Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)

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1 Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)
11 Season and Festival Module (lesson 51-52) Test review

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3 Where is e-Textbook? Please click on page 5 to find Module Learning Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the first module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Learning Guide and notes is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.

4 Lesson 51 Season Q1-5 Please read the following paragraph, and answer the questions. 北 京的冬天很冷。 Běijīng de dōngtiān hěn lěng. The winter of Beijing is very cold. 最冷的时候是零下十几度。 Zuì lěng de shíhòu shì língxià shí jǐ dù. The coldest time is minus ten degrees. 北京的冬天比亚特兰大的冬天冷多了。 Běijīng de dōngtiān bǐ yǎ tè lán dà de dōngtiān lěng duōle. The winder in Beijing is more cold than the winter in Atlanta. 琳达喜欢亚特兰大的春天。 Lín dá xǐhuān yàtèlándà de chūntiān. Linda likes the spring in Atlanta. 满城都是樱花,很漂亮。Mǎn chéng dōu shì yīnghuā, hěn piàoliang. The city was very pretty and full of cherry flowers.

5 Lesson 51 Season Q1-5 Please read the following paragraph, and answer the questions. 亚特兰大的夏天也不错,但是 相当潮湿。 Yàtèlándà de xiàtiān yě bùcuò, dànshì xiāngdāng cháoshī。 Atlanta summer is not bad, but it is quiet humid. 北京的夏天很热,一不小心就会中暑。所以要多喝水。 běijīng de xiàtiān hěn rè, yī bù xiǎoxīn jiù huì zhòngshǔ. Suǒyǐ yào duō hē shuǐ. Beijing summer is very hot. It will easily cause hyperthermia. So, drink plenty of water. 琳达最喜欢纽约。纽约的冬天虽然冷, Lín dá zuì xǐhuān niǔyuē. Niǔyuē de dōngtiān suīrán lěng, Linda likes New York most. Although winter is cold. 但是秋天还不错,天气很好。 dànshì qiūtiān hái bùcuò, tiānqì hěn hǎo. But fall is not bad and the weather is very good. 王明更喜欢昆明,四季如春。Wáng míng gèng xǐhuān kūnmíng, sìjì rú chūn. Wang Ming likes Kunming most. Four seasons like spring.

6 Lesson 51 Season Q1-5 What is the weather like in fall in New York?
Please read the following paragraph, and answer the questions. 北 京的冬天很冷。最冷的时候是零下十几度。北京的冬天比亚特兰大的冬天冷多了。琳达喜欢亚特兰大的春天。满城都是樱花,很漂亮。亚特兰大的夏天也不错,但是 相当潮湿。北京的夏天很热,一不小心就会中暑。所以要多喝水。琳达最喜欢纽约。纽约的冬天虽然冷,但是秋天还不错,天气很好。王明更喜欢昆明,四季如春。 What is the weather like in fall in New York? => Very good Which city does Wang Ming like best? Why? => Kunming, because the weather is like spring all the year round. What is the weather like in summer in Atlanta? => Quiet humid Why does Linda like spring in Atlanta? => Because she likes the cherry blossoms. What is the weather like in winter in Beijing? => Very cold

7 Character/pinyin/English
冷 lěng - cold 热 rè - hot 喝 hē - drink 水 shuǐ - water 小心 xiǎo xīn - careful, take care 中暑 zhòng shǔ - hyperthermia – heatstroke- sunstroke 老家 lǎo jiā - hometown (oral) 昆明 kūn míng - Kunming, a city in China 四季 sì jì - four seasons 四季如春 sì jì rú chūn - it is like spring all the year around

8 Character/pinyin/English
夏天 xià tiān - summer 冬天 dōng tiān - winter 冷 lěng - cold 地方 dì fāng - place 全家 quán jiā - whole family 旧金山 jiù jīn shān - San Francisco 一年四季 yì nián sì jì - four seasons in one year 春夏秋冬 chūn xià qiū dōng - spring, summer, fall and winter

9 Lesson 52 Season Q1-5 Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 中 国有许多节日。Zhōngguó yǒu xǔduō jiérì. There are many festivals in China. 中秋节是农历八月十五日, Zhōngqiū jié shì nónglì bā yuè shíwǔ rì, Mid-Autumn is August 15th in lunar calendar. 在这一天, zài zhè yītiān, On this day. 中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节, zhōngguó rén xǐhuān quánjiā zài yīqǐguò zhège jié, Chinese people like to get together with entire family members. 吃月饼、赏月。chī yuèbǐng, shǎng yuè. Eat moon cake and appreciate moon.

