From Shadow to Reality 由影子到真實

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1 From Shadow to Reality 由影子到真實

2 John 5: You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. 約翰福音5: 你 們 查 考 聖 經 , 因 你 們 以 為 內 中 有 永 生 。 給 我 作 見 證 的 就 是 這 經 。 然 而 你 們 不 肯 到 我 這 裡 來 得 生 命 。 Old Testament like a play…. 舊約有如一套戲劇…. Old Testament like a mystery…. 舊約有如一個迷….

3 Foreshadow: An object, event, person or situation which stands for something similar, but of greater significance in the future. 預示 : 一個過去的物件、事情 、人物或處境是代表及象徵著一些重要的未來。

4 Prefigure: A specific thing which stands for another specific thing similar to it in the future. 預兆: 一個過去特定的東西是代表及象徵著一個未來特定的東西。

5 Type and Antitype: A person or thing regarded as the symbol of someone or something which is yet to appear 類型及將來相對的類型: 一個人或東西被視為將來會出現相對的象徵。

6 Historical Foreshadows 歷史中的預示
1 Corinthians 10:11 These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. 他 們 遭 遇 這 些 事 、 都 要 作 為 鑑 戒 . 並 且 寫 在 經 上 、 正 是 警 戒 我 們 這 末 世 的 人 。 林前10:11 A little example: Numbers 21:4-9. 一個例子:民數記21:4-9

7 Foreshadows surrounding Abraham 有關亞伯拉罕的預示
Isaac = children of promise = us 以撒=應許的兒子=我們(基督徒) Ishmael = children born in the usual way = Israel 以實瑪利=正常出生的兒子=以色列 Hagar = Old Covenant = Mt. Sinai = “present Jerusalem” 夏甲=舊約=西奈山=現在的耶路撒冷 Sarah = New Covenant = “the Jerusalem that is above” 撒萊=新約=在天山的耶路撒冷

8 Historical type/antitype in the Exodus

9 Prefigures of Jesus Christ 耶穌基督的預兆
Adam 阿當 Melchizedek, Isaac, Joseph 麥基洗德,以撒,約瑟 Moses 摩西 Joshua 約書亞 Deborah, Samson, Saul 底波拉,參孫,掃羅 David 大衛 Elijah, Jonah 以利亞,約拿 Daniel, Cyrus 但以利,塞魯士 Joshua the priest, Esther 祭師約書亞,以斯帖

10 Parallels Between Moses and Jesus 摩西與耶穌的相似處
Moses摩西  Jesus 耶穌 Pharaoh tried to kill him 法老王嘗試殺他 Herod tried to kill him  希律王嘗試殺他 Called by God to leave Egypt神呼召他離開埃及 Carried out of Egypt 神帶領他離開埃及 40 years in the wilderness to prepare for his Ministry 在曠野四十年為了準備他的 職務 40 days in the wilderness to prepare for his ministry  在曠野四十天為了準備他 的職務 Left his position with the king of Egypt to dwell with the Jews       離開埃及王的身旁而住在猶太人當中 Left the right hand of the Father to life with the Jew 離開天父的身旁而住在猶太 人當中

11 Parallels Between Moses and Jesus 摩西與耶穌的相似處
Moses摩西  Jesus 耶穌 Led Israel out of slavery in Egypt 帶領以色列離開埃及為奴的生命 Leads Spiritual Israel out of sin            帶領屬靈的以色列離開罪為奴的生命 Aaron prepared the way  阿倫準備他的道路 John the Baptist prepared the way 施洗約翰準備他的道路 Baptized Israel in the Red Sea in order to free them        在紅海中將以色列受洗為了釋放他們 Commands baptism in water for freedom from sin 命令在水中受洗為了釋放人的罪 Gave manna in the wilderness (sort of)          在曠野提供嗎哪 Gives spiritual bread to all who hunger             提供屬靈的生命之糧

12 Parallels Between Moses and Jesus 摩西與耶穌的相似處
Moses摩西  Jesus 耶穌 Gave water to the people in the desert 在曠野提供水源 Gives spiritual water: the Holy Spirit 提供生命的活水:聖靈 Spoke to God on Mt. Sinai 在西奈山與神對話 Spoke to God on Mt. Hermon 在黑門山與神對話

