Time Objectives By the end of this chapter, you will be able to

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1 Time Objectives By the end of this chapter, you will be able to
Ask and tell time including AM or PM. Express time difference between east and west coast, or between China and US. Tell what time your flight arrives Beijing. Indicate the time span before the target time. Convert the time from China to US or Us to China.

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
zăo líng wăn zhĕng zhèng zhōng fēn biăo tóu chā shí jiān 西 bàn bĕi dōng àn jīng shàng xià liù diăn wèn xiàn guò zài

3 Connection Check Sound with Symbol

4 Time and Traveling Vocabulary - 1/3
morning night Noon or afternoon Watch Time 早上/上午 zăo shàng/ shàng wŭ 晚上 wăn shàng 中午or下午 zhōng wŭ xià wŭ băo 時間 Shí jiān West coast Time East coast Time 東岸 dōng àn 西岸時間 Xī àn Shí jiān 東岸時間 dōng àn Shí jiān 西岸 Xī àn 中午zhōng wŭ =Noon is between 12 and 1:00 晚上wăn shàng= evening is usually after 6 o’clock.

5 Time and Traveling Vocabulary - 2/3
15 minutes (one quarter) bàn 兩點一刻 Liang dian Yí kè 十二點半 Shí èr diăn bàn 一刻 Yí kè 2:05 minutes 兩點零五分 Liang diăn líng wŭ fēn 五分 Wŭ fēn líng fēn

6 = + 整zhĕng 差 鐘頭 時差 距離 正好兩個鐘頭 Time and Traveling Vocabulary – 3/3 sharp
下午兩點整 xià wŭ Liang dian zhĕng 點鐘 diăn zhōng 下午兩點鐘 xià wŭ Liang dian zhōng 兩點整 Liang dian zhĕng hour exactly/happens to be … 2 hours 鐘頭 zhōng tóu = + 正好 zhèng hăo 兩個鐘頭 Liăng ge zhōng tóu time difference lacking or difference distance/away from… Exactly two hours 時差 shí chā 距離 jù lí 正好兩個鐘頭 zhèng hăo Liăng ge zhōng tóu chā

7 Time and Traveling Vocabulary - 1/3
morning Noon or night afternoon Watch Time 早上/上午 中午or下午 晚上 時間 West coast Time East coast Time 東 岸 西岸時間 東岸時間 西 岸 中午zhōng wŭ =Noon is between 12 and 1:00 晚上wăn shàng= evening is usually after 6 o’clock.

8 Time and Traveling Vocabulary - 2/3
15 minutes (one quarter) 十二點半 兩點一刻 一刻 2:05 minutes 五分 兩點零五分

9 Time and Traveling Vocabulary – 3/3
sharp Oclock 下午兩點(鐘) 下午兩點整 點鐘 兩點整 hour exactly/happens to be … 2 hours 鐘頭 = + 兩個鐘頭 正好 time difference lacking or difference distance/away from… Exactly two hours 時差 距離 正好兩個鐘頭

10 Time and Traveling Say ~ Click ~ Disappear…
morning 2:05 2 hours afternoon Noon Exactly two hours West coast Time East coast Time distance/ away from…

11 Did you know… 零líng = zero Ex. 二00八年 er ling ling ba nian, 4:05 si dian ling wu fen 點鐘diăn zhōng =O’clock 鐘 sometimes can be omitted. 分fēn =minute When referring to the length of a time, 分鐘fēn zhōng (minute) can be used. Ex. 走路到天安門要十分鐘。 It takes ten minutes to walk to Tiananmen. 一刻 yí kè =15 minutes When referring to time, both 一刻 and十五分can be used. Ex. 八點一刻=八點十五分。For 45 minutes, it is 三刻。 鐘頭zhōng tóu (hour) is used as a unit of the length of time.

