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防曬、美白、抗老化 趙曉秋醫師 成大醫院皮膚科.

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1 防曬、美白、抗老化 趙曉秋醫師 成大醫院皮膚科


3 皮膚的老化 皮膚慢慢失去了光澤、粗糙萎縮、沒有彈性、皺紋增加 黑色素細胞調節失常,黑斑、色素脫失、皮膚異色症會出現

4 Causes of skin aging UVA rays Genetic and hormonal aging DRYNESS
menopause DRYNESS PRURITUS WRINKLES LOSS OF FIRMNESS SPOTS 30 yr/o 40 yr/o 50 yr/o 60 yr/o and over UVA rays CAUSE N°1 Genetic and hormonal aging CAUSE N°2 Environment Nutrition Lifestyle (smoking, alcohol) Stress AND AGGRAVIATING FACTORS…

5 Why Does the Skin Age?

6 皮膚光反應類型 類型 膚色 曬傷度/曬黑度 一 白 極易曬傷,但從不曬黑 二 極易曬傷,偶爾輕度曬黑 三 偶爾曬傷,容易曬黑 四 黃
輕度或很少曬傷,極易曬黑 黃或棕 很少曬傷,一定且重度曬黑 深棕或黑 不會曬傷,一定且重度曬黑

7 紫外線的分類 依照它們的波長、穿透力以及對人體皮膚所造成的影響或傷害 UVA (波長320-400nm)
UVB (波長 nm) UVC (波長 nm)

8 UVA 隱形的殺手,因為它看不到、穿透力又強,可以透過雲層、穿過玻璃 造成皮膚老化的主因

9 UVB 主要造成急性的傷害─晒傷 亦具有累積的作用,長期曝晒也會造成皮膚的老化及皮膚癌

10 UVC 對人體造成的傷害性最大 已被地球外圍的臭氧層過濾掉
臭氧層每減少 1%,人類的皮膚癌比例就會上升 2%。自1900年以來,地球上的臭氧層至少已經減少了25~30%。也就是說,人類罹患皮膚癌機率提高了將近60%

11 日照與皮膚之變化 短波 中波 長波 UVC UVB UVA 晒 傷 色 素 沉 澱 皮 膚 老 化 皮 膚 癌 290 320 400
200 290 320 400 晒 傷 色 素 沉 澱 皮 膚 老 化 皮 膚 癌

12 Treatment of Photoaging

13 延遲皮膚的老化 最好的方法是盡量防止污染及陽光的傷害 『預防勝於治療』,好好的保養皮膚,比使用各種物理性或化學性的治療為好

14 皮膚老化的預防 超完美防曬

15 Commonly used ingredients in sunscreen
防曬成分名 抗紫外線範圍 Inorganic Titanium oxide (二氧化鈦) UVA&UVB Zinc oxide (氧化鋅) Organic PABA (Para-AminoBenzoic Acid) UVB Padimate O (octyl dimethylPABA) Cinnamates Anthranilates UVA & UVB Benzophenones UVA Parsol 1789 Mexoryl SX

16 認識SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 防曬係數
針對UVB(曬紅)的防護能力 SPF=使用防曬產品曬紅時間/未使用防曬產品曬紅時間 例:10分鐘曬紅,則SPF15 =曬紅時間減慢15倍= 150分鐘曬紅=防曬時間150分鐘 SPF15防曬品可過濾94%的UVB SPF30 可過濾超過97%的UVB 皮膚的防曬乳液厚度為每平方公分兩毫克(2 ㎎/㎝2)


18 UVA防曬係數 PA (UVA防曬指數) —日本系統 IPD 立即預防曬黑反應(立即性色素沉著指數) PPD (持續性色素沉著指數)
PA+=PPD2~4 PA++=PPD4~6 PA+++=PPD6~8 美國皮膚科醫學會建議廣效性防曬產品 必須隔離370nm以上光波,PPD>4 或 PA++

19 UV Protection Factor (UPF)
Good protection (UPF 15-24) % UV radiation Blocked Very good protection (UPF 25-39) % UV radiation Blocked Excellent protection (UPF ) 97.5 or more % UV radiation Blocked

