Thorjorn Larssen Norwegian Institute for Water Research – NIVA 挪威水研究所

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1 Thorjorn Larssen Norwegian Institute for Water Research – NIVA 挪威水研究所
International experiences on atmospheric mercury pollution control and monitoring 全球大气汞污染控制和监测国际经验 Thorjorn Larssen Norwegian Institute for Water Research – NIVA 挪威水研究所

2 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
Mercury has a longer history than most other pollutants 与多数其他污染物相比,汞历史更长

3 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
3500 years ago: mercury mining in Peru mercury (cinnabar - HgS) used in red dye 3500年前:秘鲁汞矿-汞(朱砂 –HgS)用做红色染料

4 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
2200 years ago: mercury used to protect the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang in China 2200年前:中国人用汞做材料保护秦始皇陵墓

5 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
1555: Invention of use of mercury in silver and gold mining (amalgamation) 1555年:首次将汞用于金矿银矿的开采中(汞齐化) Major use: silver mining

6 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
1850: The gold rush in North-America (mercury used in mining) 1850年:北美“淘金热”(汞被用于金矿开采)

7 History of mercury use汞利用历史
World war I and II: Mercury use in ammunition 两次世界大战:汞用于制造武器弹药

8 History of mercury use汞利用历史
1956: Minamata disease Environmental awareness begins 1956年:水俣病发生,有关汞的环境意识开始觉醒

9 History of mercury use汞利用历史
1956: Minamata disease Environmental awareness begins 1956年:水俣病的发生,有关汞的环境意识开始觉醒 Photo: Eugene Smith

10 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
1960s: High levels of mercury found in fish in Scandinavia 20世纪60年代:斯堪的纳维亚半岛的鱼类体内汞含量过高 First in lakes with direct releases, soon later also in remote areas 最初仅出现在直接排放的湖泊受体,不久又出现在更远的区域

11 History of mercury use 汞利用历史
1980: Restriction on use starts in Europe Gold mining boom in S-America, Africa, SE Asia (mercury used in mining) 1980年:欧洲开始禁用汞;金矿开采在南美、非洲和东南亚如火如荼(并将汞用于采矿)

12 Consumption and use of Hg 汞的消耗和利用
PVC production (from coal, China) 聚氯乙烯的生产(煤,中国) Gold and silver mining 金、银矿的开采 Chlor-alkali production氯碱生产 Batteries 电池 Thermometers, manometers, etc 温度计和压力计等 Dental amalgam 牙汞齐 Electric switches 电源开关 Lamps 灯具 Pesticides, biocides, pharmaceuticals农药、杀生物剂、药品 Paints涂料

13 Industrial consumption of Hg in USA 美国的工业用汞
From Sznopek and Goonan, 2000

14 Global mercury emissions to air 全球大气汞排放

15 Global emission of mercury to air 全球大气汞排放 (approximate, schematic illustration 估值;简图)

16 Mercury emissions in Europe 欧洲汞排放 (EU-27, 1990-2008, from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国,1990-2008年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

17 Mercury emissions in Europe – electricity and heating 欧洲汞排放-电力和供暖 (EU-27, , from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国, 年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

18 Mercury emissions in Europe – metals production 欧洲汞排放-金属生产 (EU-27, , from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国, 年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

19 Mercury emissions in Europe – chemical industry, incl
Mercury emissions in Europe – chemical industry, incl. chlor-alkali 欧洲汞排放-化工,包括氯碱 (EU-27, , from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国, 年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

20 Drivers for reductions in Europe
Technologies Policies and legislation Public awareness

21 Drivers for reductions in Europe
Coal fired power plants and boilers: Close down old power plants and boilers Increasingly advanced SO2, PM and NOX control Increasing energy efficiency No specific mercury reducing technology! All co-benefits of other measures Mercury emissions in Europe – electricity and heating 欧洲汞排放-电力和供暖 (EU-27, , from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国, 年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

22 Drivers for reductions in Europe
Metals smelting: Largest reduction before 1990! Development of technologies for mercury control since 1970s, eg in Zn industry: Norzink-Boliden process Outokumpu/Outotec process Increasing environmental awareness Specific mercury reducing technology! Very efficient reductions Cost effective! Mercury emissions in Europe – metals production 欧洲汞排放-金属生产 (EU-27, , from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国, 年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

23 Drivers for reductions in Europe
Chemical industry: Phase out Hg electrodes in chlor-alkali production Reduced Hg in products, strict regulations Batteries Medical equipment Increased recycling Increased environmental awareness Mercury emissions in Europe – chemical industry, incl. chlor-alkali 欧洲汞排放-化工,包括氯碱 (EU-27, , from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国, 年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

24 Drivers for reductions in Europe
Technologies Policies and legislation Public awareness

25 Mercury emissions in Europe 欧洲汞排放 (EU-27, 2008, from EEA, 2010) (欧盟27国,2008年,欧盟环保署2010年数据)

26 European strategy on mercury pollution欧洲汞污染防治策略
Reduce emissions 减排 Reduce use (supply and demand)减少使用(供、需) Resolve long-term fate of mercury解决汞的远期去向问题(in products still in use or in storage) (仍在使用或被储存的含汞产品) Protect against exposure 避免暴露 Improve understanding 提高认识 Support international action 支持国际行动

27 Mercury monitoring in Northern Europe北欧的汞监测

28 Total gaseous mercury in air – time trends 大气中气态汞总量 – 时间变化趋势

29 Mercury in fish in Norway 挪威 – 鱼类体内的含汞量

30 Mercury in human blood samples from the arctic 北极地区人体血液样本中的汞含量

31 Conclusions 结论 Mercury emission control has been quite successful in Europe 欧洲的汞排放控制非常成功 China is now a key to reduce global mercury emissions 减少全球汞排放,中国至关重要 Mercury concentrations in the environment is not yet decreasing 环境汞污染浓度并未下降 Use of best available technology is important to reduce emissions 着重利用“最佳可用技术”减少汞排放 Possible in Europe, possible in China 中国不妨借鉴欧洲的经验

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