12 Read and translate Time
Morning Quarter of an hour West coast time Half noon 2 hours Difference/lacking 2:30 Watch Afternoon 2:45 Time Night time diff./Jet lag Hour 2 o’clock Distance East coast 2 o’clock sharp Exactly/happen to West coast Zero East coast time Minute 早上 西岸時間 中午 兩個鐘頭 兩點半 上午 兩點三刻 下午 時間 晚上 時差 鐘頭 兩點鐘 距離 東岸 兩點整 正好 西岸 東岸時間

13 Morning West coast time Half noon 2 hours 2:30 Watch Afternoon 2:45
Say it in Chinese Time Morning Quarter of an hour West coast time Half noon 2 hours Difference/lacking 2:30 Watch Afternoon 2:45 Time Night time diff./Jet lag Hour 2 o’clock Distance East coast 2 o’clock sharp Exactly/happen to West coast Zero East coast time Minute 早上 西岸時間 中午 兩個鐘頭 兩點半 上午 兩點三刻 下午 時間 晚上 時差 鐘頭 兩點鐘 距離 東岸 兩點整 正好 西岸 東岸時間

14 Write it in Chinese Time
Morning Quarter of an hour West coast time Half noon 2 hours Difference/lacking 2:30 Watch Afternoon 2:45 Time Nigh time difference Hour 2 o’clock Distance East coast 2 o’clock sharp Exactly/happen to West coast Zero East coast time Minute

15 1 早上/ 上午 中午 下午 晚上 2 九點零七分 二十分鐘 兩個鐘頭 兩點鐘 整 3 晚上七點三刻 西岸 正好 東岸時間 東岸 4 錶
1 早上/ 上午 時間 中午 下午 晚上 2 九點零七分 二十分鐘 兩個鐘頭 兩點鐘 3 晚上七點三刻 西岸 正好 東岸時間 東岸 4 距離 時差 還有 5 現在 什麼時間 中午十二點半 美國時間 西岸時間 Morning time Noon Afternoon Evening/ Night 9:07 20 minutes Two hours 2:00 Sharp 7:45pm Exactly West coast East coast Time East coast Watch Distance Time difference Still have Lack/ short Now What time 12:30pm American time West coast time

16 五分 差五分 九點差五分 早上九點差五分 點鐘 鐘頭 兩點鐘 兩個鐘頭 正好是兩點鐘 時差兩個鐘頭 時間正好是兩點鐘 美中和美東時差兩個鐘頭
EXPANDING DRILL 五分 差五分 九點差五分 早上九點差五分 點鐘 鐘頭 兩點鐘 兩個鐘頭 正好是兩點鐘 時差兩個鐘頭 時間正好是兩點鐘 美中和美東時差兩個鐘頭

17 Fill in the hours and minutes according to the time given:
Textbook p.83 下午五點半 中午十二點整 晚上九點差一刻 早上八點三十分 下午一點三刻 早上七點零五分 上午十點差五分 晚上十一點整 5:30pm 12:00pm 8:45pm 8:30am 1:45pm 7:05am 9:55am 11:00pm

18 Textbook p.83-4

19 ORAL DRILL Replace the underlined words with the given words: 1. 現在是晚上九點整。(八點差五分,中午十二點零七分,三點一刻,早上十一點半,下午四點整) 2. 時差正好是兩個鐘頭。 (一,四,十,六,十二,八) 3. 我的錶也是兩點三十分。(美國時間,中國時間,一點半,五點三刻) 4. There is still 5 minutes from now to 5:00.(20min to3:00, 2hrs to 2:00) 5. There is still two hours from now to 7:30. 現在距離五點鐘還有五分鐘 現在距離五點鐘還有五分鐘 現在距離七點半還有兩個鐘頭

20 (A) + 距離 + B Distance about two points of times/places
A & B = time or Places (A) + 距離 + B Distance about two points of times/places Click to get the translation. There is still =還有 1. From now to eight o’clock still have one hour and nine minutes. 2. There is still two minutes before 2 o’clock. (The current time “Now” is omitted.) 3. There is still two stops from here to Beijing. a. b. 4. There is still two hours before we arrive Beijing airport. 現在距離八點鐘還有一個鐘頭九分鐘 (現在 )距離 兩點鐘還有兩分鐘 這兒 距離 北京還有兩站. 從這兒 到 北京 還有兩站. (現在 )距離到北京飛機場還有兩個鐘頭

21 From now to/until two o’clock, (we) still have two hours.
(A) + 距離 + B Vs. From…to… (With an action) Translate the following sentences using 距離 on all the sentences that apply. From now to/until two o’clock, (we) still have two hours. It takes (needs 要) two hours to fly from here to there. There is still half an hour to the Beijing airport. There is still twenty minutes before dinner. There is still two stops to my school. There are two stops by (taking) bus from my house to my school. It takes(needs) one hour and 45 minutes to walk from here to the subway station. There is still one hour and 45 minutes to the subway station. There are (still) two traffic lights from this block to the next one.