20 紫外線指數 (UVI, UV Index) 每小時的累積量100J/m2=1 UVI 中午陽光最強的一個小時,紫外線到達地面的輻射量
0-2: 微量級 3-4: 低量級 5-6: 中等級 7-9: 過量級 10-15: 危險級 指數10以上,東方人只要曬10至20分鐘,皮膚就會曬紅


22 紫外線防護措施 UVI 0~2 3~4 5~6 7~9 10~15 級數 微弱 弱 中強 強 極強 曬傷時限 … 30min內 20min內
建議及防護措施 帽子或陽傘 +防曬乳 +太陽眼鏡 +待在陰涼處 +長袖衣物 10:00~16:00 最好別外出

23 常見的防曬品重要標示 Hypoallergic (低敏感性) Noncomedogenic (不會造成粉刺) Sweatproof (抗汗)
Water resistant 確保下水後20分鐘內都還有防曬效果 Very water resistant 確保下水後80分鐘內都還有防曬效果

24 理想的太陽眼鏡 必須能濾去百分九十六以上的紫外線,才能避免因紫外線造成的白內障 讓百分之四十以上的可見光透過

25 防晒唇膏 嘴唇﹝尤其是下唇﹞ 長期在陽光下曝曬, 也必須使用防晒唇膏保護 主要成分:
嘴唇﹝尤其是下唇﹞ 長期在陽光下曝曬, 也必須使用防晒唇膏保護 主要成分: 蠟  蜜蠟、巴西蠟(Carnauba wax)、燈心草蠟(Candelilla wax)、白地蠟 油  礦物油、凡士林或植物油 ---荷荷巴油、葡萄仔油、巴西核果油 色料  天然與合成著色劑

26 防曬產品的使用方法 出門前15至30分鐘使用防曬品,讓皮膚充分接觸吸收。
正確的塗抹方式:將足量防曬品擠在指頭上,再塗抹在臉部皮膚,另外不要忘了塗抹鼻子、嘴唇、頸背及耳朵。 以每天使用兩次計算,一瓶一百西西的防曬乳液大約可以使用一個月,即使僅使用在臉部,也須於兩個月內用完。

27 正確的防曬觀念 善用防曬乳液 紫外線可以穿透玻璃、水面達60公分深,所以游泳時要塗上防水性(water-resistant)的防曬產品。
在雪地或是沙灘,紫外線會經由反射或折射到達體表。 高山比平地紫外線強,每增高300公尺,紫外線強度增加8-10%。

28 什麼是好的防晒品 基質要和皮膚性質配合,不太油膩、不過於鹼性,保濕力夠 低敏感性 標示清楚的化學成份、製造日期、有效期限

29 沒有適合每一個人的防晒產品,也沒有最好的防晒產品。視自己的需要選用適合自己的產品

30 遠離紫外線五部曲 年輕的肌膚也要防曬 因為肌膚細嫩,所以更需要特別的呵護 防曬不分男女 不是要美白,而是怕得癌! 防曬不分晴天雨天
防曬是一種基本的保養,不分四季晴雨 陽光最強時避免外出 防曬用品並非是萬靈丹 避免直接暴露



33 皮膚的構造-表皮 角質層、透明層、顆粒層、棘狀層、基底層 基底層:製造表皮的工廠,分裂、增殖、往上移行,皮膚再生,修復受傷皮膚
黑色素細胞:製造黑色素、決定人的膚色、防晒、產生黑斑 角質層:皮膚最表面部份、含有油脂膜和一定量的水份、保護皮膚抵抗微生物、化學物質防止水份、電解質流失,維持體內環境恆定


