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Promoting Products and Services

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1 Promoting Products and Services
Unit 3 Promoting Products and Services

2 In this unit, you will learn how to:
Career Goal Description In this unit, you will learn how to: promote products and services 1 introduce the features of products and services 2 describe products and services 3

3 Section 1 Getting Things Ready

4 Section 1 Getting Things Ready
address compelling critical identify emphasize proprietary set apart 1. He ________________ from other boys because of his talent. 2. He _______________the importance of careful driving. 3. As a good marketer, you should learn how to ___________ a customer’s need. 4. I don't have any _________________ reasons to reject his offer. 5. iPhone produced by Apple Corporation is completely unique and ________________. 6. The College Entrance Examination is a ____________moment for everyone. 7. Can you ___________ your umbrella among this lot? was set apart emphasized address compelling proprietary critical identify

5 Activity One Listen and Write
Section 1 Getting Things Ready Activity One Listen and Write critical compelling recipe identify emphasize labor client knowledgeable capability trivial

6 Section 1 Getting Things Ready
design quality Unique Selling Proposition size Question What basic information should you give your customers when explaining your products? (mobile phone) shape USP color function cost

7 Product Introduction: Digital Camera
Video Watching Product Introduction: Digital Camera Selling Point stylish, technology light, compact, easy to use ability to easily turn pictures greatly looking print transfer the pictures while recharging

8 Section 1 Getting Things Ready
Activity 2: Read the passage in Section 2 and complete the following paragraph. When selling your products or services, you have to clearly 1) _______ your products or services, identify their features and 2) ________, and discuss what 3) ______ or problems they address in the market. Last but not least, one important thing that you must keep in mind is to 4) ________ your USP—Unique Selling Proposition. Your USP is the proprietary information that sets your product or service 5) _________ your competition. explain benefits needs emphasize apart from

9 Selling a Product & Service
Section 2 Things to do Selling a Product & Service In order to sell your products or services well, you have to clearly explain your products or services, identify their features and benefits, and discuss what needs or problems they address in the market. If you are selling a product, your reader will want to know what it is, what it does, and its features and benefits. Consider including pictures if they would help your reader get a better understanding of your product. Describe its size, shape, color, cost, design, quality, capabilities, technological life-span and patent protection. You may also wish to explain how it is produced, the materials required, and the type of labor needed.

10 Section 2 Things to do If you are offering your customers a service, explain what that service is, how it works, and what need it addresses in the marketplace. Where will you operate? What makes your service different? What materials or equipment is needed? What are your days and hours of operation? Explain the steps in your service process and the benefits you offer your clients. Remember to offer enough information to satisfy an outsider's need to understand your service without boring them with trivial details. No matter you are selling a product or offering a service, one important thing that you must keep in mind is to emphasize your USP - Unique Selling Proposition. Your USP is the proprietary

11 Section 2 Things to do information that sets your product or service apart from your competition. If you are using your business plan to solicit funds, this is what your reader will want to see. If it is an internal document, your USP will be critical to your sales and marketing strategies. Without a USP, your product or service will appear dull and there will be no compelling reason for people to buy it. What would some USPs be? For a food product, it could be a proprietary recipe (like Kentucky Fried Chicken's secret recipe) or a special way the food is served (like Boston Market's hand-carved turkey). (329 words)

12 have to clearly explain your products or services,
Basic Information when explaining your products and services (Paras. 1~3) Paragraph 1 In order to sell your products or services well, you have to clearly explain your products or services, identify their features and benefits, and discuss what needs or problems (they address in the market). Translation: 当推销产品或服务时,你必须清楚地说明你的产品/服务,明确其特色和好处,并说明他们解决了市场上的什么需要或问题。

13 ☆ Customers want to know what it is , ___________,
Basic Information when explaining your products and services (Paras. 1~3) Paragraph 2 When selling a product, ☆ Customers want to know what it is , ___________, features and benefits. ☆ Sales should 1. describe its size, shape, color, _____, design, ______, capabilities, technological life-span and ________________. 2. explain _________________, the materials required, and the type of labor needed. what it does cost quality patent protection how it is produced

