中(zhōng)文(wén)课(kè) Chinese Class 2

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1 中(zhōng)文(wén)课(kè) Chinese Class 2
Post-beginner level 赵(zhào)怡(yí)玥(yuè), Eve

2 复习 fù xí Recap -你的生肖是什么?- nǐ de shēng xiào shì shénme ?
- What is your symbolic animal? -我属猴.- wǒ shǔ hóu - Mine is Monkey. -我家住在墨尔本的南边。 wǒ jiā zhù zài mò ěr běn de nán bian。 I live in the south of Melbourne.

3 —听说你搬家了? tīng shuō nǐ bān jiā le ? 
— I heard that you have moved your house?  — 是啊。 Shì a — Yes. - 现在住在哪里呢? xiàn zài zhù zài nǎ lǐ ne? — Where do you live now then?  - 我现在住在(wǒ xiàn zài zhù zài )Carlton 区(qū)Swanston街(jiē) 四百六十五号(sì bǎi liù shí wǔ hào)。 这是一栋公寓楼.(zhè shì yí dòng gōng yù lóu) — I live in 465 Swanson Street, Carlton. It’s an apartment building -我知道了(wǒ zhī dào le),是不是在( shì bù shì zài )Commonwealth银行对面(yín háng duì miàn)? — Oh, I see. Is this building opposite to the Commonwealth Bank? -是的。Shì de  — Yes. 

4 目录 Class Overview 交通 Transport 时间表达 Time 方向 Direction (Continue)
问路和指路 Ask and answering 交通 Transport 时间表达 Time

5 一、方 向 Part I. Direction 右 yòu; right 左 zuǒ; left 前 qián; front
后 hòu; behind 历史博物馆 lì shǐ bó wù guǎn  History Museum 公交车 gōng jiāo chē; Bus 大概 dà gài; about 左右 zuǒ yòu; around 多久 duō jiǔ; How long 您 nín; You (politely) 请 qǐng; Please  不好意思 bù hǎo yì si; Excuse me 麻烦问一下 má fan wèn yī xià;   Excuse me, May I ask about

6 对话一 Conversation 1 — 您好!(nín hǎo) 不好意思 (bù hǎo yì si),麻烦问一下(má fan wèn yi xià)历史博物馆(lì shǐ bó wù guǎn)怎么走(zěn me zǒu )?  — Hi. Excuse me, May I ask where is History Museum?  — 你可以坐十六路公交车过去。 nǐ kě yǐ zuò shí liù lù gōng jiāo chē guò qu. — You take bus 16. - 如果走路的话(rú guǒ zǒu lù de huà),要怎么走呢? yào zěn me zǒu ne? —If by walking, how could I get there? - 你一直往前走(nǐ yi zhí wǎng qián zǒu),走到第三个十字路口(zǒu dào dì sān gè shí zì lù kǒu),向左转(xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn),然后继续往前走(rán hòu jì xù wǎng qián zǒu),走十 分钟左右你就可以看到历史博物馆了(zǒu shí fēn zhōng zuǒ yòu nǐ jiù kě yǐ kàn dào lì shǐ bó wù guǎn le)。 — You go straight first, and then turn left when reaching the third crossroad. Go straight for around ten minutes and you could see the History Museum

7 二、交通 和 时间 Part II. Transport and Time
植物园 zhí wù yuán;  botanic garden 站 zhàn;stop 广播 guǎng bō;broadcast 如果....的话(rú guǒ…de huà  ) if 应该 yīng gāi; should/ought to 几个 jǐ ge; how many(in a questioning sentence) 半小时 bàn xiǎo shí; half an hour 一刻 yī kè; a quater  一点过十分yī diǎn guò shí fēn;  ten pass one 两点差五分liǎng diǎn chā wǔ fēn  five to two

8 对话二 Conversation 2 — 您好,请问这路车到植物园吗? nín hǎo, qǐng wèn zhè lù chē dào zhí wù yuán mǎ? — Hi, could you please tell is this the right bus to botanic garden? - 到的,请上车吧。 dào de, qǐng shàng chē bā。  — Yes, take a seat please.  -请问要坐几个站? qǐng wèn yào zuò jǐ ge zhàn ? — How many stops will be?  -八个站(bā gè zhàn)。车上的广播会提前提醒你( chē shàng de guǎng bō huì tí qián tí xǐng nǐ),植物园就是那个站的站名(zhí wù yuán jiù shì nà ge zhàn de zhàn míng )。 — Eight stops. The broadcast on bus will remind you when to get off as the stop’s name is botanic garden.  - 我知道了。(wǒ zhī dào le) 那大概要多久呢(nà dà gài yào duō jiǔ ne)? — I see. How long it will be?  - 如果不堵车的话(rú guǒ bù dǔ chē de huà),应该半小时能到(yīng gāi bàn xiǎo shí néng dào)。 — Should be in half an hour without jam. 

9 练习 你先(nǐ xiān)___走(zǒu), 然后(rán hòu )______,之后(zhī hòu)_______ ; 大概(dà gài)______ 能到(néng dào)。 You go…. and then….. and then….; You could arrive there in about….. 往前(wǎng qián), 直(zhí) go straight 左转 (zuǒ zhuǎn)turn left, 右转(yòu zhuǎn) turn right 十分钟 (shí fēn zhōng) ten minutes; 二十分钟(èr shí fēn zhōng ) twenty minutes ; ___十(shí )____分钟(fēn zhōng); 半小时(bàn xiǎo shí) half an hour

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