35 皮膚的構造-真皮 血管:溫度調節, 維持恆溫 淋巴管 神經:感覺冷熱痛癢 汗腺:分泌汗液、散熱 皮脂腺:分泌油脂、潤滑皮膚 毛髮 平滑肌

36 皮膚的構造-皮下組織 脂肪組織 富有彈性,具緩衝作用 儲存能量

37 皮膚的功能 物理屏障 分泌汗液、調節體溫、血壓 感覺冷熱痛癢 再生能力、免疫功能 個人特徵 吸收作用 反應身體狀況

38 皮膚的生理 酸鹼值﹝弱酸, pH ﹞ 含水量 皮脂量 經皮水份喪失﹝皮膚的屏障﹞ 亮度及彩度 彈性 皮膚老化

39 使用膠原蛋白細緻霜前皮膚含水量 90

40 天然的保養品真的比較好? 天然的保養品有兩大類: 動物萃取物﹝胎盤素、膠原素、彈性纖維蛋白、血清﹞
植物萃取物﹝蘆薈、海藻、小麥胚芽、酪梨、大豆卵磷脂、蛋黃素、胡蘿蔔素、百合﹞ 一般擦在表皮的藥物其分子量必須在三千以下,才會被皮膚所吸收;且天然的保養品中某一種具有神奇療效的成份,一般而言其含量都很低,若無特殊的提煉濃縮,也無法達到療效。切記天然的保養品也會產生過敏 給您的建議『適合您的就是最好的保養品,自然的、人工合成的都一樣』

41 Pigmentation Pathway Tyrosinase (酪胺酸酵素)
Tyrosine(酪胺酸)----> DOPA(多巴) ---> DOPA ---> Melanin Tyrosinase (酪胺酸酵素)

42 Pigmentation Pathway Melanin生產線:多階段的化學作用,主要推手是酵素Tyrosinase
Melanin的包裝:以Melanosome存於Melanocyte,並輸出至緊鄰的角質細胞 (Keratinocyte) 戰略伙伴:表皮兩強-Melanocyte 和Keratinocyte。是戰略伙伴,形成所謂的Epidermal Melanin Unit (表皮黑色素單位) 皮膚黑白不在於Melanocyte的多少,而在產生Melanin的能力及Melanosome 的成熟度。


44 Skin Lightening Sunprotection Depigmenting agents Laser

45 Depigmenting agents Phenolic compounds Nonphenolic compounds
Work best when melanosis or melanocytosis is restricted to the epidermis can be divided into several groups: Phenolic compounds Hydroquinone 4-Methoxyphenol 4-Hydroxyanisol Nonphenolic compounds Corticosteroids Tretinoin Azelaic acid N-acetylcysteine L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate Kojic acid Combination formulas Kligman's formula

46 Hydroquinones (對苯二酚,美白)
其美白機理,是凝結酪氨酸酵素,並行黑色素的破壞 其美白效果非常顯著,但是塗擦的範圍,多數人會有明顯的紅斑出現 對苯二酚的副作用並非只是局部發紅,若濃度超過5%時,會引起皮膚吸收的全身性作用,過去曾有引發白斑症的例子出現

47 Hydroquinone Improvement with HQ (monotherapy) is usually observed at 4-6 weeks Plateau at approximately 4 months

48 Arbutin熊果素 結構與對苯二酚相似,經皮膚吸收後,會被水解成對苯二酚跟一分子的葡萄糖,因此,它的作用機轉與對苯二酚雷同

49 Retinoids 調節表皮細胞分化,對細紋、色素斑點和毛孔粗大有療效 維他命A具有保護皮膚與黏膜表皮細胞的作用

50 Combination formulas Kligman formula (克里曼處方 ): in a hydrophilic ointment base 5% HQ 0.1% retinoic acid 0.1% dexamethasone Tri-Luma (汰膚斑): in a cream formulation 0.01% fluocinolone 4% HQ 0.05% tretinoin




54 Kojic Acid (麴酸) 其美白機理是螯合銅離子,使無法形成酪氨酸酵素
因為安全,所以在美白的用量上並無限制,但麴酸不穩定,易變色,因此也添加了許多的抗氧化劑及紫外線吸收劑於配方中 a competitive and reversible inhibitor of animal and plant polyphenol oxidases, xanthine oxidase, and D- and some L-amino acid oxidases. 長期使用麴酸會造成細胞病變毒化(???)   Food Chem Toxicol Jan;42(1):

