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Class 15 I used to sing. – Chapter 11.

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1 Class 15 I used to sing. – Chapter 11

2 Schedule 16 week presentation 17 week P. 76.77.78. 80. Quiz 4
chapter 空英

3 Today’s missions Review + Finish Reading deciding dialogues
for presentation

4 Reading 1: Superstar Cameron Diaz
Blonde 金髮女人 Cameron Michelle Diaz was born on … in … . Cuban-American 古巴裔美國人 As a kid, she says she used to be “adventurous, independent, and tough (固執的).” She and her sister, Chimene, used to fight all the time.

5 Reading 2: Find the whole verbs. attend 上..學校,前往..學校
modeling 模特兒的 Elite Modeling Agency Find the whole verbs. attended Long Beach Polytechnic High … had a reputation, used to be a member of…, loved going to parties, discovered her, helped her get a contract

6 Reading 2: Diaz attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School, where she had a reputation for always being late. 狄亞姿讀長灘綜合科技高中,在那兒她留下常遲到的印象。 She used to be a member of the Polyettes, the high school’s dance team that performed at football games. 她曾是Polyettes(高中在足球比賽表演的舞蹈社)的成員

7 Reading 3: modeling career
She did commercials for products such as Coca-cola, Nivea, and L.A. Gear(設備). commercial a. 商業的、商務的 n. 電視廣告

8 Reading 4: audition 試演、試唱 sign up for acting lessons報名參加表演課程
perfect fiancée “My Best Friend’s Wedding””新娘不是我” superstar “There’s Something About Mary ” ”哈拉瑪麗”

9 Reading 4: Michael 在18歲時回到台北,沒有歌唱經驗,他在電影”面具”中試唱一角,出乎他的意料,他得到最佳歌手獎,然後他報名參加表演課程。 Translation it in English please !

10 Reading 5: surfing accident 衝浪意外
It’s hard to believe she used to think she looked plain when she was younger! 很難相信她曾認為她小時候看起來很平凡!

11 Reading 4: Michael 在18歲時回到台北,沒有歌唱經驗,他在電影”面具”中試唱一角,出乎他的意料,他得到最佳歌手獎。
Michael returned to Taipei at the age of 18. With no singing experience, he auditioned for a part in the movie “The Mask”. To his surprise, he won the prize of the best singer.

12 Language practice I used to be in the drama club.
Did you use to sing when you were younger? Yes, I did. I used to be in the school choir. No, I didn’t. I didn’t use to sing, but I used to dance. I never used to like classical music, but now I love it !

13 (一) used to 「used to+原V 」
「過去曾經如何如何」或「過去經常如何如何」或「過去曾經是如何如何」或「過去常常是如何如何」。 指的是以前的情況或以前曾經發生的事情或以前經常發生的事情。全部都是「過去的」,但並不一定是過去的「習慣」,可以是只發生一次,也可以是經常發生 比如「你有去過賞鯨嗎?」「Have you ever gone whale watching?」,「有啊,我曾經去過一次」Yes, I used to go whale watching once.」。賞鯨不是過去的「習慣」,是以前「曾經」發生過的事情。

14 (二) be used to 或 get used to (become used to)
至於 be used to或 get used to (become used to) 則 與 be familiar with 或 be accustomed to相似, 有習慣於... ,見怪不怪的意思,強調的是發生的次數很多,很頻繁,發生的次數很多,已經習慣了,見怪不怪了。可以是現在習慣於....,也可以是過去習慣於....。 be used to習慣於,get used to (become used to)逐漸習慣於, 都是形容詞,後面接的受詞是一個名詞,代名詞,動名詞或名詞子句等具有名詞性質的字句,可以是人或是事或是物。 She is used to hard work. 她習慣於艱苦工作。

15 Listening: Rossi family recording
Carl Rossi is making an audio history of my family. is going to talk to his dad and grandfather to find out what they used to do when they were his age

16 Listening: Rossi family recording
Franco Rossi Born in Italy 1. When did you come to live in the United States? 2. Did you come from Italy to California? No. New York, Long island 3. Did you use to have a TV …. cartoons (was little), comedy shows 4. In those days, like years age, you didn’t have computers, DVDs, or things like that, right? So, what else did you use to do in your free time… go dancing, to the movies, hang out with friends(打發、消磨時間) 5. Did you use to hang out at the mall

17 Listening: Rossi family recording
Giorgio Rossi -- dad’s dad – grandfather – gramps (口)爺爺、外公 1. Were you born there too? 2. Did you go to school and stuff there? stuff (口) 抽象的 thing、東東 3. Did you use to have a TV when you were a kid? 4. What did you use to do … when you were a kid? used to go to the beach, used to play soccer or go for long walks 5. Did you use to hang out at the mall … didn’t have shopping mall stores

18 Dialogues For presentation

19 Dialogue 1 Making speculation
A: What animal has four paws, fur, and a tail? B: Is it a lion? A: No. It has stripes. B: A tiger? A: That’s right!

20 Dialogue 2 Making speculation P. 69
A: It is blue-gray in color. It doesn’t have any teeth. It is the largest animal on earth. B: It could be a shark. But it doesn’t have any teeth! So it must be a whale!

21 Dialogue 3 Did you belong to a club in school? (a team) Yes, I did.
Which one? The chess club. (your answer)

22 Dialogue 4 P.65 Conversation: Painting

23 Presentation Pair work Choose 2 from 4 dialogues

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