147個會員國間貿易相關談判的論壇
總部設於日內瓦 協助解決全球貿易紛爭的調解者 爭端解決機構有權依據執行小組之建議行事 如發現有違反世界貿易組織規章之情事,則該國政府必須改變其貿易政策。若堅持未改,則世界貿易組織有權對該國實施貿易制裁

4 優惠貿易協定 許多國家尋求降低在其區域之內的貿易壁壘 自由貿易區 關稅同盟 共同市場 經濟聯盟
A preferential trade agreement is a mechanism that confers special treatment on select trading partners. By favoring certain countries, such agreements frequently discriminate against others. For that reason, it is customary for countries to notify the WTO when they enter into preference agreements. Over the past 10 years, more than 150 preferential trade agreements have been notified to the WTO.

5 北美地區 加拿大、美國與墨西哥 北美自由貿易協定制定的自由貿易區 三國的政府同意藉由關稅減免,並擴張貿易與投資來促進經濟成長
沒有共同對外關稅 會員國間的勞工及其他要素交流的相關限制也尚未去除 The agreement was approved by both houses of the U.S. Congress and became effective on January 1, The result is a free trade area with a combined population of roughly 425 million and a total GNP of $11.9 trillion

6 拉丁美洲地區 加勒比海地區與中南美洲 四個最重要的互惠貿易協定分別為: 中美洲整合體 安地斯共同體 南美洲共同市場 加勒比海共同體
The allure of the Latin American market has been its considerable size and huge resource base. After a decade of no growth, crippling inflation, increasing foreign debt, protectionism, and bloated government payrolls, the countries of Latin America have begun the process of economic transformation. Balanced budgets are a priority and privatization is underway. Free markets, open economies, and deregulation have begun to replace the policies of the past. With the exception of Cuba, democratically elected governments are found throughout Latin America. Policy makers have recognized the benefits of free-market forces and the advantages of participating fully in the global economy. In many countries, tariffs that sometimes reached as much as 100 percent or more have been lowered to 10 to 20 percent.

7 歐洲聯盟 歐洲聯盟的歷史可追溯到1958年的羅馬條約

8 非洲 53個國家分布於三個地區 南非共和國 北非 黑色非洲 區域協定 西非國家經濟共同體 南非發展共同體

9 南非發展共同體 安哥拉、波札那、剛果民主共和國(原薩伊)、賴索托、馬拉威、模里西斯、莫三比克、納米比亞、南非、塞席爾、史瓦濟蘭、坦尚尼亞、尚比亞及辛巴威 其目的在促進共同體中黑人統治國家的貿易、合作與經濟整合 最終目的是發展完善的關稅同盟

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