第十八课 运动 Bard High School Early College 巴德高中.

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1 第十八课 运动 Bard High School Early College 巴德高中

2 Learning Goals 学习目标 Name some popular sports;
Talk about your exercise habits. Discuss your opinions about various sports; Make a simple comparison between how soccer and American football are played.

3 生词 篮球 lánqiú 网球 wǎnqiú 网球拍 Wǎnqiú pāi 排球 páiqiú 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú

4 B: ____________________。
游泳 yóu yǒng 打篮球 dǎlánqíu 打网球 dǎ wǎngqiú B: ____________________。 A: 你一星期 _____ 几次? B: ____________________。 A: 你一次 _____ 多久? 跑步 pǎo bù B: ____________________。

5 胖 pàn 瘦 shòu 难 nán 简单 jiǎndān 1. 你每天都吃这么多所以才会越來越 ____。
2. 这一次的考试很 _____,我都会写。 A: 你觉得这一次的考试_____不______? B: 我觉得语法很难,但是汉字不多,也很_________。

6 安全 《--》危险 ĀN QÚAN WÉI XIǍN
A: It is very dangerous over there. Don’t go over there. B: 那兒很危險,不要过去。 A: Put your heart at rest (meaning, “Don’t worry.”) It is safe here. B: 放心,这里很安全。

7 你平常不預习也不复习,_____考试考得不好
afraid 淹死 yān sǐ drown 淹水 yān shuǐ (v. flood) 当然dānránOf course 愿意 Yuànyì Willing You don’t usually study ahead nor do you review; of course you are not doing well in your test. 你平常不預习也不复习,_____考试考得不好 Xiao Li is not willing to do any exercises; of course he is getting fat. 小李什么运动都不_____做,______越來越胖. I am afraid of water now, because I almost drowned last time. 我現在很____水,因为上一次我差一点兒____。

According Wang Peng, why has Gao Wenzhong gained weight? 王朋说为什么高文中越来越胖? How many times a week does Wang Peng recommend Gao Wenzhong should exercise? 王朋建议高文中得一个星期运动几次? How long does Wang Peng recommend Gao Wenzhong should exercise each time? 王朋建议高文中一次得运动多久?

9 How long has it been since Gao Wenzhong exercised?
高文中多久没做运动了? What sports does Wang Peng recommend Gao Wenzhong? 王朋建议高文中做什么运动? What excuses does Gao Wenzhong give for disliking jogging? 高文中说为什么他不喜欢慢跑?

10 Why does Wang Peng recommend swimming?
为什么王朋建议游泳? What is Wang Peng’s conclusion? 最后王朋说了什么? 最后王朋下了什么结论?

Ask your classmate the following questions: Do you exercise? How often do you exercise? What kind of exercise do you do? Why do you like this kind of exercise?

12 Do you exercise? 你做运动吗? How often do you exercise? 你多久做一次运动? What kind of exercise do you do? 你喜欢做什么运动? Why do you like this kind of exercises?’ 为什么你喜欢做这种运动?

13 语法 Time expression + 没 + V (了) 我学中文学了两年了。 我两年没学中文了。 小王念书念了一天了。

14 : TIME EXPRESSION + 没 + V (了)
How long haven’t you exercised? 你多久没有运动了? I haven’t exercised for three months. 我(有)三个月没运动了。 My dog is sick. She hasn’t eaten for one day. 我的狗病了,一天没有吃东西了。 我三天没上网了。

15 Do you swim? 你游泳吗? I haven’t swum for five years. 我五年没游泳了! I haven’t gone online for three days. 我三天没上网了。

You are not feeling well. Describe the conditions to your doctor using the following words. 吃东西 三天 睡觉 两天 上厕所 五天 Please also do language practice B. on p.234

17 好/难 + V--。A formation of adjective
Delicious Pretty Pleasant to the ear Ugly Unappetizing easy to understand difficult to say easy to bear hard to write easy to sing 好吃 好看 好听 难看 难吃 难懂 难说 难受 难写 难唱

18 The weather is hot; it is unbearable.
天气很热,让我觉得很难受!(真叫人难受!) The computer class is hard to understand. 电脑课很难懂。 I like Chinese classical music. It sounds very nice. 我喜欢听中国古典音乐,很好听! Although he is ugly, but very smart. 虽然他很难看但是很聪明。