13 Model of The Jewish Tabernacle 猶太人的帳棚
Hebrews 10: 希伯來書10:19-20

14 Type/Antitype Relationships in the Tabernacle
帳棚中的類型及將來相對的類型 ITEM IN TABERNACLE OR TEMPLE 在帳棚或聖殿中的物件 ANTITYPE IN THE NEW COVENANT 在新約中的相對類型 SCRIPTURE REFERENCE 提及經文 The tabernacle itself 帳棚 God dwelling with his people 神住在人當中 John 14:1-3, John 1:14J. Rev 1:13 約14:1-3; 1:14 啟1:13 The bronze altar of Sacrifice 祭祀中的銅壇 The sacrifice of Jesus for sins 耶穌是為了人的罪而犧牲 Hebrews 9:14 來9:14 The basin/laver 洗濯盆 Baptism 洗禮 Titus 3:5 多3:5 The show bread 陳設餅 The bread of life, Jesus Christ 生命的糧,耶穌基督 John 6:48-51 約6:48-51 The lampstand 燈臺 The Holy Spirit 聖靈 Zechariah 4:1-6 亞4:1-6

15 The altar of incense 香壇 The prayers of the saints 眾聖徒的禱告
Revelation 5:8 啟5:8 The blue, purple and scarlet yarn 藍色紫色朱紅色線 The heavens, the kingship of God, the blood of Jesus 天堂,神的王權,耶穌 的寶血 The curtain 幔子 Separation from God 與神的分隔 Matthew 27:51 太27:51 The ark of the covenant 約櫃 The presence of God 神的存在 Psalm 132:7,8 詩132:7-8 The Mercy Seat 施恩座 The grace of God 神的恩典 The Cherubim 基路伯 The angels in heaven 天上的天使 Ezekiel 10:15-22 結10:15-22

16 Sacrificial Type and Antitype
祭禮的類型及將來相對的類型 Old Testament Sacrifice舊約祭禮 New Testament fulfillment新約實現 Scriptures  經文 Sweet Savor Sacrifices 馨香的祭 The Burnt Offering燔祭 Jesus’ and our devotion to God 耶穌及人對神的投入 Ephesians 5:1,2 弗5:1-2 Romans 12:1,2 羅2:1-2 The Grain Offering 素祭 Giving back a contribution to God 將奉獻給予神 Matthew 6:19-21 太6:19-21 Romans 8,9 羅8,9 The Drink Offering 奠祭 Pouring out our life for God  將生命澆奠給予神 Luke 22:20 路22:20 Philippians 2:16 腓2:16 The Fellowship Offering 平安祭 Celebrating our blessings from God 慶祝神給予的祝福 John 10:10 約10:10 1 Thess 5:16 帖前5:16 Blood Sacrifices 血祭 The Sin Offering 贖罪祭 Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins  耶穌為罪犧牲 1 Peter 1:18,19 彼前1:18-19 2 Corinthians 5:21 林後5:21 The Guilt Offering 贖愆祭 Maintaining a relationship with one another 彼此保持沒有懷怨的關係 Matthew 5:23,24 太5:23-24

17 First Covenant Festivals as Types 第一舊約節日的類型
Jewish Festival 猶太節日 Antitype in the Christian Life 在基督徒生命所相對的類型 Passover (pesach) 逾越節 The Sacrificial Death of Jesus Christ 耶穌基督的犧牲死亡 Feast of Firstfruits 初熟節 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 耶穌基督的復活 Feast of Unleavened Bread 無酵節 Celebrating Being Free of Sin in Our Lives 慶祝基督徒能在罪中有自由 Feast of Weeks/Pentecost (shavoat) 初果節(五旬節) The Giving of the Holy Spirit and the Initiation of the Church 聖靈的降臨與及教會的開始 Feast of Trumpets (rosh hashanah) 吹角節 Judgement Day, Jesus Coming Back 審判日,耶穌再來 Day of Atonement (yom kippur) 贖罪日 The Day We Were Saved—Spiritual Birthday 我們得救的那天 – 屬靈生日 Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) 住棚節 Celebrating Life in Fellowship with God 慶祝與神交接的生命