10 Lesson 52 Season Q1-5 Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 春节也是这样,chūnjié yěshì zhèyàng, Spring festival is the same. 中国人喜欢全家在一起过节, zhōngguó rén xǐhuān quánjiā zài yīqǐ guòjié, Chinese people like to have entire family get together to celebrate festivals. 和中秋节类 似。 hé zhōngqiū jié lèi shì. It is similar to Mid-Autumn festival. 春节是农历一月一日,chūnjié shì nónglì yī yuè yī rì, Spring festival is January 1st in lunar calendar.

11 Lesson 52 Season Q1-5 Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 不过因为是冬天,bùguò yīn wéi shì dōngtiān, However, because it is winter. 天气比中秋节冷。 tiānqì bǐ zhōngqiū jié lěng. The weather is colder than Mid-Autumn. 清明节也是一个重要的节日, Qīngmíng jié yěshì yīgè zhòngyào de jiérì, Qingming festival is also a very important festival. 是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。 shì sì yuè wǔ rì; zài nèitiān, zhōngguó rén yào qù sǎomù, huòzhě páshān. It is April 5th . On that day, Chinese will go to sweep grave or hiking. 端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 Duānwǔ jié yě jiào “lóngzhōu jié”, shì nónglì wǔ yuè wǔ rì. Duan Wu Jie is also called dragon boat festival. It is May 5th in lunar calendar.

12 Lesson 52 Season Q1 What is the custom in 春节? =》
Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 New Words: 扫墓 sǎo mù                         tomb-sweeping, paying respect to the dead 龙舟 lóng zhōu                    Dragon Boat What is the custom in 春节? =》

13 Q 2 Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here.
中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the custom in 端午节? =》

14 Q3 Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here.
中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the custom in 清明节? =》

15 Q4 Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here.
中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the custom in 中秋节? =》

16 What is the date in 春节? =》农历1月1日 Q5
Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the date in 春节? =》农历1月1日

17 Q6 What is the date in 端午节? =》农历5月5日
Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the date in 端午节? =》农历5月5日

18 What is the date in 清明节? =》4月5日 Q7
Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the date in 清明节? =》4月5日

19 Q8 What is the date in 中秋节? =》农历8月15日
Read the following paragraph, and please fill out the table here. 中 国有许多节日。中秋节是农历八月十五日,在这一天,中国人喜欢全家在一起过这个节,吃月饼、赏月。春节也是这样,中国人喜欢全家在一起过节,和中秋节类 似。春节是农历一月一日,不过因为是冬天,天气比中秋节冷。清明节也是一个重要的节日,是四月五日;在那天,中国人要去扫墓,或者爬山。端午节也叫“龙舟 节”,是农历五月五日。 What is the date in 中秋节? =》农历8月15日

20 Additional questions Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. (need to type Chinese characters in the answer area) Mid-autumn festival is on August 15 in lunar calendar, and Chinese people like to eat moon-cakes and enjoy the full moon on that day. =>中秋节是农历八月十五日,中国人喜欢在那天吃月饼、赏月。 Zhōngqiū jié shì nónglì bā yuè shíwǔ rì, zhōngguó rén xǐhuān zài nèitiān chī yuèbǐng, shǎng yuè. My hometown is in San Francisco, and the weather is like spring all the year around. =>我老家在旧金山,四季如春 Wǒ lǎojiā zài jiùjīnshān, sìjì rú chūn I would like to go back to the US to enjoy the Thanksgiving with my family at the end of this year. =》今年年底我打算回美国和全家过感恩节。 Jīnnián niándǐ wǒ dǎsuàn huí měiguó hé quánjiāguò gǎn'ēn jié.

