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使役動詞 明德女中英檢初級複試班 曾婉婷老師.

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Presentation on theme: "使役動詞 明德女中英檢初級複試班 曾婉婷老師."— Presentation transcript:

1 使役動詞 明德女中英檢初級複試班 曾婉婷老師

2 1. finish(v)完成 translation(n)翻譯
2. broken(pp->adj) 壞掉的 mechanic (n)修理工 3. class leader班長 arrange(v)安排 class trip班遊 4.10-year-old十歲的 cheeseburger起士漢堡 5. composition 作文

3 6. yell(v)吼叫 7. celebrate(v)慶祝 celebration(n)慶祝會 festival(n)節日 holiday(n)假日 8. beat(v)跳動 hard(adv)猛烈地 stranger(n)陌生人 footstep(n)腳步 9. harp(n)豎琴 auditorium(n)禮堂 10. land(v)著陸 take off(v) 起飛 lawn (n) 草地

4 11. feed fed fed (v) 餵食 stray dogs流浪狗 12. clean up(v)清掃 mess (n)髒亂 13. physician(n)內科醫生 patient (n)病人 take the medicine服用藥物 14. be(was) about to VR 即將要 15. touch觸碰 16. audience(n)觀眾 magician(n)魔術師 magic tricks 魔法的把戲

5 17. painter (n)油漆工 18. assignment (n) 功課 19. robber (n)強盜 grab (v) 抓,奪取 20. naughty (adj)頑皮的 21. permission (n) 允許 22. overtime (adv) 超過時間 work overtime 加班 23. service station 服務站,加油站 soft drink不含酒精飲料

6 23. at/ some soft drinks/ the/ soft/ service station/ to buy/ stop

7 24. wax (v) 打蠟 26. check (v) 檢察 27. security (n) 安全 guard (n) 警衛 furniture (n)家具 mover (n)搬家工人 28. rainbow (n)彩虹 appear (v) 出現 29. trim (v) 修剪 barber (n) 理髮師 30. corn (n) 小麥 meatball (n)肉丸子

8 29. had /trimmed/ hair/ his/ the barber /by

9 13. 醫生 doctor physician 內科醫生 surgeon 外科醫生 dentist 牙醫 psychiatrist 心理醫生 pediatrician 小兒科醫生

10 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make

11 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make I let Mary use my car.

12 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make I let Mary use my car.
I had Mary wash her car.

13 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make I let Mary use my car.
I had Mary wash her car. I made Mary wash my car.

14 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make I let Mary use my car.
I had Mary wash her car. I made Mary wash my car.

15 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make
I let Mary use my car. (允許)讓她用 I had Mary wash her car. I made Mary wash my car.

16 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make
I let Mary use my car. (允許)讓她用 I had Mary wash her car. (叫,要求)她洗車 I made Mary wash my car.

17 使役動詞 使役動詞 基本用法 let have sb.(人) + VR(原形動詞) make
I let Mary use my car. (允許)讓她用 I had Mary wash her car. (叫,要求)她洗車 I made Mary wash my car.(強迫)她洗車

18 make /have + 人 + VR(叫某人去做某事) help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞
let + 人 + VR (允許某人去做某事) make /have + 人 + VR(叫某人去做某事) help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞 ask/want/need/get/allow + 人 + to VR 要求 想要 需要 使 允許

19 現在請你做做看p.26的第1, 3, 4, 5 let + 人 + VR (允許某人去做某事)
make /have + 人 + VR(叫某人去做某事) help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞 ask/want/need/get/allow + 人 + to VR 要求 想要 需要 使 允許 現在請你做做看p.26的第1, 3, 4, 5

20 1. My mother made me help her (to) finish the translation.

21 3. The teacher will help the class leader (to) arrange a class trip.

22 4. I let my 10-year-old daughter make her own cheeseburger.

23 5. The teacher had her students write English compositions.

24 have/make + 人 + VR 叫人做某事 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 I had Peter wash the car. I had the car washed.

25 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 I had Peter wash the car.
have/make + 人 + VR 叫人做某事 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 I had Peter wash the car. I had the car washed. Peter can wash the car 主動VR

26 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 I had Peter wash the car.
have/make + 人 + VR 叫人做某事 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 I had Peter wash the car. I had the car washed. Peter can wash the car 主動VR The car can wash 被動p.p.

27 have/make + 人 + VR 叫人做某事 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 換你練習一下 Mother had the house paint/painted. Judy had his boyfriend do/done her homework. I want to have my work do/done tonight.

