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SAP R/3架構及前端軟體安裝 Logical View of the R/3 System SAP Frontend 6.2安裝

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1 SAP R/3架構及前端軟體安裝 Logical View of the R/3 System SAP Frontend 6.2安裝
Presentation Components 、R/3 Basis System 主要模組 SAP Frontend 6.2安裝 下載、安裝與登入、 Clients in R/3 SAP登入 SAP R/3主畫面及功能模組 Copy a User Change/ Display/Delete a User

2 1. Logical view of the R/3 System

3 1.1 Presentation Components
Are responsible for the interaction between the R/3 System and the user, and for desktop component integration (such as word processing and spreadsheets).

4 1.2 R/3 Basis System The platform for all other applications (financial accounting, logistics, human resources management) in the R/3 System Kernel and Basis Services Running applications User and process administration Database access Communication System Monitoring and Administration

5 R/3 Basis System (Cont.) ABAP Workbench
a development environment for applications in the ABAP language. With it, you can create, edit, test, and organize application developments.

6 R/3 Basis System (Cont.) ABAP (Advanced Business Application Language)
The SAP programming language for application programming. ABAP programs communicate with the database management system of the central relational database (RDBMS), and with the graphical user interface (SAP GUI) at presentation level.

7 1.3 主要模組 R/3 Basis Financials SD FI ABAP MM CO PP AM Logistics QM PS
銷售與配銷 財務會計 物料管理 管理會計 SD FI R/3 Basis ABAP 固定資產管理 生產規劃 MM CO PP AM Logistics QM PS PM WF HR IS 專案管理 品質管理 工作流程 工廠維護 產業別解決方案 人力資源管理 Cross-Application Human Resources

8 2. SAP Frontend 6.2安裝 下載網址: 解壓縮SAPfrontend62.rar檔案 (例如D:\)
安裝檔:SAPfrontend62.rar (0.15GB) 說明檔:SAPfrontend62安裝說明 doc 解壓縮SAPfrontend62.rar檔案 (例如D:\) 產生D:\6.2frontend子目錄

9 安裝與登入 執行 D:\6.2frontend\Win32\setup.exe 開始安裝 登入
設定路徑(例如C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd) Components全部勾選 登入 點選桌面之SAPlogon圖示→點右下角「新的」按鈕 「說明」任填 (例如SapNCU);「應用程式伺服器」填 ;「系統號碼」填00 →按「OK」 點選右方「登入」按扭 測試帳號:「Client」填700;「User」填abapxx或PU98HRxx (xx=02..99); 「Pass- word」填1234 →按鍵盤「Enter」鍵或左上方打勾圖示

10 Clients in R/3 A self-contained organizational unit in the R/3 System.
Clients have their own data environment (user master and transaction data). Users of different clients coexist independently and isolated in the same R/3 System. Client 000 is defined as an SAP standard and must not be changed by customers. (初始data) Clients have a three digit name. 可視為“企業集團”,集團下可包含許多事業部門及子公司

11 遠東集團關係企業實例 公司整體策略層次 事業單位策略層次 功能策略層次 紡織事業 總管理處 金融服務事業 … 生產功能 行銷功能
包含哪些事業? 資源分配?對外角色? 如何改善在產業之 競爭地位? 如何在各功能領域內 達到最大的資源生產力? 生產功能 行銷功能 人力資源功能 研究發展功能 財務功能 紡織事業 ‧遠東紡織 ‧宏遠興業… 總管理處 金融服務事業 ‧遠東商銀 ‧亞東證券…

12 3. SAP登入 Client: 700 User: abapxx (xx=02~99) PU98HRxx Password: 1234

13 3.1 SAP R/3主畫面 主要模組 IDES

14 SAP R/3功能逐層展開 click 最底層 double-click

15 SAP R/3最底層功能展開實例 SAP menu → Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → SU01 Users

16 3.2 Copy a User 選取功能 複製使用者 練習:請建立組員之帳號 (例如pu95a_xxb…)
Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Users 另一種方式:直接在命令列輸入SU01指令 複製使用者 在user部分,填入欲被複製user之ID (例如pu95a_xx) 點選copy圖示 輸入要複製至哪位新的user (To欄位) (例如pu95a_xxa),按下方copy → 輸入啟始password (例如123456) 可觀察相關參數(例如Profiles標籤) 按上方save按鈕 練習:請建立組員之帳號 (例如pu95a_xxb…)

17 3.3 Change/ Display/Delete a User
輸入SU01指令 輸入user之ID 點選change圖示:修改user相關資料 點選display圖示:顯示user相關資料 點選delete圖示:刪除該user

18 3.4 Lock Users 鎖定User 顯示所有因登入錯誤被鎖之users 輸入SU01指令 輸入欲鎖定之帳號
點選Application bar的Lock 顯示所有因登入錯誤被鎖之users 輸入SUIM指令 User → List of user master records locked due to incorrect logon

19 3.5 IDES The "Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System" in the R/3 System, represents a model company. It consists of an international group with subsidiaries in several countries. The focal point of IDES, however, is not the functionality itself, but the business processes and their integration.

20 3.6 線上說明 SAP提供的Help Portal:

21 實例1:IDES相關資訊搜尋

22 實例2:主要功能模組說明 SAP Library → Basis Components → ABAP Programming and Runtime Environment → BC ABAP Programming

23 實例3:Getting Started說明 Getting Started → Startup and Shutdown of the SAP System → Logging Off (請自行閱讀說明,登出系統)

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