Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)

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1 Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)
15 and Cell phone Module (lesson 59-60) quiz review

2 Click Allow Step 1 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Step 2 Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe

3 Where is e-Textbook? Please click on page 5 to find Module Learning Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the first module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Learning Guide and notes is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.

4 Email reading comprehension
麦克 给小 松 发 了 一 封 邮 件,(1) (2) mài kè gěixiǎo sōng fā le yī fēng yóu jiàn Mike sent an to Xiao Song. 但 是 小 松 没 有 收 到。(3) dàn shì xiǎo sōng méi yǒu shōu dào But Xiao Song did not receive. 麦 古公 司 最 近 的 网 络 有 点 儿问 题,(4) (5) mài gǔ gōng sī zuì jìn de wǎng luò yǒu diǎn ér wèn tí The internet of Mike’s company has a little problem recently. 上 网 速 度 特 别 慢。(6) shàng wǎng sù dù tè bié màn The speed is especially slow while online.

5 Continue --- 麦 克 告 诉 小 松 带 好 硬 盘 (7)
麦 克 告 诉 小 松 带 好 硬 盘 (7) mài kè gào sù xiǎo sōng dài hǎo yìng pán 或者 大 一 点 儿 的U 盘 去 找 他 的 秘 书 (8) huò zhě dà yī diǎn ér de pán qù zhǎo tā de mì shū 从 她 的 电 脑 里 拷 一 份 文 件。(9) (10) cóng tā de diàn nǎo lǐ kǎo yī fèn wén jiàn

6 Character/Pinyin/English
邮件 yóu jiàn - 查 chá - check 咱们 zán men we, us 网络 wǎng luò - internet 上网 shàng wǎng surf the internet 速度 sù dù - speed 慢 màn slow 拷 kǎo - copy 份 fèn measure word for “document, file” 挺 tǐng - comparatively 文件 wén jiàn- file, document 硬盘 yìng pán - hard disk 或者 huò zhě - or U盘 U pán - flash drive 附件 fù jiàn attachment 关于 guān yú - about 电影 diàn yǐng movie 网址 wǎng zhǐ - website 有意思yǒu yì si interesting 电脑 diàn nǎo computer 台 tái measure word for “computer, laptop”携带 xié dài carry 台式机tái shì jī desktop computer 笔记本bǐ jì běn notebook, laptop 方便 fāng biàn - convenient 逛 guàng - hang out

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