28 have/make + 人 + VR 叫人做某事 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 換你練習一下 Mother had the house paint/painted. Judy had his boyfriend do/done her homework. I want to have my work do/done tonight.

29 have/make + 人 + VR 叫人做某事 have/make + 物 + p.p. 使某事物被完成 現在請你做做看P.27 第2題

30 2. Mr. Brown had his broken bicycle fixed by the mechanic.

31 let + 人 + VR (允許某人做某事) let + 物 + be p.p. (讓某事被做好) Let the job be done.

32 感官動詞 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) + V-ing (--動作)
listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel

33 I saw Peter punished.[被動]
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel I saw Peter dance. I saw Peter dancing. I saw Peter punished.[被動]

34 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O. (人) + V-ing (--動作) listen to P. P
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel 換你做做看第6-10題

35 6. Can you hear the boy cry and yell loudly in the dark?
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel 6. Can you hear the boy cry and yell loudly in the dark? 6. Can you hear the boy crying and yelling loudly in the dark?

36 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O. (人) + V-ing (--動作) listen to P. P
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel 7. I saw people happily celebrate/ celebrating the festival in the park.

37 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O. (人) + V-ing (--動作) listen to P. P
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel 8. Cindy felt her heart beat/beating hard when a stranger followed her footsteps.

38 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O. (人) + V-ing (--動作) listen to P. P
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel 9. Please listen to the little boy play/playing the harp in the auditorium.

39 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O. (人) + V-ing (--動作) listen to P. P
see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel 10. Many people are watching the airplanes land and take off on the lawn. landing taking off

40 請做做看11-20題,有問題記得舉手發問喔! let + 人 + VR let + 物 + be p.p. make /have + 人 + VR have/make + 物 + p.p. help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞 ask/want/need/get/allow + 人 + to VR 要求 想要 需要 使 允許 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel

41 11. Jenny saw something. An old man fed the stray dogs some bread. Jenny saw something an old man fed the stray dogs some bread.  Jenny saw an old man fed the stray dogs some bread feed/feeding

42 12. Andy helped me (to) clean up the mess after the birthday party.
13. The physician made the patient take the medicine for a week.

43 14. Johnson heard someone knock/knocking on the door when he was about to go to bed.
15. Tina felt someone touch/touching her back while she was seeing a movie.

44 16. The audience looked at the magician do/doing some magic tricks.
17. I had the painter paint the whole wall pink.

45 18. Monica’s parents let her watch TV after finishing the assignment.
19. I saw a robber grab/grabbing a woman’s bag and run/running away.

46 20. The teacher made the naughty students clean the classroom for a week.

47 重組的21-30題也是使用相同概念試試看吧! let + 人 + VR let + 物 + be p.p. make /have + 人 + VR have/make + 物 + p.p. help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞 ask/want/need/get/allow + 人 + to VR 要求 想要 需要 使 允許 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel

48 21. Mr. White doesn’t let his two sons drive his car without his permission.
22. My boss often makes me work overtime. 23. Let’s stop at the service station to buy some soft drinks.

49 24. My mother had me wax the floor for the family.
25. I could hear a girl laughing loudly. 26. Mrs. Smith had her car checked by Johnny.

50 27. The security guard watched the movers moving out furniture from a house.
28. Did you see a rainbow appear in the sky this afternoon? 29. Morris had his hair trimmed by the barber.

51 30. I helped Aileen make corn bread and meatballs.

52 再複習今天學到的概念~~ let + 人 + VR let + 物 + be p.p. make /have + 人 + VR have/make + 物 + p.p. help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞 ask/want/need/get/allow + 人 + to VR 要求 想要 需要 使 允許 see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel

53 OK了嗎?再來點新概念喔~~ let + 人 + VR let + 物 + be p.p. make /have + 人 + VR have/make + 物 + p.p. help 人 (to) VR (幫某人做某事) 其他類似意思,但使用不定詞 ask/want/need/get/allow + 人 + to VR 要求 想要 需要 使 允許 make + O. + adj ex. I will make you happy V-ing (主動) find + O.(人.物) p.p. (被動) see watch look at VR (強調事實) hear O.(人) V-ing (--動作) listen to P.P. (被動) notice feel

54 改成被動 接下來還有刺激的~~~ I made Peter wash the car. Peter was made
I saw Peter wash/washing the car. Peter was seen I heard Peter sing/singing songs. Peter was heard to wash the car. to wash/washing the car. to sing/singing songs.

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