55 Azelaic acid (杜鵑花酸) 學名是壬二酸,是一個九個碳的分子
杜鵑花酸與杜鵑花(Azalea)一點也沾不上關係,只是湊巧英文拼音類似而已。 是汗斑菌(Pityrosporum ovale)的代謝產物之一;被汗斑菌感染的病人皮膚常會變白 抑制tyrosinase活性 治療粉刺效果100%,丘疹、膿皰的效果65%

56 Paper Mulberry (構樹) 5-(3-2,4-[dihydroxyphenyl]propyl)-3,4-bis (3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1,2-benzenediol From paper mulberry root bark Tyrosinase inhibitor Scavenge free radicals The concentration causing 50% inhibition of the activity of tyrosinase 0.396% paper mulberry 5.5% for HQ 10.0% for kojic acid 1% paper mulberry extract No irritation or sensitization

57 Thioctic Acid (α-Lipoic Acid, α-硫辛酸 )
Disulfide derivative of octanoic acid ROS scavenger and redox regulator Inhibits tyrosinase activity probably by chelating the copper ions

58 Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), and α-linolenic acid (C18:3) suppress pigmentation in vitro Linoleic acid accelerates the degradation of tyrosinase, inhibiting melanogenesis

59 Glabridin 甘草黃酮 (Licorice extract,甘草萃取)
The active agents: liquiritin and isoliquertin Liquiritin induces skin lightening by dispersing melanin Inhibited tyrosinase activity of melanocytes without cytotoxicity Inhibition of superoxide anion production and cyclooxygenase activity UV-B–induced pigmentation and erythema were Inhibited by topical application of 0.5% glabridin 0.4% licorice extract % betamethasone % retinoic acid

60 Aleosin 蘆薈素 From the aloe vera plant
Inhibit tyrosinase by competitive inhibition at the dihydroxyphenylalanine oxidation site Limited ability to penetrate the skin because of its hydrophilic nature

61 維他命C 的作用 促進膠原蛋白生成:參與lysin及proline的氫氧化反應,促進procollagen形成collagen
清除自由基:防止皮膚受損老化 光防護作用(photoprotection):抵抗UVA、UVB所造成的傷害 還原黑色素達到美白的效果 防止紫外線造成免疫抑制

62 c 人體緊張時,維他命C 的消耗量會增加 幫助傷口癒合 抗壞血酸 幫助鐵質 的吸收 抗氧化 對抗病毒、預防 並治療感冒 強化身體的防禦能力

63 維他命C 人一天所需的維他命C是70-75毫克,口服維他命C只有百分之七的量會到達血管末梢的皮膚,直接塗抹劑發揮到深層的量也很有限 離子導入

64 維他命C產品配方之穩定性 產品 穩定性 維他命C粉末(調配) - 鹽類衍生物 +++ Vit C+鋅 + Vit C+鋅+酪胺酸
Vit C包於liposome ++

65 Soybean trypsin inhibitor
3 weeks of raw soy milk application Inhibits the activation of protease activated receptor-2 pathway (PAR-2): reversible a pathway necessary for keratinocyte phagocytosis of melanosomes and melanosome transfer

66 N-acetyl glucosamine Inhibits the glycosylation of tyrosinase
2% N-acetyl glucosamine applied twice daily for 8 weeks in a cosmeceutical moisturizer showed modest pigment lightening NAG 2% + niacinamide 4% formulation

67 Tranexamic acid (傳明酸) 衛生署許可最高濃度3% 抑制tyrosinase activity

68 Chamomile ET (洋甘菊萃取) 衛生署許可最高濃度0.5% 抑制內皮素(endothelin) 抗發炎

69 Ellagic Acid (鞣花酸) 衛生署許可最高濃度0.5% 屬多酚的一種 其美白機理是螯合銅離子,使使酪氨酸酵素不活化

70 化學換膚 角質層 非常淺層 表皮層 淺層 中層 真皮層 深層

71 果酸的化學結構 依氫氧基(OH)在化學結構中的位置 -hyroxy acid (AHA) -hydroxy acid (BHA)
甘醇酸 (glycolic acid) 乳酸 (lactic acid) 酒石酸 (tartaric acid) -hydroxy acid (BHA) 水楊酸 (salicylic acid) ,-hydroxy acid (ABHA) 蘋果酸 (malic acid) 檸檬酸 (citric acid) C O OH H

