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Books24x7® 電子書資料庫 智泉國際事業有限公司.

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1 Books24x7® 電子書資料庫 智泉國際事業有限公司

2 首頁(My Home) Personal folders :建立個人資料夾來管理個人所儲存的書籍清單。
利用RSS feeds 的功能訂閱Books24x7新書資訊。 System Folders: What’s New: 新書書單 Top Titles: 上週最多人點閱的書籍 Recommended: 由Books24x7使用者推薦的書籍 History: 最近點閱過的書籍 Lead with an overview of the My Home Page layout: Personal Folders – personal folders help organize titles of interest and personalize the patron’s experience. RSS Feeds – patrons can create RSS feeds for new titles added to a collection, a topic in a collection topic tree, and titles added to a system folder; and construct pre-defined RSS feeds by running a title/author/publisher search. The What’s New System Folder displays the latest titles added to the site. The “Show:” drop-down menu permits you to specify and view the newest additions for a particular collection. Top Titles showcases the most frequently accessed titles by all Books24x7 patrons in the last week. Recommended carries, in ranked order, recommended titles given a Yes vote from the overall Books24x7 community and your peers. A recommended title is indicated by a seal with a checkmark. History exhibits the latest titles accessed by the user for quick referencing and retrieval.

3 主題瀏覽 利用 View by 選單選擇想要瀏覽的主題
利用主題樹(Topic Tree)的的顯示方式,將每個Collection下的書籍再細分更多小主題,可更快速且精準的找到相關主題書籍 The Browse Topics pod on the right-hand side furnishes topic trees for any entitled collection. Collection views categorize content into topical subjects that are easily accessible to the user. Clicking on a yellow triangle twisty reveals the subtopics within the category and clicking on a subtopic will display the titles it hosts.

4 檢索功能 可設定關鍵字查詢範圍 & 查詢專輯 可輸入單一關鍵字,或利用(AND, OR, NOT) 組合多個關鍵字
輸入關鍵字時,系統會主動提供建議詞 With Books24x7’s patented search engine, patrons can search the full text of books in the Books24x7 library for key terms and phrases (quotes and Boolean expressions are allowed) to arrive quickly at their desired result. “All Content” drop-down menu beside the search bar: Searches through the Books24x7 database can be performed on Titles, ISBNs, Author/Speaker, Publisher, Notes, Code Listings (which target the code sections within books) and folders. “All Collections” drop-down menu: Users may opt to execute searches across All Collections or for a particular subscribed collection. Advanced Search: Advanced Search offers further granularity by supporting multiple, complex search refinements that provides users complete control over the parameters of their search. All search results are relevancy ranked, and display the top 3 sections for that title. Clicking on the bubble beside Top Section Hits for a title will list, in relevancy ranked order, all the section hits for that title.

5 二次檢索與篩選功能 在檢索結果中,可再輸入其他關鍵字,以更快更精確查得所需資料。
Iterative Search: Iterative search allows users to pinpoint information rapidly by drilling further into an existing search or backtracking quickly to a preceding search level. Filtering is possible for any list of titles (i.e. in a folder, search results, etc.) and is launched by clicking on the bubble beside Filter Options. The Filter Options box dynamically opens and allows you to filter a list of titles for specific attributes such as titles with downloadable MP3 audio, embedded companion CD content, PDF downloads, downloadable MP4s, recommended titles, personal notes and copyright range. Filters Options are sticky and any filtering selections will remain active unless cleared. 透過特定條件篩選檢索結果,如:是否提供MP3檔案、CD、PDF、MP4、是否有使用者推薦、出版年及頁次。

6 全文格式 點選highlighting on可標示所查詢關鍵字出現位置 next search hit: 逐筆顯示本頁中關鍵字出現位置
可展開左側目次瀏覽各章節內容 Several navigational options are provided for efficiency. Under Browse Tools there are back to list and next title tools; the left sidebar contains quick links to bring you to the Table of Contents, and forwards and backwards a chapter; chapter sections and sub-headings are also situated on the left sidebar as well as expandable Search Hits, which lists section hits in relevancy ranked order. Keyword search terms are by default highlighted in pink throughout the text. The highlighted terms can be toggled off by clicking on the abc keyword highlighting tool. The next search hit runner tool enables you to jump down a page through the highlighted search hits. Search Hits: 將本書內容章節依照檢索結果相關度排序