18 Old Testament Prophecy
舊約預言 Content 內容 New Testament Fulfillment 新約實現 Genesis 3:15 創3:15 Satan will attack the Messiah, but the Messiah will destroy the work of Satan 撒旦會攻擊救世主但救世主會摧毀撒旦的工 Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13 太4:1-11,路4:1-13 Genesis 49:10,11 創49:10-11 The Messiah will be from Judah (also hints about a vine, a colt, a branch and blood/grapes) 救世主全是生於猶大(亦提及葡萄樹,駒拴,葡萄樹枝及葡萄汁) Matthew 1:2,3 太1:2-3 Deut 18:15-18 申18:15-18 God will raise up a prophet like, but greater than Moses 神會興起一個比摩西更偉大的先知 Matthew 21:11, Mark 6:15 太21:11, 可6:15 Psalm 16:10,11 詩16:10-11 The Messiah will not be abandoned to the grave (will be resurrected) 救世主的靈魂不會撇在陰間 (會復活) John 2:19, Luke 24:1-7 約2:19, 路24:1-7 Psalm 22: 詩22:15-18 The Messiah will be crucified, his bones not broken, his clothing divided and gambled over 救世主會被釘十字架,他的骨不會被壓碎,他會被拈鬮分他的衣服 John 19:6,7, John 19:31-34, John 19:23,24 約19:6-7;19:31-34;19:23-24

19 Psalm 31:5 詩31:5 The Messiah will commit his spirit into the hands of God 救世主會將他的靈交與神的手中。 Luke 23:46 路23:46 Psalm 69:9,21 詩69:9,21 The Messiah will show zeal for God’s house. He will be given gall and vinegar to drink 救世主會為神的殿心裡焦急、如同火燒,被給予苦膽及醋去喝。 John 2:12-17, Matthew 27:34, Luke 23:36 約2:12-17 太27:34 路23:36 Psalm 110:1,4 詩110:1,4 The Messiah will be a priest in the order of Melchizedek 救世主會是照著麥基洗德的等次、永遠為祭司。 Hebrews 7:11-18 來7:11-18 Psalm 118:22,23 詩118:22-23 The Messiah will be rejected, but will become the foundation of the Kingdom of God. 救世主會是匠人所棄的石頭、但會成了房角的頭塊石 頭,神國的基石。 Matthew 23:37, Acts 4:10 太23:37 徒4:10 Isaiah 7:14 賽7:14 The Messiah will be born of a virgin 救世主會是由童女懷孕而生的。 Luke 1:26-38 路1:26-38

20 Isaiah 9:1,2,6,7 賽9:1,2,6,7 The Messiah will be from Galilee; in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali 救世主是來自加利利,西布倫和拿弗他利。 Matthew 4:12-16 太4:12-16 Isaiah 11:1,2 賽11:1-2 The Messiah will be descended from Jesse and will be a Branch (Nazarene). 救世主是從耶西的本必發一條、從他根生的枝子(拿撒勒人)必結果實。 Matthew 1:5,6, John 1:45,46, Matthew 2:23 太1:5-6; 2:23 約1:45-46 Isaiah 35:5,6 賽35:5-6 The Messiah will heal the deaf, the blind and the physically disabled. 救世主會將瞎子的眼睜開、聾子的耳開通、殘疾的人必被醫治。 Mark 7:32-35, 8:22-26, 2:3-12 可7:32-35, 8:22-26, 2:3-12 Isaiah 42:1-4 賽42:1-4 The Messiah will be miraculously humble. 救世主是非常謙卑的。 John 8:1-11 約8:1-11 Isaiah 53 賽53 The Messiah will be despised, he will suffer physically, he will be pierced, he will take on himself the sin of mankind, he will be silent before his accusers, and will be buried with the rich 救世主會被藐視,肉體會受苦,會被刺破,他會承擔 人的罪,他會在被欺壓時不開口,他死的時候與財主同葬。 Matthew 27:15-18, John 19:33-35, Mark 14:60,61, 15:3-5, 15:42-46 太27:15-18 約19:33-35 可4:60-61, 15:3-5, 15:42-46

21 Feast of Firstfruits A harvest festival when there was no harvest.
A promise of a future harvest. A foreshadow of the final resurrection. A prefigure of the resurrection of Jesus. Coll 1:18 The first born from among the dead.

22 articles/bible

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