惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul Thoro Harris CCLI #

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1 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul Thoro Harris CCLI #1133585

2 誰如耶穌樂我心靈 藉祂神聖的同在 信實溫柔無限寶貴 何等福分主屬我
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 誰如耶穌樂我心靈 Who can cheer the heart like Jesus 藉祂神聖的同在 By His presence all divine? 信實溫柔無限寶貴 True and tender, pure and precious 何等福分主屬我 O how blest to call Him mine! CCLI # 1 of 10

3 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 寶貴遠勝我生命 千萬人中祂最榮美 合當永頌主尊名
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All that thrills my soul is Jesus 寶貴遠勝我生命 He is more than life to me 千萬人中祂最榮美 And the fairest of ten thousand 合當永頌主尊名 In my blessed Lord I see CCLI # 2 of 10

4 主的大愛何等豐富 主的恩典何難測 主的憐憫高過諸天 最深淵海無可比
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 主的大愛何等豐富 Love of Christ so freely given 主的恩典何難測 Grace of God beyond degree 主的憐憫高過諸天 Mercy higher than the heaven 最深淵海無可比 Deeper than the deepest sea CCLI # 3 of 10

5 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 寶貴遠勝我生命 千萬人中祂最榮美 合當永頌主尊名
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All that thrills my soul is Jesus 寶貴遠勝我生命 He is more than life to me 千萬人中祂最榮美 And the fairest of ten thousand 合當永頌主尊名 In my blessed Lord I see CCLI # 4 of 10

6 何等奇妙救贖恩功 遠非心思能明白 我眾罪孽雖如硃紅 今白如雪全洗淨
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 何等奇妙救贖恩功 What a wonderful redemption! 遠非心思能明白 Never can a mortal know 我眾罪孽雖如硃紅 How my sin, tho’ red like crimson 今白如雪全洗淨 Can be whiter than the snow CCLI # 5 of 10

7 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 寶貴遠勝我生命 千萬人中祂最榮美 合當永頌主尊名
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All that thrills my soul is Jesus 寶貴遠勝我生命 He is more than life to me 千萬人中祂最榮美 And the fairest of ten thousand 合當永頌主尊名 In my blessed Lord I see CCLI # 6 of 10

8 Ev’ry need His hand supplying On His strength divine relying
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 藉祂神聖大能大力 Ev’ry need His hand supplying 一切需要供給我 Ev’ry good in Him I see 我知祢是眾善源頭 On His strength divine relying 主是萬有我何求 He is all in all to me CCLI # 7 of 10

9 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 寶貴遠勝我生命 千萬人中祂最榮美 合當永頌主尊名
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All that thrills my soul is Jesus 寶貴遠勝我生命 He is more than life to me 千萬人中祂最榮美 And the fairest of ten thousand 合當永頌主尊名 In my blessed Lord I see CCLI # 8 of 10

10 直到水晶生命河旁 還與贖民同歌唱 此歌何甜唱到永遠 讚美榮耀我君王
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 直到水晶生命河旁 By the crystal flowing river 還與贖民同歌唱 With the ransomed I will sing 此歌何甜唱到永遠 And forever and forever 讚美榮耀我君王 Praise and glorify the King CCLI # 9 of 10

11 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 寶貴遠勝我生命 千萬人中祂最榮美 合當永頌主尊名
329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All that thrills my soul is Jesus 寶貴遠勝我生命 He is more than life to me 千萬人中祂最榮美 And the fairest of ten thousand 合當永頌主尊名 In my blessed Lord I see Thoro Harris 329 – 惟主耶穌沐我心靈 All That Thrills My Soul CCLI # 10 of 10 CCLI #

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