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拉丁方陣與密碼 摘要:應用拉丁方陣來建構密碼 交大應數系 傅恆霖.

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Presentation on theme: "拉丁方陣與密碼 摘要:應用拉丁方陣來建構密碼 交大應數系 傅恆霖."— Presentation transcript:

1 拉丁方陣與密碼 摘要:應用拉丁方陣來建構密碼 交大應數系 傅恆霖

2 A Latin square of order n is an n×n array based on an n-set S such that each element of S occurs exactly once in each row and each column. We can take A latin square of order 3

3 A latin square of order n defines a quasigroup on 3 elements.
<S,*> is a quasigroup if <S,*>is a groupoid and have unique solution

4 Two latin squares and of order n are orthogonal if 。
Two orthogonal latin squares of order 4

5 are mutually orthogonal latin squares of order n (MOLS(n)), if for 。
Theorem Let n be a prime power and n≠2 . Then there exists n-1 latin squares (best possible!) of order n which is a collection of mutually orthogonal latin squares.

6 Orthogonal Latin Square Graph
  我們可以把拉丁方陣當做點,“互相垂直“,當成關係來定義一個圖 OLSG。 V:一些拉丁方陣所成的集合。 E:兩個點相連若且唯若對應的拉丁方陣互相垂直。 例:令    為k個互相垂直的拉丁方陣,則以 定義出來的OLSG為 。

7 利用L⊥M我們可定義函數f,f為 的一個Permutation,或者說f為由 對映至 的1-1, onto 函數。

8 (*) 令α為的一個排列,β也是排列, 則 , 其中 。   由上述的結果,我們可以發現當L⊥M時,與L垂直的n階拉丁方陣至少有n!個。所以,要判斷key是由哪兩個方陣所形成並不容易!

9 Cryptosystem from MOLS(n)
Theorem [Lindner et al,(1979)JGT] 令G為任意圖,則必存在P=|V(G)|個n階拉丁方陣,n夠大,使得由這p 個拉丁方陣所定義出來的OLSG,H,   。 Cryptosystem from MOLS(n) 使用n階拉丁方陣。 有 個 Messages (Plaintexts)。 以n階拉丁方陣建構一個圖(OLSG),G,則有 |E(G)| 個keys。 (最早使用k個MOLS(n),則有 個keys.)

10 討論: 1.當n相當大時,MOLS(n)的個數也會很大。 2.如果只考慮MOLS(n),key space較小。 3.Orthogonal mate。不容易找!(全部找出來!)

11   我們可以選 n 為Prime Power, 如此N(n),互相垂直的n階拉丁方陣數(max),自然是最大N(m)=n-1。
更明確地說 [T. Beth, Abh. Math. Sem. Hamburg 53(1983)] 所以,有足夠多的MOLS(n)!

12 分散模式解 (Sharing Scheme)

13 A critical set C in a latin square    is a set
(partial latin square) with the following two properties: 1. L is the only latin square of order n which has symbol k in (i,j)-cell for each ;and 2. no proper subset of c has property (1). A critical set

14   上面圈出的三個位置,任兩個都會形成一個臨界集(Critical Set)。少了,或多了都不是臨界;然而多了(3個)也可以繼續填成唯一的拉丁方陣。

15 Fact 1 A critical set C of a latin square L provides minimal infos from which L can be reconstructed. Fact 2 Deciding whether a partial latin square is a critical set is NP-complete. (From completion point of view.) Fact 3 Denote the minimum size of a critical set of order n by M(n) [D. Curran & G.H.J.van Rees, Cong. Numer. 1979]

16 Critical sets, n=5

17 Conjecture 。 Theorem (高, Fu, C.A. Rodger, JSPI 1997) For n>20, 。
M*(n):Maxmim size of a critical set of order n. Theorem (D.R.Stison, G.H.J. van Rees, Cong. Numer 1980) For , 。 Theorem (高, Fu, 廖, Cong, Numer, 1995) For ,

18 分散模式解 1.Key → L (拉丁方陣) n public 2.選一個集合它是L中多個臨界集的聯集:S。
3.把其中 t’≦|S|。(可以容許高階者持有多一些(i,j ; k), 甚至一個Critical Set!) 4.足夠多的人即可得到“Key“。

19 A (s,t)-secret sharing scheme is a system where k pieces of information called shares or shadows of a secret key K are distributed so that each participant has a share such that: 1. the key K can be reconstructed from knowledge of any t or more shares; and 2. the key K can not be reconstructed from knowledge of fewer than t shares.

20 臨界集的選擇有很多! 對於臨集的了解不多。 增加破解難度


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