Promotion (行銷推廣) 參考資料:

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1 Promotion (行銷推廣) 參考資料:
Judy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall, 2006. Chap 13: E-Marketing Communication.

2 Promotion Mix (推廣組合) Advertising (廣告)
付費的媒體傳播方式 (例如電視、報紙、雜誌、戶外廣告) Marketing Public Relations (MPR) (公共關係) 非付費的非人員溝通方式 (例如新聞報導、記者招待會、出版刊物) Sales Promotions (促銷) 短期提供額外的誘因,以吸引消費者提前購買或多購買的活動 (例如折價券、贈品、樣品、搭配促銷) Personal selling, face-to-face (人員推銷) 付費的人員溝通方式 (利用業務員) Inappropriate for use online. →智慧型代理人

3 Overview Internet Advertising Marketing Public Relations (MPR)
, Wireless, Web Site Advertising Marketing Public Relations (MPR) Web Site, Community Building, Online Events Sales Promotions Coupons, Sampling, Contests/ Sweepstakes (競賽/ 抽獎) Personal selling

4 1. Internet Advertising Advertising Internet Advertising
廣告主利用付費的大眾媒體,將特定訊息傳送給特定的目標顧客,以進行產品與服務的推廣 Internet Advertising Advertising Wireless Advertising Web Site Advertising

5 Wireless: Location-based Marketing
Promotional offers that are pushed to mobile devices Cstomized based on the user’s physical location. The technology A global positioning system (GPS).

6 Web Site Advertising (1) Banners, buttons: occupy designated space for rent on Web pages Buttons are square (正方形) or round (圓形) Banners are rectangular (長方形).

7 Banners, Buttons Click-through to the advertiser’s Web site,
Some banners sense the position of the mouse on the Web page and animating faster as the user approaches, Built-in games, Drop-down menus, check boxes, and search boxes to engage and empower the user. BuyComp Interactive Banner Source:

8 Web Site Advertising (2) Sponsorships (贊助)
integrate editorial (編輯者的) content and advertising Sponsorships are important on the Web: Banners are easily overlooked (忽略) by users, More firms build synergistic partnerships to provide useful content.

9 生寶臍帶血銀行 贊助台北愛樂電台 (生寶媽媽日記)

10 Web Site Advertising (3) Search Marketing
Keyword (contextual) advertising refers to word buys at search engine sites. Slotting Fees (安排位置之費用) “A fee charged to advertisers by media companies to get premium (特別) positioning on their site, category exclusivity (獨佔) or some other special treatment”. Many search engines charge slotting fees for the top positions of search results.

11 Yahoo!奇摩:搜尋排序優先

12 Web Site Advertising (4) Interstitials (插播式廣告)
如同電視在正規節目之前的廣告,點選超鏈結後,跳出一個約十秒鐘的廣告,然後點選的網頁才出現 未能成長之主因:give the impression of lengthening user waiting time. (5) Daughter windows = pop-ups Ads appearing in a separate window that overlays the current browser window. People are irritated (激怒) by daughter windows because users must close them.

13 Web Site Advertising (6) Superstitials (超插播式廣告)、Shoshkele (or floater 浮動廣告) are video like ads that appear when a user moves her mouse across a page. use Flash and Java to make them entertaining and fast. 優於Interstitials: loads behind the scenes and doesn't appear until it is fully loaded on the user’s computer 廣告大小不受限制、不會隨著網頁一起出現、廣告出現在瀏覽過程間隔

14 Web Site Advertising 一些製作Rich Media之網路廣告公司及其作品範例網址 United Virtualities
Eyeblaster Unicast

15 2. Marketing Public Relations
MPR 指企業公關或行銷部門提供新聞稿、公關稿及產品訊息給媒體,主要目的在建立企業良好形象 台達電推動「一人一筷,抗暖救地球」 玉山銀行推出王建民認同卡,贊助台灣青棒發展等活動 During the week of the MTV Music Awards, site traffic increased by 48% as people logged on to learn more about the stars nominated (提名) for awards.


17 2.1 Web Site Web sites are MPR tools Advantages:
Firms usually include press releases about brands on their Web sites and send them electronically via or the Web to media firms for publishing. Advantages: The Web is a low-cost alternative to paper brochures (小冊子) or press releases sent in overnight mail. Web page content is always current = Product information is updated in databases.

18 博克來網路書店

19 2.2 Online Events Online events are designed to generate user interest and draw traffic to a site. Example: 夢想家的網路生存遊戲,找來自願者關在房裡與世隔絕,只能利用網路與外界溝通。 Example: Uniqlo

20 3. Sales promotions Short-term incentives of gifts or money that facilitate the movement of products from producer to end user. Include coupons (折價券), product sampling (樣品), contests (競賽), sweepstakes (抽獎), and premiums (額外獎金,free or low-cost gifts). Coupons, sampling, and contests/sweepstakes are widely used on the Internet. Results: build brands, build customer databases, and support increased online or offline sales.

21 3.1 Coupons 折價券 Online coupons delivered and send notification as new coupons become available Ex: 肯德基,達美樂… Provides local coupons (search the database by zip code). Ex: H.O.T! coupons (

22 3.2 Sampling 樣品 Some sites allow users to sample digital product prior to purchase. Software companies provide free download of fully functional demo versions of their products: Software expires in days, Online music stores allow customers to sample 30-second clips of music before ordering the CD.

23 3.3 Contests (競賽) and Sweepstakes (抽獎)
Contests require skill / sweepstakes involve pure chance. Goal: draw traffic + keep users returning. Create excitement about brands Persuade users to move from page to page on a site = increase site stickiness (黏). Users return to the site to check out the latest chance to win. E.g. every visitor who registered on the site was eligible (具有資格) for the free round-trip ticket (來回機票).

24 麥當勞:遊戲+折價券

25 4. Personal selling 指利用人員來進行產品或服務的銷售 實體銷售中業務員促銷即為一種人員銷售
在網路世界中,能以智慧型代理人來與顧客互動 mySimon( mySimon 畫面 PriceScan 畫面

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