耶穌復活! Jesus is Risen ﹝Lk.路 24:1-7、44-49﹞.

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Presentation on theme: "耶穌復活! Jesus is Risen ﹝Lk.路 24:1-7、44-49﹞."— Presentation transcript:

1 耶穌復活! Jesus is Risen ﹝Lk.路 24:1-7、44-49﹞

2 Ⅰ、《耶穌來了》Jesus came 一、預言:「有一嬰孩為我們而生; For to us a child is born,
有一子賜給我們…」﹝Isa.賽九6.7﹞〜 BC.750 二、應驗:「天使:今天在大衛城裏,為你們生了救主, 就是主基督。你們要看見一嬰孩,包著布, 臥在馬槽裏,那就是記號了。」〈路二10-12〉 the angel said , “… Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

3 Ⅱ、《耶穌去了》Jesus went 一、耶穌被釘十架的預言: ﹝Ps.詩 22:13-15﹞
(Prophecy of Christ’s crucifixion) 〜 BC.1000 「牠們向我張口,好像抓撕吼叫的獅子。我如水被 倒出來;我的骨頭都脫了節,…我的精力枯乾… ,舌頭貼在牙床上。你將我安置在死地塵土中。」 I saw their mouths wide open, like lions crying after food. I am flowing away like water, and all my bones are out of place: My throat is dry like a broken vessel; my tongue is fixed to the roof of my mouth, and the dust of death is on my lips.

4 「犬類圍著我,惡黨環繞我;他們扎我的手,我的腳。
我的骨頭,我都能數過;他們瞪著眼看我。 他們分我的外衣,為我的裏衣拈鬮。」 Dogs have come round me: I am shut in by the band of evil-doers; they made wounds in my hands and feet. I am able to see all my bones; their looks are fixed on me: They make a division of my robes among them, by the decision of chance they take my clothing. ﹝Ps.詩22:16-18﹞

5 二、基督為何要被釘死 (Why Jesus must die) :
「他…擔當我們的憂患,背負我們痛苦;我們卻以為 他受責罰,被神擊打。哪知,他為我們的過犯受害 為我們…罪孽壓傷。 因他受…刑罰,我們得平安; 因他受…鞭傷,我們得醫治。」﹝Isa.賽53:4.5﹞ Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for   our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.」 〜 BC. 730

6 「我們都如羊走迷;各人偏行己路;耶和華使我們 眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上。他被欺壓,受苦時卻 不開口;他像羊羔被牽到宰殺之地…在剪毛的人 手下無聲,他也是這樣不開口。」﹝Isa.賽53:6.7﹞ We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and … before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

7 三、主基督復活的預言: Prophecy of Christ’s Resurrection
「我的心歡喜,…靈快樂;…肉身也要安然居住。 你必不將我的靈魂撇在陰間,也 不叫你的聖者見朽壞。」〜大衛:BC.1000 My heart is glad, and my glory is full of joy: while my flesh takes its rest in hope. For you will not let my soul be prisoned in the underworld; you will not let your loved one see the place of death.﹝Ps.詩16:9.10﹞

8 四、基督為何要復活: (Why Jesus must rise again)
「亞當〜有靈活人; The first man Adam was a living soul. 耶穌〜叫人活的靈。The last Adam is a life-giving spirit. 」 〈1Co.林前15:45〉 「我來,要叫羊﹝人﹞得生命,並且得的更豐盛。」  I have come, so that they may have life, and have it in greater measure. 五、《基督復活應驗》Proof Christ’s resurrection 1. 向瑪利亞Mary&門徒disciples顯現:

9 2. 五旬節聖靈降臨(Holy Spirit) :
「我去是與你們有益的;我若不去,保惠師就不到 你們這裏來;我若去,就差他來。」〈Jn.約十六7〉 my going is for your good: for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 「五旬節到了,門徒都聚在一處忽然,從天上有響聲 下來,好像一陣大風吹過…他們就都被聖靈充滿!」 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent Wind came from heaven … All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.〈Act.徒二1/4〉

10 3. ﹝歷代基督徒 生命改變﹞ Changed lives of Christians 彼得 Peter 保羅 Pual
〝以馬忤斯 Emmaus〞 〈Lk.路24:13〉 ※林布蘭特 Rembrandt

11 Resurrection is the foundation of Faith. ※代表神為人類〜 It means:
六、《復活是信仰的根基》: Resurrection is the foundation of Faith. ※代表神為人類〜 It means: 1. 一次付清所有的罪債。 Pay for the sins of all mainkind once and for all. 2. 將死亡將永遠除滅! Destroyed death forever. 3. 撒旦永遠被打敗了! Satan has been defeated forever.

12 Living Out The Power of Jesus’Resurrection
Ⅲ、《要活出基督復活大能》 Living Out The Power of Jesus’Resurrection 一、每天都能經歷耶穌從死復活的大能: 二、主耶穌已賜我們為祂做見證的裝備: 1.聖靈 Holy Spirit〜能力、恩賜、引導。 2.權柄 Authority 〜主的名 Name。 三、要以信心〜宣告 Proclaim 禱告 Pray 傳道 Preach the Gospel ※來見證〝主活著 He Lives!〞

13 〝信心宣告〞:《在基督裡我們享有》 不可測度的~大愛。 永不朽壞的~生命。 出人意外的~平安。 永不震盪的~安息。
Love Life 出人意外的~平安。 永不震盪的~安息。 Peace Rest 永不消減的~喜樂。 永不褪色的~盼望。 Joy Hope 永不暗淡的~榮耀。 永不中斷的~幸福。 Glory Happiness 永不磨滅的~光明。 永不降服的~力量。 Radiance Strength 永不玷污的~純潔。 永不匱乏的~資源。 Purity Resource

14 ﹝結語﹞ Final Remarks ※今天是五旬節聖靈的工作〜教會要靠聖靈能力, 積極向世界作見證。 ※天上~聖父高舉耶穌基督。Exalt Jesus 地上~聖靈使耶穌得榮耀!Glorify Jesus 一、耶穌捨命的愛〜【德國美術館】 『看哪!這人 Ecce Homo』 ※我曾捨命為你! I Gave My Life for Thee 二、我們從祂領受〜赦罪、醫治、神蹟、 大能、復活的生命。 三、你捨何事為主? What will you give up for the Lord?

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