14 Basic Information when explaining your products and services (Paras
Paragraph 3 When selling a service, ☆ explain what that service is, ________________, what need it addresses in the marketplace, where you will operate, what different your service makes, what materials or equipment needed, what your days and hours of operation are. ☆ explain _________ in your service process and _________ you offer your clients. how it works the steps the benefits

15 outsider’s need to understand your service without
Basic Information when explaining your products and services (Paras. 1~3) Paragraph 3 Remember to offer enough information to satisfy an outsider’s need to understand your service without boring them with trivial details. Translation:记住你所提供的信息要能够让外行人了解你的服务即可,不要有琐碎的信息使他们厌烦。

16 USP (Paras. 4~5) A1: Unique Selling Proposition (独特卖点). It is the
Q1: What is USP? A1: Unique Selling Proposition (独特卖点). It is the proprietary information that sets your product or service apart from your competition. Q2: Can you give an example? A2: Kentucky Fried Chicken’s secret recipe, Coca-Cola’s secret formula, Boston Market’s hand-carved turkey, I can speak three foreign languages (at a job interview), etc.

17 USP (Paras. 4~5) 1. No matter you are selling a product or offering a
Paragraph 4 1. No matter you are selling a product or offering a service, one important thing that you must keep in mind is to emphasize your USP--- Unique Selling Proposition. Translation: 无论你推销的是产品或服务,必须记住的一个重要的事情便是要强调你产品的独特卖点。

18 USP (Paras. 4~5) Paragraph 4 2. If you are using your business plan to solicit funds, this is what your reader will want to see. If it is an internal document, your USP will be critical to your sales and marketing strategies. Translation:如果该独特卖点作为你的业务计划来募集资金,这正是顾客希望看到的。如果它是一个不便公开的内部文件,那么该独特卖点在你做销售和市场营销战略是至关重要的。

19 Task 1 Find out more information about USP.
USP, the Unique Selling Proposition (also called Unique Selling Point) is a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern among successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. It states that such campaigns made unique propositions to the customer and that this convinced them to switch brands. The term was invented by Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Today the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that distinguishes it from similar objects. Also, a number of businesses and corporations currently use USPs as a basis for their marketing campaigns.

20 Task 2 Tell whether the following statements are true or false
Task 2 Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False. 1. In order to sell your products or services well, you have to clearly explain your products or services. 2. In order to sell your products well, you have to identify their features and benefits. 3. When selling a product, you need to introduce its features and benefits instead of its technological life-span and patent protection. 4. When selling a service, you are required to explain what need it satisfies in the marketplace. T T F T

21 5. In order to help your customers get a full understanding of your service, you should provide them with trivial details that will bore them. 6. USP is one important thing that you must keep in mind no matter you are selling a product or a service. 7. For a food product, its USP could be a proprietary recipe or some special way it is prepared. F T T

22 Task 3 Give brief answers to the following questions.
1. What do we have to do when selling our products? I have to clearly explain our products or service, identify their features and benefits, and discuss what needs or problems they address in the market. 2. What product information may our clients want to know? The information includes: what a product is, what it does, and its features and benefits; its size, shape, color, cost, design, quality, capabilities, technological life-span and patent protection; how it is produced, the materials required, and the type of labor needed. . 3. When promoting services, what do we have to do? We have to makes our service different from that of our competitors.

23 4. What is USP? USP is the proprietary information that sets your product or service apart from your competition. 5. What would happen without USP? Your product or service will appear dull and there will be no compelling reason for people to buy it. 6. In order to let your customer fully understand your product or services, what skills are required? Open.