72 α-Hydroxy acids Act as chelators (calcium ions), reduce epidermal calcium ions cause a loss of calcium ions from the cadherins of the desmosomes and adherens junctions→Disruption of cell adhesion and desquamation Promote cell growth and retard cell differentiation Increease type I collagen mRNA and hyaluronic acid content in human skin

73 Alpha-hydroxy acids (果酸 – 甘醇酸、乳酸)
並無直接美白作用,可促進角質細胞代謝,可間接協助美白 AHA家族包括有檸檬酸、蘋果酸、乳酸、甘醇酸、酒石酸等 從甘蔗中提取的甘醇酸,因為分子量小、吸收穩定,最常用在護膚、換膚 果酸的作用乃在去除過度角化的角質層,同時促進真皮層內膠原纖維,粘多醣蛋白的增生,所以對於日光傷害的皮膚及青春痘、皺紋、黑斑、老人斑及粗糙的肌膚有改善的效果

74 市售果酸與醫療院所果酸 不同果酸濃度的效用 市售保養品:法律規定<15% 醫療院所:20-70% 安全性的問題
<3% :促使老化角質層脫落,讓規則的角質層有較好的→保濕 3-10%:加速角質及少部分上層表皮細胞更新的速度→預防粉刺、加速粉刺脫落 >10% :表皮層增厚,促進真皮層內彈性纖維增生→治痘、除痘疤、抗皺、縮小毛孔、改善粗糙皮膚 市售保養品:法律規定<15% 醫療院所:20-70% 安全性的問題

75 不適合做果酸換膚者 有會擴散的傳染性皮膚病 病毒疣、正在發作的單純皰疹 正有皮膚病 濕疹、紅斑性狼瘡 敏感性膚質 酒糟、孕婦 白斑患者

76 Beta-Hydroxy Acids (BHA) (柔酸, salicylic acid)
對祛除皮膚表層暗啞﹑老化細胞及防止和淡化色斑和色素沉著效果顯著 衛生署藥政處將化妝品所含的水楊酸濃度限制在 %之間,以確定長期使用的安全性

77 植酸(Phytic acid, Inositol hexaphosphate, IP6)
來自豆類或稻、麥等穀皮的化合物 被認為具有對抗癌症的作用,在美國以錠劑的口服保健食品為主 (phytic acid had anti-neoplastic properties in breast, colon, liver, leukemia, prostate, sarcomas, and skin cancer; Complement Ther Med Dec;10(4): ) Topical application of IP6: inhibited skin tumor development significantly in a dose-dependent manner (Nutr Cancer. 2003;46:66-72 ) 造成角質層的自然剝落與更新及抑制酪氨酸脢等效果

78 常用的抗老化產品及治療

79 Retinoids 調節表皮細胞分化,對細紋、色素斑點和毛孔粗大有療效 維他命A具有保護皮膚與黏膜表皮細胞的作用

80 Retinoids 0.05% tretinoin and isotretinion: improve fine and coarse wrinkling and lighten actinic lentigins and mottled hyperpigmentation (36-weeks period) Compaction of the stratum corneum Epidermal hyperplasia Correction of atypia Dispersion of melanin granules Increased dermal collagen synthesis Angiogenesis

81 Retinoid dermatitis occur within first month of treatment
Erythema Scaling Pruritus Burning Stining Dryness

82 Kinerase 凱娜詩 Kinerase的主要成份是N6-furfuryladenine (Kinetin, 凱因庭)
效力與維他命A酸(Retinoids)相同,可以減少細皺紋 沒有刺激性,可以用在最敏感皮膚,即使有Rosacea或異位性皮膚都可以用 有很好的保濕作用 長期使用會減輕皮膚黑斑,雀斑的顏色 Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 15;201(2):665-72, 1994.

