平安像江河/Like A Flowing River

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1 平安像江河/Like A Flowing River
神的平安就像一緩緩流水 越流越光明直到榮耀境 完全但流不停天天更豐盈 完全但流不息一路愈深廣 Like a flowing river is God’s perfect peace Glorious forever in its bright increase Perfect yet it flowth fuller ev’ry day Perfect yet it growth deeper all the way

2 藏身在主慈愛聖手隱密處 無敵人追趕也無人攻擊 沒有煩惱擔憂也沒有掛慮 沒有任何驚惶影響我心靈 Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand No foe can follow or traitor ever stand Not a surge of worry not a shade of care Not a blast of hurry touch the spirit there

3 依靠主耶和華必全然蒙福 就像祂所應許會賜下安息 在一切事上信靠我主 凡信靠祂的人都能體會到 Stayed upon Jehovah are fully blest Finding as He promised perfect peace and rest We may trust Him in all that we do They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true

4 神的平安就像一緩流 越流越光明直到榮耀境 完全但流不停天天更豐盈 完全但流不停一路更深廣 Like a flowing river is God’s perfect peace Glorious forever in its bright increase Perfect yet it flowth fuller ev’ry day Perfect yet it growth deeper all the way

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