19 Do Language practice p. 235-236
Opinion Forum using 好/难

20 V /adj + 下去 Indicating continuation 这个电影很有意思,我想看下去。 要是你都不运动,你会一直胖下去。
Please go on speaking, I am listening. 请说下去,我正在听呢。 Please stop singing, I cannot study. 请不要唱下去了,我没办法念书/学习。

21 V /ADJ + (不)下去 The book is very boring. I can’t continue reading it!
这本书很没有意思,我看不下去了! You have already run for more than an hour. If you keep running, you will be exhausted. 你已经跑了一个多小时了,再跑下去,要累死了! If you want to learn Chinese well, you have to continue learning. 要是你想学好中文,你得学下去!

22 Express that you like certain activity very much and that you would like to continue doing it.


24 What does the Bible say about exercise?
1 Timothy 4:8 for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 操练身体、益处还少.惟独敬虔、凡事都有益处.因有今生和来生的应许

25 复习: describing hobbies on sports/exercises describe habits 生词:运动,运动用具
语法1:duration of Non+Action: Time+没+V+了 语法2:好/难+V 语法3:下去 indicating continuation

26 A: 你喜欢做什么运动? 游泳 打篮球 dǎlánqíu B: ____________________。
yóu yǒng 打篮球 dǎlánqíu 打网球 dǎ wǎngqiú A: 你喜欢做什么运动? B: ____________________。 A: 你一星期 _____ 几次? B: ____________________。 A: 你一次 _____ 多久? 跑步 pǎo bù B: ____________________。

Ask your classmate the following questions: Do you exercise? How often do you exercise? What kind of exercise do you do? Why do you like this kind of exercise?

28 Do you exercise? 你做运动吗? How often do you exercise? 你多久做一次运动? What kind of exercise do you do? 你喜欢做什么运动? Why do you like this kind of exercises?’ 为什么你喜欢做这种运动?

29 语法 Time expression + 没 + V (了) 我学中文学了两年了。 我两年没学中文了。 小王念书念了一天了。

30 : TIME EXPRESSION + 没 + V (了)
How long haven’t you exercised? 你多久没有(做)运动了? I haven’t exercised for three months. 我(有)三个月没(做)运动了。 I haven’t eaten for one day. 我一天没有吃东西了。

31 语法 Time expression + 没 + V (了) 我学中文学了两年了。 我两年没学中文了。 小王念书念了一天了。

32 : TIME EXPRESSION + 没 + V (了)
How long haven’t you exercised? 你多久没有运动了? I haven’t exercised for three months. 我(有)三个月没运动了。 My dog is sick. She hasn’t eaten for one day. 我的狗病了,一天没有吃东西了。 我三天没上网了。

33 : TIME EXPRESSION + 没 + V (了)
How long haven’t you exercised? 你多久没有运动了? I haven’t exercised for three months. 我(有)三个月没运动了。 My dog is sick. She hasn’t eaten for one day. 我的狗病了,一天没有吃东西了。 我三天没上网了。

34 好/难 + V--。A formation of adj.
Delicious Pretty Pleasant to the ear Ugly Unappetizing easy to understand difficult to say easy to bear hard to write easy to sing 好吃 好看 好听 难看 难吃 难懂 难说 难受 难写 难唱

35 V /adj + 下去 Indicating continuation 这个电影很有意思,我想_________。
要是你都不运动,你会__________。 Please go on speaking, I am listening. 请__________,我正在听呢。 Please stop singing. 请不要__________。

36 Express that you like certain activity very much and that you would like to continue doing it.

37 生词

38 生词 生詞 比赛 足球 踢 国际足球 橄榄球 美式足球 打 运动服 bǐsài zúqiú tī guójìú gǎnlǎnqiú
měishì Hui-Ju Chuang 运动服 yùndòng fú

39 为了 水平 level for wèile shǐpíng 提高 应该 elevate should tígāo yīngāi
你的汉语水平怎么样? 为了提高汉语水平你得做什么? Hui-Ju Chuang

40 How can you improve (elevate) your Chinese level?
为了学好中文,你得做什么? How can you improve (elevate) your Chinese level? A: 为了提高你的中文水平,你应该做什么? In order to improve Chinese level, you should listen to recording, practice speak Chinese, and write Chinese characters. 为了提高中文水平,你应该听录音、练习说中文,还有写汉字。

41 上大学 to attend college In order to attend college, I have to work in a Chinese restaurant. 为了___________,我得________________。 你是在哪年开始上大学的?

