佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT.

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1 佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT

2 What do people donate (捐贈) to others?

3 授與動詞

4 授與動詞 一、核心概念 授與動詞的特性: 授與動詞後面有兩個受詞,一個是直接受詞,一個是間接受詞。直接受詞指給予的物品,通常是事或物,間接受詞指的是被贈與的對象,通常是人。 例: Mary sent Lily a gift. A gift 是直接受詞,是動詞sent 授與的物品,Lily是動詞sent 授與的對象。

5 二、基本句型 授與動詞 I gave/sent/showed/wrote the kid her some cards.
bought/made I gave/sent/showed/ wrote some cards them to the kids. bought/made for her. 受詞的順序為「人」再加「物」;若將受詞順序改為「物」加「人」,則兩個受詞之間要加入介系詞,其句型如下: 主詞 + 授與動詞 + 間接動詞(人) + 直接受詞(物). = 主詞 + 授與動詞 + 直接動詞(物) + 介系詞 + 間接受詞(人).

6 授與動詞 和授與動詞連用的介系詞多為 to 或 for。動詞give、send、show、write、read、sing…後面多用to ;buy、make、get 多用for。 例一: I wrote a letter to my teacher. (我寫信給我的老師。) 例二: Mr. Reed bought a toy for his daughter. (李德先生買了一個玩具給他的女兒。) 例三: John made a birthday card for his best friend. (約翰做一個生日卡片給他最好的朋友。)

7 授與動詞 直接受詞(事或物)為代名詞時,不可放在間接受詞之後,只能放在間接受詞之前。
I bought a new house for my parents. (我買了棟新房子給我父母。) I bought it for my parents. (o) I bought my parents it. (x)

8 授與動詞 直接受詞(事或物) 與間接受詞(人)都是代名詞時,動詞後只接直接受詞(事或物),不可接間接受詞(人)。
Tom showed his paintings to us. (湯姆把他的畫作秀給我們看。) Tom showed them to us. (o) (them 指的是paintings) Tom showed us them. (x)

9 小試身手 授與動詞 ( )1. My sister sent a postcard _____ me during her trip. A
(A) to (B) for (C) in (D) at ( )2. Dad bought my favorite cookies _____ me _____ Japan. B to;from (B) for ;from (C) to;in (D) x;in

10 所有代名詞

11 一、核心概念 所有代名詞 所有代名詞 = 所有格 + 名詞,代替前面已提過的名詞。
Her room is clean, and my room is clean, too. = His room is clean, and mine is clean, too.

12 二、所有格代名詞 所有代名詞 主格 所有格 所有格代名詞 I my mine you your yours he his she her
hers Alan Alan’s it its we our ours you your yours they their theirs

13 所有代名詞 所有代名詞所搭配的動詞需視所有格代名詞所代替的名詞為單/複數來決定該用單數動詞或複數動詞。
His father is sixty;my father is fifty. = His father is sixty;mine is fifty. Your toys are new, but her toys are old. = Your toys are new, but hers are old. 若要詢問某物為何人所有,疑問詞可以用whose A: Whose watch is it? B: That’s mine.

14 小試身手 所有代名詞 ( )1. That is Kevin’s vest, not _____ . D
(A) her (B) Kevin’s (C) our (D) yours ( )2. A: Excuse me, is this your bag? B: No, _____ . A It’s hers (B) It’s for me. (C) It’s mine (D) It’s from her.

15 牛刀小試

16 選擇題 ( )1. The books on the desk are not _____ . A ..\..\..\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\顯示桌面.scf (A) ours (B) our (C) us (D) we ( )2. This umbrella is _____ , not yours. D (A) me (B) I (C) my (D) mine ( )3. Eric bought _____ a gift last weekend . A his mother (B) for his mother (C) to his mother (D) his mother for

17 依提示作答 I gave her a comic book. (加入介系詞改寫句子) I gave a comic book to her.
_____________________________________ 2. My uncle bought a new card for my cousin. (拿掉介系詞改寫句子) My uncle bought my cousin a new card. _____________________________________

18 句子重組 Christmas / a / gift / her / sent / They/.
They sent her a Christmas gift. _____________________________________ 2.bike / uncle / gives / My / his / me / to/. My uncle gives his bike to me. _____________________________________

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