83 Antioxidants Limited efficiency of sunscreens
No one product provides excellent protection over the whole UVA range ( nm) Most people apply sunscreen 0.5 mg/cm2 UV-induced DNA damage and immunosuppression are still present at suberythemal levels of irradiation Components of sunscreens and their photoproducts: free radicals

84 維他命C 的作用 促進膠原蛋白生成:參與lysin及proline的氫氧化反應,促進procollagen形成collagen
清除自由基:防止皮膚受損老化 光防護作用(photoprotection):抵抗UVA、UVB所造成的傷害 還原黑色素達到美白的效果 防止紫外線造成免疫抑制

85 維他命C 人一天所需的維他命C是70-75毫克,口服維他命C只有百分之七的量會到達血管末梢的皮膚,直接塗抹劑發揮到深層的量也很有限 離子導入

86 Vitamin E (Tocopherols)
90% of tissue Vit E:α- tocopherol Topical α- tocopherol Prevent UV-induced free radical formation Protect endogenous epidermal antioxidants Prevent lipid peroxidation Prevent UV-induced systemic immunisuppresion

87 維他命 E 抗氧化劑,改善皮膚的細紋,讓皮膚更細緻

88 Cosmetics contain tocopheryl acetate or other tocopheryl esters
No direct antioxidant properties Not tocopherol precursors owing to the lack of adequate esterase in the skin

89 Antioxidants: Oral supplements
Combination of l-proline, l-lysine, manganese, copper, zinc, quercetin, grape seed extract, N-acetyl d-glucosamine, and glucosamine sulfate was shown to improve wrinkles by 34% Combination of vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoid, selenium, and proanthocyanidin led to a significant decrease in induction of MMP after UV exposure

90 輔酵素Q10 (CoQ10) 輔脢Q10 (Coenzyme Q10)為一種極易氧化的脂溶性抗氧化劑,可以停止自由基的發生,此種酵素位於粒線體(mitochondria)內,它和維他命K有相似的結構 肝臟是合成Q10的主要場所,但隨年老、疾病的發生,人體製造Q10的能力會降低,我們也能從肉類、魚類,綠色蔬菜等食物中攝取少量Q10。更有研究顯示輔酵素Q10缺乏是加速老化的原因 用於心臟、胃腸或腦神經的保健 抗氧化、消滅自由基,所以對減緩細胞老化、修復受損的膠原纖維,有一定效果;臨床試驗便曾證實,CoQ10可減少2、3成皺紋,確能預防老化 Biofactors. 1999;9(2-4):371-8.

91 α-Lipoic acid (α-硫辛酸) An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that has been previously shown to reduce the production of transcription factors such as NF-κB and indirectly affect the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines

92 α-Lipoic acid (α-硫辛酸) One of the most visible roles of lipoic acid is as a cofactor in aerobic metabolism, specifically the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Since the early 1990s lipoic acid has been used as a dietary supplement, typically at doses in the range of 100–200 mg/day. Treatment with 5% α-lipoic acid has led to significant improvements in clinical and objective measurements of photoaging, including laser profilometry Br J Dermatol 149; 841–849, 2003

93 Estrogens Oral estrogen use was associated with a statistically significant decrease in the risk for dry skin and wrinkling Topical estrogen therapy can also lead to significant increases in collagen, firmness, and elasticity, as well as wrinkle depth measured by optical profilometry Int J Dermatol 35:669-74, 1996.