22 TRANSLATION Excuse me, may I ask what time it is now?
Textbook p.84 Excuse me, may I ask what time it is now? It is 12:00 pm sharp now. My watch is American time. The time difference between China and American is exactly 12 hours. There is 3 hours difference between American east coast and west coast. What time your flight arrives Beijing? 11:45am arrives Beijing. There is still 5 minutes from now to 7:30.

23 SPEAKING PRACTICE 1. Say the current time in Chinese.
Textbook p.84 1. Say the current time in Chinese. 2. Tell your class schedule, such as when it starts and when it finishes 3. Based on the given scenario, create a dialogue in Chinese. It is 7:00 a.m. sharp on Thursday morning in China. You arrive in the China airport from the USA and want to adjust the time of your watch, but you don’t know what time it is in China. The time difference between the east coast of the USA and China is 12 hours. Ask a person in the airport about the time and give the responses you might get from the person.

24 CHAPTER 7 DIALOGUE I Time and Traveling
Textbook p.81-2 (B 1) A: American C: Chinese A﹕對不起,請問現在幾點鐘? C﹕現在是十點三十分。 A﹕我的錶是美國時間,現在也是十點三十分。 C﹕美國時間是晚上十點半。現在中國是早上十點半。 A﹕美國和中國的時差正好是十二個鐘頭。 C: 是的。可是,美國東岸和西岸有三個鐘頭時差。 A﹕是的,美國西岸時間現在是晚上七點半。 C﹕我們的飛機幾點鐘到北京? A﹕中午十二點差一刻到北京。 C﹕十一點三刻距離現在還有一個鐘頭零五分。

25 Read the chapter 7 dialogue and answer the questions in English
(B 1) What time is it now according to the Chinese person? What time does the American have? What is the difference between the American’s and the Chinese person’s time? What is the time difference between the USA and China? What is the time difference between East coast and the West coast in the USA? What time is it on the West Coast in the USA? What time does their airplane arrive at Beijing? How much longer before it is 11:45 AM? Workbook p.124

Textbook p.84 (B 2) Listen to the conversation, write your answers in English, and say it back in Chinese. 美﹕對不起,請問現在幾點鐘? 中﹕現在是十二點差五分。 美﹕我的錶正好也是十一點五十五分。 中﹕你是美國人嗎? 美﹕是,我是美國人。美國是晚上時間,中國是早上時間。 中﹕中國和美國的時差正好是十二個鐘頭。 美﹕太好了,我們的飛機兩點整到北京。 中:美國時間也是兩點整。 美:可是美國西岸時間不是晚上兩點鐘。 中:美國東岸和西岸有三個鐘頭的時差。 美:美國西岸現在時間是晚上九點鐘。

27 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Answer the questions in English
Textbook p.85 (B 1) 1. Is it day or night in China when the conversation occurs? 2. What time does his watch show? 3. What time does the airplane arrive in Beijing? 4. What is the time difference between the two countries? 5. What is the time difference between the east coast and west coast? 6. What time is it on the west coast?

28 Wrap up test write and speak
This conversation is taking place in the airplane. You need to include the following information in the conversation: The flight arrive Beijing airport at 10:00am US west coast time. What is the Chinese arrival time. Your watch current time. Your watch is west coast time. Find out the China current time. The time difference between west coast USA and China. How much longer before the flight arrives Beijing? The time difference between east and west coast in the US. * At least 6 sentences each. (It’s better to have one question corresponding to each statement.) *At least 12 sentences, 6 each

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