For The Bread And For The Wine

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1 For The Bread And For The Wine
#683 為著這餅和這杯 For The Bread And For The Wine Horatius Bonar Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874 CCLI # CCLI # 1

2 為著這餅和這杯 為著神子曾降卑 為著神恩如雨沛 主, 我們感謝祢
1. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 為著這餅和這杯 For the bread and for the wine 為著神子曾降卑 For the pledge that seals Him mine 為著神恩如雨沛 For the words of love divine 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 1 of 8 CCLI # 2

3 依然是酒, 依然餅 藉此信心卻看明 愛主神聖的小影 主, 我們感謝祢
2. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 依然是酒, 依然餅 Only bread and only wine 藉此信心卻看明 Yet to faith, the solemn sign 愛主神聖的小影 Of the heav’nly and divine! 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 2 of 8 CCLI # 3

4 為著你曾召我們 舉目仰望祢救恩 藉著信心近祢身 主, 我們感謝祢
3. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 為著你曾召我們 For the words that turn our eye 舉目仰望祢救恩 To the cross of Calvary 藉著信心近祢身 Bidding us in faith draw nigh 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 3 of 8 CCLI # 4

5 為著祢曾發命令 要我記念祢行徑 何等溫柔何等貧 主, 我們感謝祢
4. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 為著祢曾發命令 For the words that fragrance breathe 要我記念祢行徑 These plain symbols underneath 何等溫柔何等貧 Words that His own peace bequeath 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 4 of 8 CCLI # 5

6 為著祢曾用慈愛 引我想家在天外 “行此,直等到我來” 主, 我們感謝祢 For Thy words in Spirit shown
5. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 為著祢曾用慈愛 For Thy words in Spirit shown 引我想家在天外 For Thy will to us made known “行此,直等到我來” “Do ye this until I come,” 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 5 of 8 CCLI # 6

7 直到祂來我擘餅 表明祂作我生命 為我睡了為我醒 主, 我們感謝祢
6. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 直到祂來我擘餅 Till He come we take the bread 表明祂作我生命 Type of Him on whom we feed 為我睡了為我醒 Him who liveth and was dead! 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 6 of 8 CCLI # 7

8 直到祂來我飲杯 表明祂賜福全備 使我站在新地位 主, 我們感謝祢
7. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 直到祂來我飲杯 Till He come we take the cup 表明祂賜福全備 As we at His table sup 使我站在新地位 Eye and heart are lifted up! 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 7 of 8 CCLI # 8

9 為著再來的囑咐 為著那日的緊速 為著榮耀和國度 主, 我們感謝祢
8. 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine 為著再來的囑咐 For that coming, here foreshown 為著那日的緊速 For that day to man unknown 為著榮耀和國度 For the glory and the throne 主, 我們感謝祢 We give Thee thanks, O Lord 683 – 為著這餅和這杯 For the Bread and for the Wine CCLI # 8 of 8 CCLI # 9

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