7 Added Features Citation: 提供本書引用文獻格式,可選擇Chicago , MLA 或 APA格式
Recommendations: 可推薦此書 推薦書單會出現在 1.個人推薦書單(personal) 2.單位推薦書單(Providence University) 3.全域推薦書單(Overall) Recommendations help patrons get to the content they need faster by leveraging the recommendations of peers and the overall community. Citations to online materials contain links directly to the content referenced. A valid username and password is required to follow the link to the content. To generate a Citation, click on the word Citation shown in the descriptive copy of the title. Select the reference format preferred (Chicago Manual of Style, MLA or APA); and an appropriate reference will display which can be copied and pasted to a document. The “Export to RefWorks” link found within the Citations feature allows patrons with a valid RefWorks account to automatically upload the reference into their RefWorks account. Citation: 提供本書引用文獻格式,可選擇Chicago , MLA 或 APA格式

8 加入書籤 利用書籤顏色判斷此頁是否已標記書籤,再次點選書籤標記即可移除書籤。 add a bookmark: 將此頁標記書籤
Quick bookmarks enable you to bookmark a page once without leaving the page. A bookmarked page is indicated by a bookmark icon to the left of the chapter heading. In addition, a link to the current page is added to the Note and Bookmarks area in the lower left frame (after the next page refresh). Note that bookmarked titles are automatically placed into a Default folder if they are not already binned into a personal folder. Bookmarks allow you to quickly revisit important sections of titles. Bookmarks are exposed in the Table of Contents of a title under associated chapter sections; and Personal Folders containing the title will display all bookmarks for a title. 標註書籤的章節標題處會顯示書籤 Notes and Bookmarks”處亦會列出本書標記書籤的位置

9 產生URL Share: 利用Email分享本章節的URL 亦可複製章節名稱及URL至文件、E-learning系統中
Note that libraries must provide their library representative with the appropriate proxy server prefix or ezproxy prefix in order to automatically configure all persistent URLs in their subscription. Once configured, every persistent URL can be shared or applied immediately without further changes. 亦可複製章節名稱及URL至文件、E-learning系統中

10 Adding Notes to a Title 編輯或刪除註記文字 add note: 於本書或是書中內容中以文字註記
在”Notes and Bookmarks”查看有寫註記的章節 點選工具列中”add note”後, 再選取要注釋的段落以文字標記。 You can add any number of notes to the table of contents or content viewer page of a title. Notes allow you to quickly revisit important sections of titles. Notes are exposed in the Table of Contents of a title under associated chapter sections; and Personal Folders will display all notes for a title. 如本書尚未加入個人資料夾, 系統主動將此書加入”Default”資料夾 編輯或刪除註記文字

11 加入個人資料夾 add to folders: 選擇書籍加入現有的資料夾或新增資料夾
點選manage title可移動至其他資料夾或從資料夾中刪除此書 Adding any title to a personal folder on your bookshelf is easy. Simply click on the add to folders tool located near the descriptive copy of the title to open the Manage Title page. You may use the “Add title to folder” menu to add the title to your Default folder (a static folder certain patrons have that is always present) or a previously created personal folder. To create a new folder for the title, enter in a new folder name in the empty field provided. Once a title is situated within a folder, the add to folders icon is replaced by an open book manage title tool. Clicking on the manage title tool will launch the Manage Title page which will permit you to: Move a title to an existing folder and keep a copy in the current folder (if you choose). Create a new folder to transfer the title and keep a copy in the current folder (if you choose). 3) Remove the title, including all bookmarks and notes, from an existing folder.

12 建立及管理個人資料夾 透過首頁(My Home)上方的”manage folders”工具可管理資料夾內容
Manage Personal Folders功能 1.新增資料夾 2.刪除資料夾內容 3.重新命名資料夾名稱 4.刪除資料夾 Note: You cannot delete or rename the system-generated Default folder. Note that folders removed from your bookshelf or titles removed from a folder also delete any bookmarks and notes that have been made. Clicking on More Options permits you to select specific titles in the folder for transfer to another folder with the added option to keep copies in the current folder.

13 個人化設定 Account Info =>Settings 1.設定個人資訊 2.更改密碼 3.查看可使用的專輯
4.更改 設定 5.顯示設定 6.利用智慧型手機使用資訊 In the Settings area under the Account Info tab: Options enables you to opt-in to System Announcements, Newsletters, and Book Alerts or New Title Notifications on “all new titles” or “new titles like those in my folders” for any subscribed collection.

14 Thank you for your attention!!
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