94 Growth factors and cytokines
Topical application of a combination of growth factors and cytokines has been evaluated in a pilot study for its effect on photoaged skin A majority of patients showed clinical improvement in at least one facial area and a significant change in objective measurements by optical profilometry New collagen formation was observed in biopsy specimens

95 FROP-3 Fucose-rich oligo- and polysaccharide
Stimulation of fibroblast proliferation Downregulation of skin matrix degrading enzymes as matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 Free radical scavenging Increase of skin elastin biosynthesis Improvement of collagen fibrillogenesis Increases glycosamino-glycan biosynthesis in fibroblast cultures Skin Research and Technology 2005; 11: 47–52

96 FROP-3 In a pilot study examining skin-surface microrelief, the pattern of fine wrinkling found in skin of any age, a cream containing FROP-3 showed a 10- to 15-year decrease in apparent age after 4 weeks of treatment

97 Emerging Therapies

98 Antioxidants Oral soy isoflavones (大豆異黃酮)
can enhance the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes and protect against UV-induced aging 大豆異黃酮主要來自於豆類植物的子葉與胚軸部分,含量約0.2~0.4%。是大豆生長中所形成的一次代謝產物,其天然存在的大豆異黃酮共有12種,主要有效六種成分及含量分別為:23% Daidzin(D)、64% Genistin(G)、13% Glycitin和極少量的Daidzein(De)、Genistein(Ge)、Glycitein

99 Antioxidants Topical genistein (金雀異黃素) and N-acetyl cysteines (NAC, N-乙醯基-L-半胱氨酸 ) prevent c-Jun and collagenase up-regulation after UV exposure in human skin in vivo an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase activity and may inhibit signal transduction induced by UV light

100 Antioxidants Gluconolactone (內酯型葡萄糖酸)
a polyhydroxy acid capable of chelating metals and may also function by scavenging free radicals, thereby protecting skin from some of the damaging effects of UV radiation a preventive treatment for solar elastosis

101 Antioxidants Green tea polyphenols (GTPs) potent antioxidants
Oral administration of GTPs markedly inhibited UV-induced expression of MMP in mouse skin. Even in the absence of UV light, (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a component of green tea, was shown to inhibit the expression of various MMPs

102 Silmarin Silymarin水飛薊是一種名為「乳薊」(Milk Thistle)植物的精華提取物,專用作治療肝臟毛病
1968年,乳薊含有三種具有護肝功能的成分: silibinin, silidianin及silicristin 對肝臟細胞形成一層保護膜,阻擋毒性物質,特別是酒精及環境污染物(農藥、重金屬等)入侵損害肝臟。對於一些急性肝中毒的病症,水飛薊能有一定的解毒功效 具有強力的抗氧化功能,能保護肝臟細胞免受自由基破壞,效力遠勝於維生素E 促進蛋白質的合成 蒙娜麗莎舒敏乳霜  

103 Grape seed Grape seed proanthycyanidin extract (GSPE): are a group of biologically active polyphenolic bioflavonoids Strong antioxidants (Clin Cancer Res 6: , 2000) GSPE containing 5000 ppm resveratrol: Potently upregulates oxidant and tumor necrosis factor-alpha inducible VEGF expression in human keratinocytes (Free Radic Biol Med 31:38-42, 2001)

104 Grape seed Topical application of GSPE accelerated wound contraction and closure, represents a feasible and productive approach to support dermal wound healing (Free Radic Biol Med 33: ; 2003)

105 Ginkgo biloba 葉片中含非常豐富的抗氧化劑,能抑制自由基的形成
銀杏黃酮配醣體(Gingoflavonglycoside)、過氧化歧化酶( Super Oxide dismutase,簡稱SOD)為主

106 Ginger extracts Metallothionein (金屬硫蛋白 ) Evening Primrose (月見草) CoffeeBerry

107 Iron chelators MMP activation is dependent on iron, the iron chelator kojic acid was investigated to determine its potential preventive effects on photoaging Kojic acid is produced by the fungus Aspergillus oryzae and is found in Japanese soy-based products

108 Anti-inflammatory agents
The protective effects of topical hydrocortisone, naproxen, and ibuprofen were examined in the hairless mouse. Celecoxib has been shown to reduce inflammation caused by short- and long-term UV exposure.

