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1 [Name of your church]

2 That means 1 in every 5 person lives below the poverty line!
In 2015, 19.7% ​of people in Hong Kong lived below the poverty line Source: Commission on Poverty That means 1 in every 5 person lives below the poverty line!

3 700,000 people are working poor. Working but cannot make a living…
Source: 2015 Commission on Poverty Summit – HK Poverty Situation Report 2014 700,000 people are working poor. Working but cannot make a living…

4 1 in every 4 children lives in a poor family
Source: 2015 Commission on Poverty Summit – HK Poverty Situation Report 2014 1 in every 4 children lives in a poor family

5 They can’t move up the social ladder because of poverty
Source: HKCSS 「公眾對2015年施政報告中扶貧措施的意見調查」 They can’t move up the social ladder because of poverty 50.2% of interviewees reveals that policies have little effects in helping young people to move up the social ladder, while the group of years old interviewees has the worst review on the policies.

6 Hong Kong ranked 95 out of 97 cities in elderly poverty
Source: Mingpao, 2015 Poverty rate of elderly in Hong Kong is about 30%, that means 3 out of 10 are living under the poverty line! Hong Kong ranked 95 out of 97 cities in elderly poverty

7 Retired but cannot enjoy life!
Source: Taikungpao, PenToy, 2015 Retired but cannot enjoy life!

8 Source: L.I.F.E. Mingpao, 2016 There are still 836 millions of people who are living in extreme poverty in the world

9 Therefore, United Nations has set 17 targets for achieving sustainable development, and the first one is improving the poverty problem in the world.

10 United Nations has set 17 Oct as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, so as to enhance the awareness of poverty problem in the world among people.

11 In face of severe poverty
What should we do…

12 The responsibility of Christian
To let people know about the infinite love of god, show them the proof of such love so as to increase the effects on society To enhance the respectability of the church by caring and concerning the society To spread the gospels more effectively

13 Gospel and Poverty The aim of evangelization is not to save every single person, but to let all the people know god’s saving work through the anointed one – Jesus Christ.

14 Gospel and Poverty Our love for the whole world, so far from God but so close to his heart, the world that God so loved that he gave his only Son for its salvation.

15 Let’s respond to the poverty problem in Hong Kong, as well as the world by prayers and actions!

16 Let’s pray for them!

17 for leaders in Hong kOng
All: Merciful Lord, in “ Anti-poverty Campaign”, we pray for the poverty in Hong Kong. Lead: Lord of the heaven and earth, we commend our society to you; may your Spirit guide our leaders so that they can govern with justice, mindful of the needs of the underprivileged. Grant them wisdom to tackle poverty to assist the homeless, new immigrants, single-parent families, unemployed, solitary elders and low-income families. Righteous Lord, may your mighty power stir the leaders’ hearts to action to serve the poor. Respond: Lord, we pray, may your will be done 啟 (為教會禱告) 主耶穌,祢是教會的頭,是我們每一個基督徒的生命之主,求聖靈開啟我們的眼睛、我們的心,讓我們明白祢的心意,能夠遵行祢的訓誨,不偏離左右。當主耶穌祢在世上時,也是與罪人和貧窮人一起,關懷照顧弱者。主啊!但願我們能夠學像祢的樣式,在地上行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心與祢同行。 全體會眾: 主啊!我們願意一起追求祢的心意,求主叫我們有服事社區的心懷,一同回應貧窮關懷的呼召,實踐主給我們的使命,最終叫人歸向神!讓我們成為討祢喜悅的教會,願神得著當得的榮耀!禱告奉我主耶穌基督得勝之名祈求,阿門。

18 For the youth in poverty
Lead: Merciful Lord, thank you for creating us and making us unique; as we strive for our dreams may we also know that you have a special plan for each of us. However in Hong Kong, there are a many teenagers who cannot follow their dreams due to poverty. Their dreams are being buried. We pray God that you will call appropriate mentors to guide them and walk with them. We also pray that they can know your Good News, find their values and your will in their lives, and receive your salvation within your gracious love. R: Lord, we pray, may your will be done 啟 (為教會禱告) 主耶穌,祢是教會的頭,是我們每一個基督徒的生命之主,求聖靈開啟我們的眼睛、我們的心,讓我們明白祢的心意,能夠遵行祢的訓誨,不偏離左右。當主耶穌祢在世上時,也是與罪人和貧窮人一起,關懷照顧弱者。主啊!但願我們能夠學像祢的樣式,在地上行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心與祢同行。 全體會眾: 主啊!我們願意一起追求祢的心意,求主叫我們有服事社區的心懷,一同回應貧窮關懷的呼召,實踐主給我們的使命,最終叫人歸向神!讓我們成為討祢喜悅的教會,願神得著當得的榮耀!禱告奉我主耶穌基督得勝之名祈求,阿門。

19 for solitary elders L: God of life, sovereign of humanity, you love and care for us in every stage of our lives and we commend our whole lives to you. We pray for people in their old age, grant them consolation if they are grieving, comfort if they are lonely and relief if they are in pain. May your spirit move society to remember them, especially those living in isolation and provide for their needs. R: Lord, we pray, may your will be done

20 For grass-root Families
Humble God, you emptied yourself, taking the form of a slave, living among us. You know the needs, feelings and struggles of the poor: rising food prices, inflation, high rent, and the difficulties for many to earn a living in Hong Kong. O Lord, we commend to you all new immigrants, single-parent and low-income families. May the children of these families grow healthily and happily, and come to know your love and salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. R: Lord, we pray, may your will be done

21 For church L: Lord Jesus Christ, you are the head of our church, the Lord of our lives. May your spirit open our eyes and hearts, so that we can understand our will and follow your commandments. When you dwelt among us, you lived with the poor and you loved and cared for the weak. Help us to learn from you, to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. All: Lord, Enlighten our hearts, so that the whole church may respond to this issue, serving the needy in the community and that in living out our baptismal commission your name will be glorified. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

22 Being a Christian, let’s respond to the poverty problem by action!

23 Action (Individual) Live a week of simple life according to our “Simple Living Handbook” Participate in “Love Meal Coupon” program Participate in the “District Caring Expedition”

24 Action (Fellowship/Cell Group)
Special Topic on HK Poverty Situation (resource available) 5 Loaves 2 Fish Bible study (resource available) Rich and Poor Feast (resource available)

25 Action (Church) Join the Poverty Experience activities: e.g. family visits and delivery of meals Discipleship Course - How to respond to Wealth Inequity Organize the Poverty Caring Retreat Day

26 Action (Immediate) Like to keep track on the latest poverty related news Visit HKCNP website for more poverty alleviation resources: download/resources/

27 Thanks God for making you as our partner church and participate in the Anti-poverty Campaign Tel: Website: Facebook:

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