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Presentation on theme: "我聽主歡迎聲 (寶血宏恩歌) I HEAR THY WELCOME VOICE"— Presentation transcript:

1 我聽主歡迎聲 (寶血宏恩歌) I HEAR THY WELCOME VOICE
Words & Music: Lewis Hart-sough, 1872   聖徒詩歌 629; 教會聖詩 450

2 我心能夠洗淨 。 That flowed on Calvary.
我聽主歡迎聲, I hear Thy welcome voice, 召我與主相親; That calls me, Lord, to Thee, 在主所流寶血里面, For cleansing in Thy precious blood, 我心能夠洗淨 。 That flowed on Calvary.   (1)

3 Wash me, cleanse me in the blood !
主啊 我今來! I am coming Lord! 我今來就你! Coming now to Thee! 求用寶血洗淨我; Wash me, cleanse me in the blood ! 洗淨一切罪污。 That flowed on Calvary! (副)

4 雖我軟弱卑污, 救主賜我能力; 將我污點完全洗淨, 絲毫不留痕跡。
Though coming weak and vile, 救主賜我能力; Thou dost my strength assure; 將我污點完全洗淨, Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, 絲毫不留痕跡。 Till spotless all, and pure. (2)

5 Wash me, cleanse me in the blood !
主啊 我今來! I am coming Lord! 我今來就你! Coming now to Thee! 求用寶血洗淨我; Wash me, cleanse me in the blood ! 洗淨一切罪污。 That flowed on Calvary! (副)

6 耶穌召我向前, 完全的信與愛, 完全希望 平安 信靠, 在世亦在天堂。
’Tis Jesus calls me on, 完全的信與愛, To perfect faith and love, 完全希望 平安 信靠, To perfect hope and peace and trust, 在世亦在天堂。 For earth and Heav’n above. (3)

7 Wash me, cleanse me in the blood !
主啊 我今來! I am coming Lord! 我今來就你! Coming now to Thee! 求用寶血洗淨我; Wash me, cleanse me in the blood ! 洗淨一切罪污。 That flowed on Calvary! (副)

8 耶穌賞賜宏恩, 堅固向善的心, 從前萬惡掌權之處, 今蒙恩上加恩。
’Tis Jesus Who confirms, 堅固向善的心, The blessèd work within, 從前萬惡掌權之處, By adding grace to welcomed grace, 今蒙恩上加恩。 Where reigned the power of sin. (4)

9 Wash me, cleanse me in the blood !
主啊 我今來! I am coming Lord! 我今來就你! Coming now to Thee! 求用寶血洗淨我; Wash me, cleanse me in the blood ! 洗淨一切罪污。 That flowed on Calvary! (副)

10 美哉 ! 贖罪寶血 ! 美哉 ! 救世宏恩 ! 美哉 ! 基督無邊妙愛 ! 賞賜公義權能.
All hail! atoning blood! 美哉 ! 救世宏恩 ! All hail! redeeming grace! 美哉 ! 基督無邊妙愛 ! All hail! the gift of Christ our Lord, 賞賜公義權能. Our Strength and Righteousness. (5)

11 Wash me, cleanse me in the blood !
主啊 我今來! I am coming Lord! 我今來就你! Coming now to Thee! 求用寶血洗淨我; Wash me, cleanse me in the blood ! 洗淨一切罪污。 That flowed on Calvary! (副)

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