與主同走過 Walking with You 新心音乐.

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Presentation on theme: "與主同走過 Walking with You 新心音乐."— Presentation transcript:

1 與主同走過 Walking with You 新心音乐

2 在漫長的人生路上, 起伏不定難以掌握! 踏過平靜安穩, 歷經幾許風波, 若不是靠著上主恩典, 日子怎麼過?
In the long journey of life things are fluctuating and difficult to control Having experienced both peace and disturbance How could we live without relying on the grace of the Lord Walking with You 1-1

3 你我生命起落來去如風, 轉眼名利消逝無蹤, 曾經擁有一切,瞬間化作虛空, 若不是靠著上主恩典, 日子怎麼過?
The ups and downs of my life are like the wind Fame can disappear instantly without a trace Once owning everything   may suddenly become nothing How could we live without relying on the grace of the Lord Walking with You 1-2

4 主的恩典夠我用, 順服帶領無差錯。 但願一切歌頌讚美, 歸我主我的神。
Lord’s grace is sufficient for me. I will obey His errorless lead May all praises go to my Lord, my God Walking with You chorus-1

5 你是我堅固保障, 求你將我隱藏, 容我在你懷抱中, 今生與你同走過。
You are my stronghold of my life   Please hide me Allow me in your arm And go through this life with You Walking with You chorus-2

6 今日匆匆已成為過往, 明天卻不經意溜走。 變幻莫測人生,交織歡笑眼淚, 若不是靠著上主恩典, 日子怎麼過?
今日匆匆已成為過往, 明天卻不經意溜走。 變幻莫測人生,交織歡笑眼淚, 若不是靠著上主恩典, 日子怎麼過? Today will become the past in rush Tomorrow will be slip away inadvertently Life is unpredictable and intertwined by laughter and tears How could we live without relying on the grace of the Lord Walking with You 2-1

7 陳年往事也許只能回味, 明日方向由神掌舵。 他賜平安盼望,加添喜樂祝福, 我願意靠著上主恩典, 與主同走過。
Perhaps whatever in the past can only be in memory Tomorrow is controlled by God He gives us peace and hope He adds to our life with joy and blessing I’d like to rely on the Lord’s grace And go through this life with Him Walking with You 2-2

8 主的恩典夠我用, 順服帶領無差錯。 但願一切歌頌讚美, 歸我主我的神。
Lord’s grace is sufficient for me. I will obey His errorless lead May all praises go to my Lord, my God Walking with You chorus-1

9 你是我堅固保障, 求你將我隱藏, 容我在你懷抱中, 今生與你同走過。
You are my stronghold of my life   Please hide me Allow me in your arm And go through this life with You Walking with You chorus-2

10 坎坷歲月,你伴我行, 因你如此承諾。 或喜或憂,崎嶇平順, 我安心將一切交托。
You are with me in rough years Because of Your promises,  I will entrust everything to You with peace in joy or sorrow, on bumpy or flat roads Walking with You 2-3

11 主的恩典夠我用, 順服帶領無差錯。 但願一切歌頌讚美, 歸我主我的神。
Lord’s grace is sufficient for me. I will obey His errorless lead May all praises go to my Lord, my God Walking with You chorus-1

12 你是我堅固保障, 求你將我隱藏, 容我在你懷抱中, 今生與你同走過。
You are my stronghold of my life   Please hide me Allow me in your arm And go through this life with You Walking with You chorus-2

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