21 Additional questions The answers are below: 1过 2 十一 3过 4虽然 5互送
Please put the words into the right place to make a complete dialogue. - 王明,你听说 ____ (1) 感恩节吗? - 我听说过。感恩节是每年的 ____ (2) 月,第四个星期四。美国人喜欢全家在一起,____ (3) 节。 - 对,感恩节是一个重要的节日。 - 感恩节有圣诞节重要吗? - 感恩节 _____ (4) 没有圣诞节重要,但是它也是个全家在一起的节日。我们吃火鸡和苹果派。 - 你们过节喜欢 ____ (5) 礼物吗? 还可以。我们更喜欢朋友们一起出去玩。 The answers are below: 1过 2 十一 3过 4虽然     5互送

22 Additional questions =》6 北京的冬天可比亚特兰大冷多了
Please put the sentences into the right place to make a complete dialogue.  -             ________1_________ !一不小心就会中暑。 -             所以你要多喝水。北京的夏天也很热,和亚特兰大类似。 -             _______2__________? -             我老家在昆明。________3________,天气都不错。 -             啊,那你多久没回家了? -             _____4_______。_________5___________,过春节。 -             哈哈,是因为北京的冬天太冷了吗? -             那倒不是。_____________6__________。 =》6 北京的冬天可比亚特兰大冷多了

23 Additional questions =》5 今年年底我打算和我弟弟回家
Please put the sentences into the right place to make a complete dialogue.  -             ________1_________ !一不小心就会中暑。 -             所以你要多喝水。北京的夏天也很热,和亚特兰大类似。 -             _______2__________? -             我老家在昆明。________3________,天气都不错。 -             啊,那你多久没回家了? -             _____4_______。_________5___________,过春节。 -             哈哈,是因为北京的冬天太冷了吗? -             那倒不是。_____________6__________。 =》5 今年年底我打算和我弟弟回家

24 =》4前年回过家 Additional questions
Please put the sentences into the right place to make a complete dialogue.  -             ________1_________ !一不小心就会中暑。 -             所以你要多喝水。北京的夏天也很热,和亚特兰大类似。 -             _______2__________? -             我老家在昆明。________3________,天气都不错。 -             啊,那你多久没回家了? -             _____4_______。_________5___________,过春节。 -             哈哈,是因为北京的冬天太冷了吗? -             那倒不是。_____________6__________。 =》4前年回过家

25 =》3 一年四季,春夏秋冬 Additional questions
Please put the sentences into the right place to make a complete dialogue.  -             ________1_________ !一不小心就会中暑。 -             所以你要多喝水。北京的夏天也很热,和亚特兰大类似。 -             _______2__________? -             我老家在昆明。________3________,天气都不错。 -             啊,那你多久没回家了? -             _____4_______。_________5___________,过春节。 -             哈哈,是因为北京的冬天太冷了吗? -             那倒不是。_____________6__________。 =》3 一年四季,春夏秋冬

26 =》2那您老家在哪儿 Additional questions
Please put the sentences into the right place to make a complete dialogue.  -             ________1_________ !一不小心就会中暑。 -             所以你要多喝水。北京的夏天也很热,和亚特兰大类似。 -             _______2__________? -             我老家在昆明。________3________,天气都不错。 -             啊,那你多久没回家了? -             _____4_______。_________5___________,过春节。 -             哈哈,是因为北京的冬天太冷了吗? -             那倒不是。_____________6__________。 =》2那您老家在哪儿

27 =》1亚特兰大的夏天太热了 Additional questions
Please put the sentences into the right place to make a complete dialogue.  -             ________1_________ !一不小心就会中暑。 -             所以你要多喝水。北京的夏天也很热,和亚特兰大类似。 -             _______2__________? -             我老家在昆明。________3________,天气都不错。 -             啊,那你多久没回家了? -             _____4_______。_________5___________,过春节。 -             哈哈,是因为北京的冬天太冷了吗? -             那倒不是。_____________6__________。 =》1亚特兰大的夏天太热了

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