24 1- b 2-d 3-e 4-g 5-h 6- i 7- j 8-c 9-f 10-a
Task 4 Match A with B 1- b 2-d 3-e 4-g 5-h 6- i 7- j 8-c 9-f 10-a

25 address emphasize set…apart bore identify
Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. 1. I must ________ the fact that she is the right person for the job. 2. In order to avoid a _________ life, he decided to find a new job with more challenge. 3. Traveling a lot on business every year is a _________ of this position. 4. All applicants who are running a fever will be ________ during the recruiting. address emphasize set…apart bore identify critical capability feature benefit solicit dull internal emphasize dull feature set apart

26 6. The interviewee’s long speech __________ the manager.
5. May I ________ your advice on how to get preparation for the coming job interview? 6. The interviewee’s long speech __________ the manager. 7. This is our _________ affair and no interference is expected. 8. To be a good marketer, one must not only _________ consumer needs, but also anticipate them by developing new products. 9. In the end, it all worked out to our ____________. 10. These products __________ the special needs of the disabled. solicit bored internal identify benefit address

27 Task 6 Read and Translate
When selling a product/service, you have to clearly explain your products/services, identify their features and benefits, and discuss what needs or problems they address in the market. 当开发新产品时,营销人员要鉴别消费者的需要。 When developing new products, marketers have to identify customers’ needs. 当进行市场调查时,你要收集和分析有关消费者品味和爱好的消息。 When doing/conducting a market research, you have to collect and analyze information about consumers’ tastes and habits.

28 Consider including pictures if they would help your reader get a better understanding of your product. 如果你想省钱就考虑买这件吧。 Consider buying this one if you want to save money. 如果有损你的眼睛就考虑放弃它吧。 Consider giving it up if it would do harm to your eyes.

29 Remember to offer enough information to satisfy an
outsider’s need to understand your service without boring them with trivial details. 买这辆车头配有雨伞的自行车,你外出时就免曝晒于太阳光下。 Buy this bike with an umbrella on it to satisfy your need to go out without being exposed to the sun. 买一个带有mp3功能的手机,你就不用每天都带着收音机来听音乐了。 Buy a mobile phone with the function of mp3 to satisfy your need to enjoy music without carrying such a big radio every day.

30 No matter you are selling a product or offering a service, one important thing that you must keep in mind is to emphasize your USP - Unique Selling Proposition. 无论你处于何种困境,你必须记住的一个重要的事情便是保持自信。 No matter what terrible situation you are in, one important thing that you must keep in mind is to keep your confidence. 无论你找什么工作,你必须记住的一个重要的事情便是保持或提高的形象。 No matter what kind of job you are looking for, one important thing that you must keep in mind is to maintain or improve your image.

31 Without a USP, your product or service will appear
drab and there will be no compelling reason for people to buy it. 没有多种颜色和形状可供选择,该产品缺乏竞争力。 Without optional colors and shapes, the product will lack competition. 折扣不多,你公司的服务就显得很贵了。 Without too much discount, your service will appear expensive.

32 Section 3 Things to Write: Product Description
Task 1 Study the following tips for writing. When descriping a product or service, you should: remember that you are presenting information to your potential buyers that they may need when deciding whether to purchase your product or service. Get to know exactly what your target audience is looking for and highlight the most popular features. Try to avoid going into overwhelming (压倒性的) details, as you could lose your reader by rambling (不知所云). 4) Use descriptive words and sell what you have to offer, rather than just offering cold, hard facts.

33 Task 2 Study the following language for writing.
Section 3 Things to Write: Product Description Task 2 Study the following language for writing.

34 Product Description Sentence patterns: 一般现在时 被动语态、祈使句、You can …
情态动词+ be used for/to, be designed for/to You can use them not just…but also… 你不仅可以用它们…而且还可以.. The design allows… 这种设计允许… It can be used for 该产品可用来… You can use it to 你可以用该产品来… You can with it 有了该产品, 你可以…. This product features 这件产品具有…特点. The effect of….is very good. ….效果很好

35 Section 3 Things to Write
Task 3 Study the following model for witing. Baby Sleeping Bags Our baby sleeping bags are made from fine quality fabrics (织物), are machine washable. They have features of a full length zip (拉链) for easy changing and are designed for all year round except peak summer. The design allows air to circulate (循环), keeping your baby at a comfortable temperature throughout the night. Being safe and practical is just two of the reasons why in the UK baby sleeping bags are becoming an increasingly popular alternative (替代品) to sheets and blankets. They're also extremely convenient and ideal for holidays. You can use them not just in baby's bedroom, but also when visiting friends or on long journeys.