109 Minerals: 硒(Selenium)
硒的抗癌機制,是保護細胞膜、避免自由基侵襲,增加細胞的健康。在「善存」中每顆含有硒 25mcg,所以您若要「每天攝取硒 200mcg,減少攝護腺癌發生機會63%、直腸癌53%、肺癌46%。」 大蒜、洋蔥、鮪魚、鯡魚、綠花椰菜、小麥胚芽、全穀物、芝麻、紅葡萄、蛋黃、香菇中都含有硒

110 理膚保水 (La Roche-Posay ) 藥劑研究室所研發之產品均加入理膚寶水溫泉水。經過法國地理及礦物研究局 BRGM 測試,理膚寶水溫泉水含有 “硒 、 銅、鋅”等微量元素 硒 60 ug/L 二氧化矽 30mg/L 重碳酸鹽 396mg/L 碳 140mg/L 微量元素     


112 雷公根 平地至1200公尺的山區 用途:藥用:袪風、固腸、明目清暑。在野外被蚊蟲叮咬,可以找雷公根,把葉子揉爛,抹在被叮的地方,可以止癢
性味功能 味甘 ,性涼。消炎解毒 ,涼血生津 ,清熱利濕 主治用法 :傳染性肝炎、麻疹、扁桃體炎、咽喉炎、支氣管炎、尿路感染 、結石 ;斷腸草、砒霜 、蕈中毒;外用治毒蛇咬傷 、疔瘡腫毒、外傷出血 ,鮮品搗敷患處


Clinical study ORIGINAL MEASURES a CLINICAL MORPHING™ Video-morphing made on not retouched IN VIVO photos. DERMAL PROTEINS DOSAGE Molecular marking on biopsies : b T T1,5m T3m T4,5m T6m Collagens Type I, III, IV, VII GAG PG Elastin MMP 1 et 9 N.B.:based on biopsies from the clinical pivot study on Active c. the molecular marking focused on only 2 types of derma proteins: collagens 1 and III. Samples were only taken at T6 months. Results were compared to Active C T6 months against placebo. For Redermic the biopsies were taken at T0 and at T6 months, which enabled comparison of T6mths v.s. the control and also v.s.T0.

115 「艾地苯」(Idebenone) Idebenone is a synthetic analog of coenzyme Q10. This lower molecular weight molecule is presumed to penetrate skin more efficiently than its parent compound.

116 「艾地苯」(Idebenone)

117 Tertiary therapies Chemical peels Resurfacing techniques Laser systems

118 化學換膚 角質層 非常淺層 表皮層 淺層 中層 真皮層 深層

119 Phenol Peeling




123 Radiofrequency technology
Produce an electric current that generates heat through resistance in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue Reflect collagen contraction followed by secondary collagen synthesis and remodeling Adverse events: erythema, soreness, and second-degree burning

124 Botulinum toxins Exotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum that prevents local neuromuscular transmission The toxin facilitates cleavage of synaptosomal associated membrane protein (SNAP)-25, which is required for exocytosis of acetylcholine, thereby inhibiting muscle contraction

125 Botulinum Toxin A Injection


127 Soft tissue augmentation, Filler
Autologous lipoaugmentation Bovine collagen An acellular dermal graft derived from human cadavers Hyaluronic acid (HA) derivatives A mixture of microspheres of polymethyl-methacrylate (20%) and bovine collagen (80%)


129 保養其實很簡單 其實保養可以很簡單,只要幾種基礎的保養品就可以讓你一樣粉嫩動人 清潔卸妝:清除臉部的污垢、油脂,減輕皮膚負擔讓毛孔通暢透氣
保濕滋潤:用一點化妝水、乳液,不要讓肌膚缺少水份,乾燥是皮膚老化的大敵 防曬隔離:隔離紫外線對皮膚的傷害,拒絕黑斑和皺紋;一般性的皮膚只要做到清潔、保濕、防曬,就可以健康水嫩 功能性保養:有很多新產品和成分都可以使用,敷臉、去角質、美白、抗皺、除斑,但自己要選擇適合自己的膚質及需要,不要反而過敏受傷 化妝:要綻放你的美麗粉底、眼影、口紅、彩妝都可以讓美麗加分,但是不要增加皮膚的負擔

130 恢復皮膚的活力 除卻歲月不是夢!!

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