Ch9. Urban Problems: Housing and Transport Problems

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Presentation on theme: "Ch9. Urban Problems: Housing and Transport Problems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch9. Urban Problems: Housing and Transport Problems
Causes of housing problems in Hong Kong ~ population growth ~ Urbanization ~ Economic growth as a result of industrialization

2 2. Major housing problems in Hong Kong
Shortage of housing Overcrowding or congestion High rents Existence of squatters Unplanned development Lack of essential services and facilities Multi-functional units Lack of legislation Other social maladies


4 Types of housing problems in different residential districts
In the transitional zones Lower class residential districts New public housing estates Squatter areas Environmental pollution

5 Measures taken by the government
Encouraging suburbanization Encouraging the private sector to develop housing estates on the city fringe Improving the lower class public housing estates Promoting home ownership scheme Clearing slums and squatters Encouraging birth control and family planning Controlling illegal immigrants


7 Reclaiming land Developing through vertical expansion Adopting the zoning policy Reducing the population density Establishing more green belts, open spaces and recreational facilities Maintaining good living conditions in public housing

8 More information can be found through below website :
Urban Renewal Authority

9 Case study of housing problems in Calcutta
Shortage of housing Overcrowding Poor hygiene Urban slums and squatters are common There are all kinds of environmental pollution Fire hazard exist Urban ghettos segregate different ethnic groups Social problems such as high crime rates,mental disorder and conflict occur

10 Case study – Transport Problems
1. Causes of transport problems ~ large urban population ~ journey to work ~ journey to shops ~ journey to school ~ Social trips ~ recreational trips

11 2. Nature/types of urban transport problems
High levels of traffic congestion Peak hour problems Insufficient public transport services Public transport needs a large number of stops Problems in finding parking spaces

12 Construction of large-scale public works
Transportation services consumes large amounts of energy Transportation generates pollution problems Increasing building heights in older/inner areas

13 Solution to transport problems
Reduction in the rate of increase in the number of private autoimobiles and car owners Speeding up the bus services Expansion of public services Construction of the Mass Transit Railway system Construction of traffic routes/paths on,above or below land surfaces

14 Separation of pedestrians from traffic
Increased car parking Expansion and improvement of public transport Restricting the use of cars


16 減少塞車︰倫敦2003年2月將對進入市中心車輛徵收費用
2003年年2月17日開始,倫敦市政府將對駕車進入市中心的人,徵收每輛車一天五英鎊的費用。此一辦法將從每週一至週五清晨七時至晚間六時三十分之間實施,預計將可替倫敦市每年增加一億三千萬英鎊(三億美元)的收入。 新加坡對繁忙時期進入市中心的司機收費兩美元,使進入市中心的車輛減少了百分之四十多。挪威也在首都奧斯陸和其它兩個大城市收取類似的費用。 反對意見 這項措施的反對者說,這種收費不公平,也無法實施。 交通堵塞的問題會更加嚴重,因為司機會使用其它路線以便躲過市中心的收費區。 倫敦市區中心的邊緣地帶,勢必會比以往更加擁擠︰因為進入市中心的車輛必須在這裡繳費,同時更多司機會將汽車停在邊緣地帶,以避免繳付五英鎊的「塞車」費。 現時地下鐵路和鐵路系統每天繁忙時間的載運量早已達到飽和點,沒有繼續擴張的餘地,將無法滿足新的需求。 部分反對者認為,市政府應首先改善公眾運輸系統。 另外,有人擔心電腦可能會讀錯車牌,造成一團混亂,引起許多糾紛。 「市中心」區的分界也引起爭議,部分意見說會因而引致社區分裂。 支持聲音 收費可減少車輛進入倫敦市中心,將交通流量減少15%,大大舒緩交通擠塞;空氣污染情況也會改善。 環保團體支持收費的概念,並認為應提高收費、延長收費時間、以及擴大生效範圍。 交通改善令不少行業的經營效率及服務可靠性提高,例如巴士公司。 倫敦市中心將成為一處對居民、遊客及商業來說更愉快的地區。

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