42 国际guó jì 国际足球 国际关系 guójì guān xī 我的专业是国际关系。

43 手shoǔ 脚 jiǎo 打什么球要用脚踢? 打什么球不能用手? 国际足球 guójìú 美式足球 měishì

44 抱 bào: to hold 他抱着(zhe)球跑。 中国人见面时,不互相拥抱。

45 “被” by 我的晚饭 狗吃了。 车 被 球压坏了。 压坏yāhuài: crushed 车chē

46 担心 dān xīn: to worry Matthew 6:34
所 以 , 不 要 为 明 天 忧虑 (担心), 因 为 明 天 自 有 明 天 的 忧虑 ; 一 天 的 难处 一 天 当就 夠 了 。

47 语法

48 语法 被/叫/ 让 sentence pattern V+著
N1+把+N2+ V了 N2+被+N1+ V了 V+著 Duration of action S+ VO+V+ duration/ frequency ==》S+V + duration/ frequency + O Hui-Ju Chuang

N2 can be ± animate; the object undergoes the action N1 is 80% animate; the person who performed the action N2 N1 Verb 了 Hui-Ju Chuang

50 被 sentence is used essentially to express an “adversity” situation
被 is like English’s passive sentence XiaoYing was spanked by her mother, because she did not do her homework last night. 小英被妈妈打了,因為她昨天晚上没写功课。 My computer was broken after Little Gao used it. 我的电脑被小高用坏了。 Hui-Ju Chuang

51 练習 N1+把+N2+ V了 N2+被+N1+ V了 小狗把我的衣服吃了。 我的衣服被小狗吃了。 谁把我买的梨吃了? 我买的梨被谁吃了?
老师把門打开了。 門被老师打开了。 我把书放在桌子上了。 书被我放在桌子上了。 小王把笔写坏了。 笔被小王写坏了。

52 The door was closed by the teacher.
門被老師关起来了。 Xiaoli took away that book. (Use the passive voice) 那本书被小李拿走了。

53 N2 被 叫 让 N1 Verb 了 Do Textbook p. 248
Your girlfriend took away the books that you bought. (use passive voice) 你买的书被你女朋友拿走了。 Your tennis racket was crushed by me. I am very sorry. 你的网球拍被我压坏了。真对不起。

54 N2 被 叫 让 N1 Verb 了 Do Textbook p. 248
Your girlfriend took away the books that you bought. (use passive voice) 你买的书被你女朋友拿走了。 Your tennis racket was crushed by me. I am very sorry. 你的网球拍被我压坏了。真对不起。

55 语法: V+著 CAN CO-OCCUR WITH STATE VERBS AND ACTION VERBS, DENOTING A STATE OR A CONTINUATION OF AN ACTION When occurs between two verbs, it signifies the action taking the same time. 老師拿着笔。 老师在白板上写着汉字。 Hui-Ju Chuang 小高站着吃饭。 我喜欢躺着看电視。

56 Do Textbook p. 247 with your classmate
While the teacher stood lecturing, the students sat listening. 老师站着教课,学生坐着听课。 Please don’t eat while you are standing. 不要站着吃饭。 Do Language Practice (textbook p. 247) Do Textbook p. 247 with your classmate

57 I have been studying whole day.
语法: DURATION OF ACTION S+ VO+V+ DURATION/ FREQUENCY ==》 S+V + DURATION/ FREQUENCY + O I have been studying whole day. 我看书看了一天了。 我看了一天的书了。 She has exercised twice this week。 她这个星期做运动做了两次了。 她这个星期做了两次的运动了。

58 She swims for forty minutes every afternoon.
她每天下午游泳游四十分钟。 她每天下午游四十分钟的泳。 I listen to Chinese recording for one hour every day. 我每天听中文录音听一个小时。 我每天听一个小时的中文录音。

Do Language Practice on textbook p. 245, do 1, 3, 5.

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