36 Section 3 Things to Write

37 Section 3 Things to Write
Task 2 Complete the company profile by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English. The ET-Pure device is very compact. The bottle can be 1) ___________________________ (轻易地与设备分开) using patented "Cap-style" design. The device will automatically stop generating pure water 2) _______________________ (当瓶子满了时). One ET-Pure device can 3) ________________________________ (每天可以生产20瓶饮用水). 4) ________________________ (瓶子的容积) is 2.5 gallons which is suitable to carry for outdoor use. The "big cap" design of the bottle 5) __________________ (使得使用者能够) to clean the tank quickly and easily. There is no worry about second-time pollution. The bottle can be installed into any dispenser by using a funnel on it. It saves more money 6) ____________________ (比买瓶装水). separated from the device easily when the bottle is full generate 20 bottles of drinking water per day The volume of the bottle enables the user than buying bottled water

38 Section 4 More Things to Do
professional access search engines options increase protected classified connected to implementing options return promote Section 4 More Things to Do Task 1 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box below. How to Sell a Product Online It seems everyone is selling his or her wares (物品) on the Internet. To get your company and your product online, you'll need the following things: website developers, web software, domain names (域名), and search engines (引擎).

39 Instructions Step 1 Launch (发布) your own website. Contract a website hosting company that will provide you with 1) ________ to a web-server, an Internet address and . Step 2 Sign up (签约租用) for 2) _______________. Register with each one individually or look for companies that can register you with many search engines, Internet malls and Internet directories for a discount price. They will also make suggestions on ways to 3) ____________ the number of visitors to your site by registering certain search words and phrases. access search engines increase

40 Step 3 Design your site so that it looks 4) __________. You don't have to spend a fortune, but try to be original. Step 4 Exchange banner ads (横幅广告) with other websites to help attract visitors to your site. Step 5 5) ____________ your site offline. Put your Web site address on business cards, letterhead, fliers (广告传单) and sales tags (标签) and in 6) _____________ ads. Step 6 Provide as many 7) ______________ as possible for people to do business with you online. Accept credit cards, take orders via fax, mail and telephone, and agree to deliver c.o.d. (货到付款) professional Promote classified options

41 Step 7 Establish a steady supply of 8) ____________ customers by maintaining a high standard of customer service and implementing a policy of product guarantees. Tips & Warnings Choose a domain name that's easily 9) _______________ your company or product name. If your company name is Acme and you sell a product called Rough and Tough Trash Cans, your domain name should be,, or something similar. Take every precaution to make sure that the personal data transmitted (传输) between site visitors and you is 10) _____________. (327 words) return connected to protected

42 Task 2 Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.
1. To get your company and your product online, you'll need things except______. A) website developers B) domain names C) search engines and Web software D) Credit cards

43 2. Contract a website hosting company and they will _______.
A) accept your credit cards B) sell your products well C) offer the services you need D) bring you lots of customers

44 3. The word “precaution” in the last paragraph most probably means ________.
A) preventive action B) preparatory step C) careful plan D) thoughtful idea

45 4. The options provided for people to do business with you online do not include _______.
A) accepting credit cards B) taking orders via fax, mail and telephone C) agreeing to deliver c.o.d. D) door to door service

46 5. The personal data transmitted between site visitors and you online must be ______.
A) promoted B) professional C) protected D) individual

