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Autodesk 傳媒暨娛樂 Digital Entertainment Creation

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Presentation on theme: "Autodesk 傳媒暨娛樂 Digital Entertainment Creation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Autodesk 傳媒暨娛樂 Digital Entertainment Creation

2 Industry Recognition 2009: Academy Award® for original developers of Autodesk® Lustre ® software. Autodesk ® 3ds Max ® 2010 software wins Front Line Award 2007: Autodesk ® Maya ® software wins Front Line Awards Hall of Fame Academy Award for developers of Autodesk Maya fluid effects technology 2005: Autodesk Principal Scientist Jos Stam co- recipient of Technical Achievement Award for research on subdivision surfaces 2002: Academy Award to Alias|Wavefront for Maya Autodesk receives significant Industry recognition for its contribution to the industry both through our products and services as well as our support of the Industry through our active sponsorship program and our participation on various industry committees and standards bodies. We received a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the Fluid Effects System in our Maya animation software. The Maya Fluid Effects System helps digital artists create near realistic animations of liquids and gases, using novel simulation techniques. Maya joined Game Developer Magazine’s Hall of Fame, being recognized for its outstanding contribution to the game development industry. 3ds Max was inducted in 2005, Maya in 2 And Wired magazine carried a feature story on Autodesk’s Principal Scientist Jos Stam and his ideas on how to teach visual effects software to understand the fundamental laws of physics, making it easier for artists to create more realistic simulations. RockBand Image Courtesy of Harmonix Systems Music inc.

3 Fostering Innovation Worldwide
Autodesk has more than 9 million users around the world. Our technological expertise, experience and stability has helped us become a trusted advisor to the world’s biggest and smallest companies – helping them succeed in the industries they serve. As importantly, our extensive education initiatives - including collaboration with some to the world’s leading educational institutions to develop curriculum relevant to the industry - is helping more than 2 million students a year to master the skills needed to enter the digital workplace. …9m users… …750,000 companies… …185 countries… ...2m students… …7000 employees…

4 How do you make the impossible possible?
this is a slide from one of our film customers – and it is important for what I am about to talk about – Autodesk customers are always pushing boundaries on what is next, and what can become reality. James Cameron and his team completely re-vamped the way film is done for Avatar using virtual filmmaking. Cameron directed his actors in motion control suits while using a monitor showing the virtual world of Pandora created using Maya –with what his actors were doing updated in real time using MotionBuilder. The actors could also see themselves superimposed on the scene in real time as they act, making the process more realistic helping them to emote more clearly in the digital world. This emotion is of the elements of the film that reached the hearts of theater goers worldwide – how the characters felt real. we have found true believability for digital characters – and all of this supported Cameron’s virtuoso storytelling. What can making the impossible possible do for you? For Cameron it led to an Academy Award winning feature and his team inspiring millions of viewers around the globe AVATAR. TM and © Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved Siggraph

5 Autodesk Entertainment Creation

6 3ds Max 2011 使用者可以使用 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2011 這套功能完備的 3D 塑型、動畫、 彩現和視覺效果解決方案,建立廣受喜愛的遊戲、電影和影像內容。 透過支援Direct3D 10 , 啟動SM(Shader Model) 3.0,就可以直接在視埠中直 接預覽燈光、陰影、材質

7 3ds Max with iRay Renderer
讓設計師可透過傳統的影像 設計流程即可快速創作逼真 度可媲美照片的影像。 3D 設計師現在可以採用相當 於真實世界中互動的材質和 光源,以更快的速度呈現 3ds Max 創作的世界。

8 3ds max with PhysX 剛體動力學功能
靜態 動態 運動力學剛體 採用具有物理特效特質的 實體材質時可更快獲得逼 真效果。

9 Maya 2011 具備進階的衣服、頭髮、毛皮、液體及粒子模擬工具。 View Port OpenGL顯示支援,強化及時互動與特效顯示效果
利用 PhysX 外掛可支援 靜態 動態 運動力學剛體 APEX Clothing

10 Autodesk Softimage 2011 主要用於電腦動畫、電影、廣告、和電視遊戲和電腦遊戲的圖形製作。
Softimage Face Robot 臉部動畫互動工具集。 View Port OpenGL顯示支援,強化及時互動與特效顯示效果 內建PhysX2.83 可支援 靜態 動態 運動力學剛體 APEX Clothing

11 Autodesk MotionBuilder2011 即時動畫軟體
適合量大的遊戲動畫製作流程、以導演創作為主的虛擬電影攝影,以及即時角 色模擬。 View Port OpenGL顯示支援,強化及時互動與特效顯示效果

12 Autodesk Mudbox 2011 View Port OpenGL顯示支援,直接完美呈現最終影像
免Post Render,即時互動顯示 燈光 筆刷上色功能 鏡頭測試 TurnTable

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