Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
Ten-Hwang Lai Ohio State University

2 A Sensor Node Memory (Application) Processor Actuator Network Sensor
Interface Sensor Actuator

3 Berkeley Mote: a sensor device prototype
Atmel ATMEGA103 4 Mhz 8-bit CPU 128KB Instruction Memory 4KB RAM RFM TR1000 radio 50 kb/s Network programming 51-pin connector

4 Berkeley DOT Mote Atmel AVR 8535 Low power radio Power consumption
4MHz 8KB of Memory 0.5KB of RAM Low power radio Power consumption Active 5mA Standby 5μA

5 Berkeley Smart Dust bi-directional communications
sensor: acceleration and ambient light 11.7 mm3 total circumscribed volume 4.8 mm3 total displaced volume

6 Tightly-Coupled Sensor Array

7 Artificial Retina

8 Smart Clothing & Wearable Computing
Smart Underwear Smart Eyeglasses Smart Shoes

9 Speckled Computing 愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)科學家即將研發出大小跟灰塵差不多的超微型晶片, 這些晶片可以分散或噴灑到物體上彼此溝通、傳遞資訊。 這種名為斑點運算(speckled computing)的技術可望在三年內成為事實。 將晶片噴到患者的衣物上, 可監控其心跳 、呼吸與體溫。 Source: Silicon Glen R&D Update, April, 2003  

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