47 Class Activity: Product Description
Work in groups and describe your mobile phone to your group members. Shape, size, weight, color, design, function ... (USP) Words for references: 直板手机 bar phone 翻盖手机 clamshell phone /flip phone 滑盖手机 slide phone 山寨机:cottage machine 智能手机:smart phone 摄像头:camera 记忆卡:memory card 播放器:player 和弦铃声 chord music ringtone 蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)blue tooth 电池耐用:durable battery 按键 keypad 短信 short message 图片短信 picture message 彩屏 color screen

48 Translation 推销产品和服务 当推销产品或服务时,你必须清楚地说明你的产品/服务,明确其特色和好处,并说明他们解决了市场上的什么需要或问题。 如果你销售的是产品,你的顾客会想知道它是什么产品,它有什么用以及它的功能和优点。如果图片能有助于读者更好地了解您的产品,那么你就要考虑使用图片。你要解说产品的大小,形状,颜色,成本,设计,质量,功能,技术寿命和专利保护。你也可以解释它是如何生产出来的,它所需的材料和所需的劳动力是什么。 如果你推销的是服务,便解释你提供的是什么服务,服务的内容以及该服务主要针对市场的哪些需求。你将在哪里进行服务?是什么使你的服务与众不同?需要什么材料或设备?您进行服务的日期和时间是什么时候?要向顾客解释服务的

49 Translation 步骤及所能为他们带来的裨益是什么。记住你所提供的信息要能够让外行人了解你的服务即可,不要有琐碎的信息使他们厌烦。
 无论你推销的是产品或服务,必须记住的一个重要的事情便是要强调你产品的独特卖点。产品独特卖点是让你的产品或服务从竞争中脱颖而出的东西。如果该独特卖点作为你的业务计划来募集资金,这正是顾客希望看到的。如果它是一个不便公开的内部文件,那么该独特卖点在你做销售和市场营销战略是至关重要的。产品没有独特卖点的话,你的产品或服务会显单调,因此也不会有诱人的理由的让人去购买它。. 独特卖点是什么呢?对于食品而言,它就是一个专有配方(如肯德基的秘密食谱) ,或是一种特殊的上菜方式(如波士顿市场的手撕火鸡)。

50 Focus on Grammar 将来完成时 将来完成时由shall (will) have + 过去分词构成,主要下列几种用法:
1、表示到将来某一时刻已经完成的动作或事情, 常与by和 not until/till+时间名词以及build, complete, finish等表示完成意义的动词连用。例如: I shall have finished the annual report before lunch.午饭前我就能完成这份年度报告了。 By this time next year we’ll have reached all sales goals we’ve set. 到明年这时候我们所设的销售目标都会实现。 2、在believe, expect, hope, suppose等动词之后,也常用将来完成时。例如: I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 我预料到明天你就会改变主意了。

51 Focus on Grammar 3、有时用来表示一种揣测。例如:
They will have arrived home company by now. 这时候他们可能已经到家了。 When we get there the clients will probably have left. 我们到那里时客户可能已经走了。

52 Section 1 Getting Things Ready
Now let us listen to a dialogue about product selling. Situation: Simon Ho of Unique Communication Limited is trying to sell a fax machine to Richard Shaw who owns a small business. Do you have to travel a lot for your business? Do you have a mobile phone? Do you have a fax machine? (Business essential) Have you ever considered buying a fax machine? (Convenient, difference between a fax modem and a fax machine) Do you have a photocopier? Too expensive and no enough space You can get a fax machine that has a built-in photocopier for a fraction of the price(少许钱)

53 Discussion: How to sell your products/services online
Have you ever bought things online? On sign up for Taobao first register for an Alipay account (bank account) buy things by using the Taobao search engine receive your package purchased confirm the receipt of goods Do you know how to sell products/services on

54 Section 1 Getting Things Ready
compelling (adj.) 引起兴趣的;强迫的 compel (vt.)  强迫, 迫使 critical (adj.) 关键的,重要的;吹毛求疵的 criticize (vt.)  批评;指责 criticism (n.)  批评;指责 emphasize: (vt.) 强调,着重 emphasis: (n.) proprietary (adj.) 独有的,专有的 property (n.)  财产, 所有物

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